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SirGeraint last won the day on August 7 2015

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  1. Thanks for the reply. I measured the size of my battery pack (215mm total circumference; smaller than the 9B1 battery pack). What I was wondering is if I should get the PVC Heat shrink 5% bigger, 10%, 20%? I was thinking that I read that you are supposed to get it a bit bigger than the actual size (like maybe 5% bigger wasn't optimal and that you should pick a larger size). Of course, if you get it too big it won't be able to shrink enough. Do you know? Thanks. FYI, this is the URL I was thinking about ordering from. They seem to have a lot of large sizes. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/180MM-lithium-batteries-lithium-heat-shrink-tubing-heat-shrink-film-sleeve-0-18MM-thick-high-quality/1843922060.html?spm=2114.01020208.3.9.rwhvMq&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_7_79_78_77_80,searchweb201644_5,searchweb201560_7
  2. I need to buy some PVC heat shrink tubing for a battery pack. Should I buy a certain percentage larger than the actual size of the pack?
  3. Then you will need some time to learn to ride. But it sounds like neither of us live very close to the border so it would be quite a drive for both of us since we don't live in the same state.
  4. I wish I was in a place where I could meet up with a group. Also, I keep waiting for the "No Motor Vehicles" person. I know I won't have time to say much so I'm always ready to say "It's excluded!". So far no one has said anything... I am sure many are thinking it.
  5. Sounds like fun. Good luck. I have dd-wrt on 3 of the 4 routers in my house. I've had to use a JTAG on one of them.
  6. @Michael Vu, I enjoyed watching your videos. (I enjoyed your dog walking video a while back. I still need to try that with my 3 dogs (one at a time).) Thanks for posting. If I am ever in San Antonio now I will know some places to ride.
  7. I figured there weren't any EU riders in my area. But today I saw one on the Local News. So there's at least one. If there's one on the news then maybe there are more. I think it would be fun to ride with other EU's. So if anyone is interested let me know.
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