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King Llama

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    Inmotion V10F

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  1. Unfortunately, the wheel has already been sent back! Ewheels only had the HS version in stock, so that's what I purchased. It seems like people on the forums prefer the HT, but I figured I was fine with either given that I almost always ride on paved road. Haha, I know what you mean. I was mostly referring to going with an older, proven wheel without suspension. Watching the tire change videos on some of these suspension wheels gives me a headache... I wish the companies would design a bit more with repair-ability and maintenance in mind (rather than just bigger, faster, stronger). Also, I think a lot of folks get sucked into pre-ordering batch 1 of a brand new, fancy wheel. But if you stick around on the forums for a bit, you quickly learn that's not a great idea. I'm in email exchange with Jason... hopefully he provides an update on what went wrong. My guess would be something with the motherboard or software glitch.
  2. Thanks for the tips! They're very helpful. I was debating for a long time between picking up a heavy, suspension wheel versus going with a simpler 18 inch wheel, and I ultimately decided to go with the RS19. I'm planning to use it for my daily commute (around 12 miles round trip), so it'll mostly be seeing paved roads with just a few bumps/cracks. I've owned enough wheels for long enough to understand that easy maintenance and dependability is more important than having the latest bells and whistles. Maybe in a few years I'll consider picking up a larger suspension wheel but for now, I expect the RS19 to be a big upgrade from my Inmotion V10F. I now have one wheel in three different size classes (14, 16, and 18) ✌️
  3. 100% on the money. Ewheels is sending me a brand new wheel before receiving the old one back to get me back on the road as soon as possible. I can't imagine buying a wheel from another company (especially for a Begode wheel).
  4. Hi folks, It's been a really long time since I last posted; glad to see the community is still alive and kicking (and been seeing a few familiar names). I just purchased and received a brand new Begode RS19 from Ewheels today. Upon arrival, the wheel was not turning on and the tire was almost completely deflated so I assumed that it was out of battery. The charger turned red and fan turned on when plugging it in to the charger, which I thought was good news. Unfortunately, even after charger turned green, the wheel will still not turn on. If I have it plugged into the charger and I press the power button, it will occasionally beep (but still remains off). I recorded a short video of it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nhG6YX1Bl-WSXTVZMX7AClaTmaJS6Vag/view?usp=sharing Any ideas? I just emailed the Ewheels team, so I'll wait to see what they have to say. This is my first Begode after purchasing an Inmotion and King Song from Ewheels in the past, and so far I'm not impressed with the brand...
  5. So when I first got the v10f, I felt the same way. You're going to want to make sure it is in comfort mode, not classic, for best performance. It takes some time to get used to the wheel. Give it about a week of practice, you will feel much more nimble on it -- I guarantee it!
  6. I've been MIA for a while due to starting a new job, but I had a nice chance to ride my V10f this past weekend and it was smoooooth. . I forgot how much fun it is to ride this wheel. I know this thread (and therefore wheel) gets a lot of negative attention, but I am super happy with my purchase. Honestly if it weren't for all the posts on here, I wouldn't know of any of the supposed issues and just happily be riding my wheel. Obviously, it is always better to know these things, but I do think a large majority of the population would really like this wheel. Unfortunately, I have yet to get it waterproofed but it's not super high priority because it doesn't rain too often in NorCal. I threw away the box when I was moving houses a few months ago, so I haven't been able to ship it down. I'm actually in LA fairly often to visit my parents, so I was thinking about trying to hand deliver it sometime in the next couple of months. I was also considering switching it out for the Tesla, but I don't know if I'd be willing to give up the large and high pedals, the 2.5 inch wheel, or the very bright headlight. The pads are also very comfortable to ride. Any other happy V10f owners out there??
  7. Should mods be allowed to ignore people? Not to compare you to Trump, but he was barred from blocking people on Twitter
  8. Why are we discussing this here? Let’s focus on talking about EUCs and being supportive of each other. I don’t care about novazeus’s personal life; I do know that he has some interesting perspectives on wheels and provides meaningful feedback. It seems unfair to question his statements relating to his personal life, especially when they’re unrelated to the topic at hand. Let’s be friendly and supportive to each other here ?
  9. It seems likely that their login server is down. I would wait a while and try again later.
  10. Can someone post a picture of this stand? Is it built into the shell or was I supposed to install it on my V10F?
  11. This is the exact same scraping sound that my wheel was making! I posted about it earlier, but mine didn't start making this sound until about 10 miles into my first ride and it came back intermittently throughout my ride. Currently, it is not making the sound and I'm hoping it doesn't come back. Someone earlier in this thread had a similar scraping sound and tore down his wheel and found it to be a motor bearing issue. You should reach out to whoever you purchased your wheel from for support. It's a better method than these forums.
  12. Went for a 20 mile ride this weekend and agree with the other comments. I can only compare to a KS14D, which is obviously a very different wheel. I immediately noticed the sluggish response in both acceleration and braking, but I assumed that was just a 14inch vs 16 inch difference. I've never ridden any other wheel so I can't judge. Overall, the wheel feels very nicely built and the pedals are fantastic. It feels incredibly stable compared to my 14 inch wheel. It made my KS14D feel like a cheap toy (which is a big compliment to the inmotion). I thought the weight of the wheel wasn't too bad either. It's the same weight as a 45lb plate at the gym and I didn't have any issues carrying it up the stairs at work (the handle is very comfortable). I did run into an issue about 10 miles into my ride when my wheel started making a pretty loud scraping like sound. I thought maybe something had gotten stuck in the wheel but there wasn't anything there. The sound came back and left intermittently throughout the 20 mile ride. Currently, it is not happening but I'm really hoping it isn't a messed up bearing like another user was having in this thread.
  13. Oh man, I know that feeling and it is an awful one. You should do what I did. Fedex has an option to hold the package at a local pickup stop. For me, it is a Walgreens that is less than a mile away from home. I just picked up my wheel on the way home from work, and it fit in my trunk no problem (and I drive a two door small trunked car). I've done this with both of the wheels I've purchased from ewheels and it was super convenient ?
  14. This is great news, how do we gain access to the beta? I am a paid user, not sure if that makes a difference. Thanks
  15. I have a couple of issues with the app, some that are extremely dangerous in my opinion and should be fixed ASAP. The app, after updating, completely reset the alarm settings on my King Song 14D. It did this without giving any warning that my alarms were being reset from the settings already on the wheel. This may have contributed significantly to my crash. Also, when adjusting the alarm settings on the app, these settings do not save. Every time you turn the wheel off and back on, the alarm settings are reset to no alarms except for final alarm. Again, it does this without warning the user and is extremely dangerous. Another issue is that there is no way to scroll through data on an hourly basis. For example, I was running DarknessBot when I crashed but I cannot zoom in to see the data from the crash at a high enough resolution to try to determine what happened.
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