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winterwheel last won the day on November 30 2022

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About winterwheel

  • Birthday 06/22/2017

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    EX, RS/HT, S18, T2, 16S, 14D, MTen3

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  1. When I started teaching (5-6 years ago) I had many students from all walks of life coming out for training. I had pilots putting them in their planes to get to town from rural airports, and sailors putting them into their boats to use when then they landed in ports in the Caribbean. Then wheels got faster and gear-wearing got intense and the demographics changed from everyday people to, I'll say, adventure riders. And we lost the regular folk, who generally see a geared up dude riding at speed and think, "yeah, looks cool, but not for me". That said, functional things will almost find a way into the market and wheels are amazingly functional, easily the most efficient and practical way to get around for trips 10kms or less. We'll get there, we just have to wait a bit for more casual riders to come back into the market.
  2. Since I ride daily without a helmet, and have been for eight years, I don't need you to educate me about my riding experience.
  3. I'd only add that some gear, particularly wearing many types of helmets, actually make accidents more likely as they inhibit vision and hearing.
  4. I've been riding for two weeks with power pads now. I appreciate the things you get -- mainly it's easier to ride up hills. Super happy get them the f*** off my wheel.
  5. Eye protection is the only gear I wear, these would be absolutely perfect for me -- I'm constantly wrestling with my watch and/or phone to see my current speed and remaining battery %.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion. But...some of my MTens have inner tubes already; doesn't seem to help.
  7. A long time ago I bought a solid tire for my MTen3s to test out. (MTen3 tires are constantly going flat on me.) Finally got around to mounting it yesterday and ... it didn't fit. The rim size is right, but the rim has an internal channel that isn't the same size as the inner part of the wheel. So the one side of the wheel sits higher than the other depending on which side of tire is seating in the channel. Has anyone else tried putting a solid tire on an MTen3 and if so, was it successful and if so, exactly what tire was used?
  8. Kilburn accident sees girl, 11, hit by 'electric unicycle' near London Underground station - MyLondon
  9. the other 10% are the ones who post constantly
  10. I sometimes think I'm the only one who isn't scared of his ride.
  11. If I ever came to seriously think these things can't be ridden safely I would stop riding them.
  12. FWIW - what the manufacturer is trying to do here is protect the small number of wheel retailers from putting each other out of business. The price that the manufacturer gets is the same either way. As a one-time, small-scale seller of wheels I can tell you that it is pretty disheartening when the big vendors price their wheels in a way that is impossible for the smaller players to match.
  13. Official action shot from our first demo day for the local baseball team in front of 2600 fans. There are a few more (not shown) portable features around the infield. We have three more dates scheduled, with close to 6k fans expected for each game. After the game we spent two hours giving demo rides to kids down on the field. The jumper here is Gavin; being his 11th birthday he was picked to deliver the ceremonial first pitch, which he did from his wheel.
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