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Can´t ride my MSuper 3s+


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Hi all.

I have been reading this forum since 4 months.

The last month i buy my first EUC, a Gotway Msuper 3s+.

I am trying to ride it, but it´s imposible. After 20-25 m, the body of the Msuper goes back until it take an angle like this \.

I have try to calibrate it from the aplication in several diferent angels, buy it does not work. Also, i tryed to change my feets position but i have had the same results.

I don´t know if it is my fault or it´s a gyroscope issue.

You can check the next image to see what i am telling.


I hope some one can help me.


P.D.: Sorry for my poor english :).

P.D.2: I dont know if this forum have a presentation place

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4 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Maybe you have set tiltback at a very low speed? Use the app to set tiltback at a higher speed and see what happens.

Ummm...I don´t know if I do that:efefa6edcf:. I used the "Gotway" and the "DarknessBot" APPs. Can you explain me where i must to do? (or where i can see in video,jeje).

Thanks for your answer.

I will tell you if i do it and what happens.

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My MSuper did the same thing. If you use the DarkessBot app it will let you set tilt to 50. The MSuper only goes 48 so it defaults to 5 or something like that. 

So when using the DarknessBot app do not set tilt above 48 on the MSuper v3s+

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On 10/13/2018 at 9:12 PM, meepmeepmayer said:

Maybe you have set tiltback at a very low speed? Use the app to set tiltback at a higher speed and see what happens.


On 10/13/2018 at 9:33 PM, RockyTop said:

My MSuper did the same thing. If you use the DarkessBot app it will let you set tilt to 50. The MSuper only goes 48 so it defaults to 5 or something like that. 

So when using the DarknessBot app do not set tilt above 48 on the MSuper v3s+


21 hours ago, Shad0z said:

Try to calibrate it. Then go to gotway app and choose a tiltback speed. And then afterwards press close all tiltback.


19 hours ago, diegoxxx said:

you have a small tiltback speed you need bigger setting

You all are the f***ng best!!

I ride today and it has been wonderfull!!

Absulutely diferent. 2 weeks ago i was thinking that it will be imposible riding my EUC and today I ride it whiout any problems.


Thanks again for giving me the solution.

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7 hours ago, Ipmateos said:




You all are the f***ng best!!

I ride today and it has been wonderfull!!

Absulutely diferent. 2 weeks ago i was thinking that it will be imposible riding my EUC and today I ride it whiout any problems.


Thanks again for giving me the solution.

Yay. Happy for you :D

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