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Shipping back to China

Michael Vu

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So my friend and I are in a similar situation with our Firewheels. Long story short, both our firewheels are broken but Firewheel the company has agreed to fix/replace them under warranty. However they are insisted that we choose a shipper than will avoid any tariffs and taxes since its obvious that they don't not want to pay for these costs themselves......

So any recommendations on how to ship our wheels over? We are both in America.

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AFAIK USPS is your best option to send packages from US to China.

The customs for USPS packages are not as strict as others like FedEx, DHL, UPS etc.

But still there are small possibilities for taxes, which will be charged to the receiver for being allowed to pick the packages up at the nearest local Post Office.

Good luck!

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13 hours ago, Michael Vu said:

So my friend and I are in a similar situation with our Firewheels. Long story short, both our firewheels are broken but Firewheel the company has agreed to fix/replace them under warranty. However they are insisted that we choose a shipper than will avoid any tariffs and taxes since its obvious that they don't not want to pay for these costs themselves......

So any recommendations on how to ship our wheels over? We are both in America.

Unfortunately I have no idea which courier to use, but I'd be interested to know what broke in your Firewheels (if you know)? Unless you've posted about it elsewhere, I'm still reading through a huge post backlog that has built up since Friday night/Saturday morning :D

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14 hours ago, Michael Vu said:

So my friend and I are in a similar situation with our Firewheels. Long story short, both our firewheels are broken but Firewheel the company has agreed to fix/replace them under warranty. However they are insisted that we choose a shipper than will avoid any tariffs and taxes since its obvious that they don't not want to pay for these costs themselves......

So any recommendations on how to ship our wheels over? We are both in America.

There're to common problems:

The cables to the motor have been damaged at the spring (which should protect the cables) coming out of the shaft (mainly version 1 without the ride mode switch)

The mainboard has blown mosfets

Both can be fixed by self. Firewheel should send you the broken parts. Make a tear down and post photos. We'll guide you.

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@Michael Vu I have never been able to find a cheap way to ship to China, which makes warranty returns almost impossible. When I had a problem with a GoPro camera clone I ended up getting the seller to just give me a discount on a new one rather than a free replacement because the tiny little camera was going to cost $50 to ship back.

Both @esaj and I have rebuilt our Firewheels a few times, if you can get them to send you parts you could try doing your own repairs. When I had problems they ended up sending me a new control board AND a new battery to get it going, so I felt like at least they were trying to make it right. If you decide to go that route we can open a thread in Repairs to track things and I can Skype with you if you need some real-time help.

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  • 3 months later...
On ‎11‎.‎11‎.‎2015 at 8:36 AM, Michael Vu said:

Both our issues don't pertain with what you said I don't think.... especially with me. My buddy has low battery behavior even though it shows 99% battery. He has had his firewheel for only a couple weeks.

One of the batteriy packs has one or more faulty cells. So you've in general the volatge but not full capacity. The battery indicator Shows voltage converted to % of capacity. Can be done by self with a multimeter (find the faulty pack) and screwdriver.

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