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    Solowheel Xtreme

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  1. That's one of my reasons for asking if anyone else has done it so that I stick with a trident rusted replacement there must be BA better version of the existing batteries at least by now I mean it's quite a few years old.
  2. Ok so the battery in my solowheel xtreme has been dead for quite a while now and it was never a great battery for distance in the first place, I wonder if anyone has found an upgraded battery replacement because whilst I could buy a better wheel I quite like the idea of keeping my existing one and improving it. Thanks.
  3. the average person walks at about four miles an hour, I have never kept up walking with an invalid carriage, many of them should be on the road and be taxed, I think you are working way too much.
  4. They have very few legal powers at all as far as I am aware, they can issue a fixed penalty notice but I would be intrigued as to what it Would actually be for?? I would point out the number of invalid carriages that are road legal but use the pavement to.
  5. Sums to be a lot off this poor service around art the minute, hope you get it sorted.
  6. I suspect she will get a pat on the back for being sensible and engaging with the public.
  7. A long time ago, waiting for me to put a new rear bearing on. Bought it drunk for 150 of ebay as non working, only needed a fuse replacing. It's an appreciating asset so I keep telling the wife.
  8. There was the same hysteria with quadcopter/Drones, i have one of those too, and as long as you arent an idiot nobody gives you any notice except to say what is it its coool where did you get it?? Remeber these laws have been around over 20 years since the sinclair c5 (have one of those in my shed too)
  9. Just buy one, there are few enough police about as it is never mind having this on their plate as well. As long as you use common sense, give pedestrians a good wide berth you will be fine. I have had nothing but admiring looks from the police and the community support officers that have seen me out and about on mine, not stopped once yet and unless someone complains i tried to run them over probably not likely to be.
  10. Show an ad about an euc toning your bod with little or no Effort and the ladies would be on it like a tramp on chips, as an enjoyment device or transport, no. How many skateboarders scooter riders over about 9 do you see that are female?? About 0.
  11. That is vey nice, car wise i have a classic mini cooper S, a metro turbo powered classic mini, (Not quite as prone to rust as the alfas but still bad enough) and a MK 1 Focus rs as my daily toy, but is getting very little use at the minute as the weather is nice so the euc and trikke are getting used instead.
  12. Does anyone else have other toys for transportation outside their eucs,?? I get quite a few odd looks on my travels as weather permitting, if not out and about on my euc I am normally on my trikke.
  13. You need a trikke, to go with your euc, way more challenging than a kick scooter, i have the t12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2yEYLAVk6Y To answer your question as to what makes them so fun, for me the learning is very fun, but also the effortlessness of getting around on one, is very addictive too.
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