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  1. Hi @z3n thank you for your reply. Indeed it turned out it's been the defective charger what caused the problem. When I tried it the other day, the charger started to blink even before I plugged it to the wheel, so there was no dispute any more. I ordered a new one. It will take 1 month for delivery. It's going to be a long month... ?
  2. Hi Guys, when I plug in the charger, the green light should turn from green to red (start charging) but it doesn't. When I plug it in, the green light pretends to turn red but immediately shut off and in a second it blinks again and again, just keeps blinking. The status bar on the wheel shows charging but it doesn't. It happened with no obvious reason. Last night, everything charged as usually, the wheel is going well but tonight when I plugged it in, this effect occured. Any idea? this is how it looks
  3. @Unventor I doubt there will be a new firmware as it's not needed, all the necessary data for those additional infos are already being transmitted from the V8's. Unfortunately, I don't know the timing of the new app release. Hope it's pretty soon. I can't wait as well...
  4. Hi guys, some info about the new app for V5/8/10 and also about the behaviour of the wheels, straight from the inmotion tech team. Especially the fact of the limiters (tiltback and the alarms) that firstly react to the actual load and the max speed set in the app is the secondary element only. No doubt the inmotion engineers know what they do... Quote: The good news is the V8 adjusts max. speed to the power demand, load etc. For example, it will engage tilt-back and alarms earlier, if the power demand is too high, even if the maximum speed has not been reached. It seems the INMOTION engineers share your point of view, as the new app shows much more details real-time, including the energy that is getting back to your wheel when you brake or ride downhill. The new app looks promising and they thought about using current and power to provide more comprehensive real-time feedback to the user. We are happy to announce the app will be also compatible with V8 and V5F. We will have a beta version soon and then we can share some more details about the speed alarm settings implementation and other features.
  5. Oh Guys sooo sorry about all the posts, how do I delete them???.... my internet connection went crazy and I couldnt see my post has been saved. Sorry about that... Deleted the first post for you. Is that OK? Gimlet
  6. @Kael so far, Ive found electricunicycles.eu offering the best prices including 2 years waranty, shipping and VAT. I bought my V8 from them and as you mentioned, they offer V10/F for the best price on the EU market. Couldnt find anyone cheaper in the EU. Plus they really provide a really good service, perfect communication etc. I would be happy to find anyone cheaper, one guy told me that in Spain it is cheaper but he didnt give me the web link.
  7. @Unventor I dont know the release date but should look like this
  8. I got the same feeling, not very impressed but the price as also not changed much (V8 x V10). @US69 @ramma regarding carrying the wheel, I think the weight speaks for everything - too heavy anyway.. On the whole, I like the wheel but to be honest, I'm happy with my new V8. Do not need a faster and longer rides. This V10 falls to a different category, more off road wheels and there I would choose a different one. btw... anyone knows when they will release a new/updated android app?
  9. Guys, I didn't find it anywhere. Installing wheellog and having the possibility to check the actual current, led me to this question. In order to avoid a cut-off while going uphill, it would be interesting to know, what is the max constant current the V8 LG battery can provide and what is the peak(temporary) current it can handle. I would like to set the alarm for a current in the wheellog so it warns me when going uphill, what's already too much before it cuts off the power. Any idea? @WARPed1701D
  10. Ad1) V8 actually has the alarm which shouts at the preset max speed, in addition to this, the tiltback starts about 5kph prior the alarm. Ad2) @WARPed1701D I still didn't realize how to pair inmotion V8 with the wheellog app. Seems there must be some other source of this apk than Google play, because the wheellog from the Google play store doesn't support V8's. It actually finds the wheel but doesn't read any data ?
  11. Thanks @dmethvin, aware of this. I only accelerate hard, time to time, from a still position, never pushing hard when at any higher speed than 10kph. I never push hard and close to the physical max(advertised) speed of the wheel. I don't want to fall and scratch my wheel So far I've done 300 km on my V8 (my first wheel) and only fell once while learning going backwards (the second day). Fortunately, the wheel was wrapped at that time. Now, I'm only cruising safely and wisely. My question was only about the alarm, whether it affects the real speed limit of the wheel or it only drives the tilt-back and the alarm for the speed awareness. I got the answer now from Chriull above Thanks anyway
  12. @Marty Backe Hi Marty, you may help me. I am curious, whether it is possible to go about 27 kph on the V8 without a power cut-off, when the max speed in the app is set to 20 kph (for example). My point: I would like to set the max speed to 20 kph (so the alarm goes off at 20kph) but I still, I would like to have the possibility going a bit faster than that (let's say I would need to accelerate up to 25kph or even more up to 30kph, ignoring the alarm shouting at 20kph). Physically, this should be possible as the wheel itself is capable to go at up to 30kph. But is there any software trigger which shuts off the wheel after I set the max speed in the app for example even to 10 kph? Thanks very much for your reply, Regards, Michal
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