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    Z10 16X V8

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  1. Almost brand new KS 16X with only 350kms on the wheel. Had 1 light fall very small scratch the wheel is practically brand new asking only 2k. Also comes with the factory seat as well.
  2. Nice your off to a great start already riding around the oval that’s pretty . Once you start you can’t stop it’s an addiction. Make sure you wear safety gear.
  3. Hi Rad, I have a used V8 that has just over 1000km on it has few marks but nothing major still rides like new and almost looks new. I also have a Z10 with just over 400km on it probably a bit too heavy for what you want it for but one of the coolest looking wheels made so far. I'm in Sydney also since you have done a bit of research already if you are interested in any of the above 2 wheels make me an offer otherwise good luck in your future purchase and welcome to the world of EUC's.
  4. Sometimes it's better to let people know a little ahead of launch yes the build up of excitement is great publicity and all, but if the product fails to meet the build up of expectations it might have the reverse effect on launch day. By giving the people details ahead of time you will get a lot more feedback whether it is positive or negative this still gives you a small amount of time to do small adjustments if necessary. The Inmotion loyalist will always buy your wheels but those sitting on the fence will have time to adjust expectations so by launch you might get a lot more people buying.
  5. Is there an Australian dealer if not do you send to Australia I am interested......we need some love from down under also.
  6. The first video they said he got to 40 now they are asking him to get to 45kph.
  7. Well done progressing nicely.
  8. Congrats on finally receiving your new wheel, the tyres are not fully pumped up try and pump them up. The scrapping doesn't happen until you put your full body weight onto the wheel with the tyres pumped up, hopefully you are lucky and it won't scrap. Have fun learning how to ride tomorrow .
  9. Goodman


    Great video @Marty Backe that looks like a lot of fun, so good to see our friendly neighbour the Kiwi @The Fat Unicyclist having such a great ride after a long flight.
  10. Have a lot of fun learning to use it, make sure it's padded up so after you have learnt you can show the high gloss finish
  11. Congratulations on making your decision I am sure you will love it.
  12. At the start no but once you get going it's all about the Range, you might not think so but trust me it will come back and bite you later.
  13. I Know the feeling of having to wait, I hate waiting also but I truly think it is well worth the wait. My biggest regret was not wanting to wait, my first wheel was the Ninebot One E+ why because it was the one I could pick up on the day I wanted to buy, there was nothing else around that I could get straight way. If I could turn back time I would have waited time flies so fast.
  14. After a few months I find that every single wheel well almost all has a different purpose, if I only could buy one wheel based on my own experience in the last few months I would buy a medium weight wheel, powerful enough and have a better than average range. The V8 is a great wheel, it's a good size fairly light, wonderful handle, power is not too bad and that trigger to stop the wheel from spinning is awesome, the negative is battery size which equates to range and to me this is one of the biggest let downs of this wonderful wheel besides the tyre scraping :). I am on the lighter side at less than 70 kilos and after several tests if I ride at an average speed of 20kph I can get at best 30-35 kms with 20% battery, as I am use to riding at 25+ kph I can not get more than 20kms range. This is fine for me as I only bought this wheel to use around the city and the range doesn't bother me too much, but if I have only one wheel I would be so disappointed. So even though I don't have a KS 16S if I were you and the budget allowed this would be the wheel I'd buy for sure, the reviews on it has been very positive, an extra 3 kilos wouldn't make that much of a difference. It's a nice looking wheel has almost everything the V8 has yes no trigger but I would take range over that any day of the week, plus it's a lot more powerful 1200w motor compared to 800w, you might never need to get to the 35kph top speed of a KS but it does come in handy in case you want to speed up to overtake. I have the Ninebot One E+ which is the only wheel I regret buying, the Msuper V3S which I love a lot it covers the range I need with plenty of power, I have the V8 now which I use for the city rides and looking to buy one more towards the end of the year the Monster. With my limited knowledge like I said if I could only get one wheel I would chose the KS16S I can see it would be one of the most practical wheels on the market at the moment for everyday usage. One wheeling is so addictive once you learn it's pretty hard to stop. Good Luck...
  15. Congratulations on your decision to buy the V8, it would be a great first wheel. I got one recently but mine had the tyre issue really bad and due to the scraping my mileage was low also. You won't have that problem buying fron Jason as I can see his onto the issue. I was advised to take my tyre off and reinstall it again and to be honest now I can pump it up to 40 psi with hardly any scrape. My seller is looking for a new tyre for so I am good with that. I didn't want to send it back would cost me too much my seller was trying his best and I accept it wasn't his fault. Had an issue with on/off button when it rained but now it's ok. For a starter wheel I would highly recommend it, easy to ride, high clearance no pedal scraping, omg the handle works so well, very nimble amd of course the light show.
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