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Msuper x finally arrived but.. BENT rim?!


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After 10 weeks of waiting I would say I am the ‘proud’ owner of the Msuper X... but.. out of the box one side of pedal actually rubs against the shell when closed and unit has  already arrived scratched- the other side there is a few mm gap to avoid it hitting the shell.

More worrying the wheel doesn’t run true and there is a bit of wobble- I’ve done the toothpick test and either the rim or the axle seems BENT! 

Very curious to see if any other owners have a entirely true wheel? Or whether there is a tolerance?

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Some photos/videos might help to judge what's going on. Hard to say from your description.

Sounds like a China import. Where did you buy from?

You can't expect Gotways to be perfectly zero-tolerance built, but your description seems more like it has real problems from the start. Try to return it. Hoping you have something like buyer protection (getting money back on Ali etc) to "motivate" the dealer to fix this.

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Thanks for your response.. 

a couple of vids 


really sorry about the quality of the vids. In the first vid look out for the pencil moving. 

i get that’s it won’t be 100% perfect when you compare it to other wheels brands and  I bought the wheel knowing that about Gotway previous reputation. I just wanted to know if other msx owners have the same problem and you accept it or if i have a faulty wheel? 

Btw i can massage the tyre to make it ride straight but I think it’s the rim or the axle alignment.  

Thankfully I bought it from speedyfeet so will speak to them tomorrow 

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You bought from Speedyfeet? Then don't worry, if Ian is known for one thing, it's great customer service (I thought the 10 weeks related to a China import, but it was just the wait time of his China batch import:efee47c9c8:).


In the first video, I don't see anything problematic. That seems minimal deviation from the norm.

Second video, I'm not 100% sure. Might be ok, might be bordering on "too much". I strongly tend towards "totally fine". Just checked on my ACM and it also wobbles like this a bit, but that's zero problem.

Also, is it the tire or the rim itself? You could deflate the tire, wiggle the tube around a bit so it's loose in there, wiggle the tire so it reseats evenly, and reinflate. Maybe it turns out it's only the tire (or it gets a bit better). (Seems you already did that.)

The important question:

Do you feel that when riding (or lifting the wheel) as any kind of notable imbalance? (No wheel will run 100% super smooth though, if only for the valve stem causing imbalance)
If you feel nothing unusual, there is no problem. If you do, obviously it is a problem, then just send it back and let Ian give you a new wheel and deal with it.

TLDR: This would only be a problem if you feel it and it disturbs you when riding. I think it's completely fine (only you can tell). You're probably just hyper-vigilant with your new wheel, I was like this too, wondering about every single sound it made etc.:efee47c9c8:

(Also I'm not sure other manufacturers would be better in this regard. This just seems standard for our China quality wheels. And importantly, that is no problem, even if it could be nicer.)


Maybe actual msuper X owners can chime in and say what they think. @Marty Backe Hi.

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As @meepmeepmayer asks, how does the wheel ride? From the videos I see nothing worrisome. One of my ACM tires is offset an easy 1/16-inch to one side. Zero effects on the ride quality. Our wheels are amazingly insensitive to tire/motor asymmetries. The body adjusts.

Again, assuming that the wheel rides fine, you are probably just being a bit hyper-sensitive to anything not apparently perfect. Probably because of your concerns about buying a Gotway wheel - you've been sensitized to notice any peculiarity.

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spoke to Ian this morning and he posted this response which totally makes sense im happy with - see below 

May you are right @Marty Backe maybe i was expecting to much! Yea it rides fine so i will start to enjoy it. Thanks Chaps 

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10 hours ago, kangzy said:

spoke to Ian this morning and he posted this response which totally makes sense im happy with - see below 

May you are right @Marty Backe maybe i was expecting to much! Yea it rides fine so i will start to enjoy it. Thanks Chaps 

Your MSX tire looks very robust - quite different from what I (and many others) have.  Can you share with us the tire manufacture, part number, size, etc?  Many thanks.

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57 minutes ago, EU_commuter said:

Your MSX tire looks very robust - quite different from what I (and many others) have.  Can you share with us the tire manufacture, part number, size, etc?  Many thanks.

The tire in video you quoted is on a KS18L not an MSX.

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