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    Saint Francisco
  • EUC
    Sherman S, KS16S, KS18S, KS18L, InMotion V10F, Gotway Super V3 (sold). KS16X

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  1. Do you mind if I ask what is your disability? Who did you buy it from and when, still under warranty? What's mileage on it? Any scratches or cosmetics damages since you did use to learn from it? Photos would help!
  2. What's the story behind ipad? How's it related to EUC, may I ask?
  3. After e-scooters killed several elderly, Singapore ended all PEVs on sidewalks and implemented strict regulations with all e-vehicles travelled no more than 10 mph and only allowed on certain trails called connectors.
  4. From EUC Custom Power-Pads: My Inmotion V5F, for example, switched off at somewhere over 160 Fahrenheit. This is from an Inmotion user. Don't know if it applies to your V8s. It may give you a ballpark idea. I don't know if a temperature alert is in Inmotion app. I know some app you can set a temperature alert when temperature reach that pre-set, it will alarm you. I hope this helps! Here is the link to that chat:
  5. I don't have any Begode wheels. I downloaded the app. If you go to the sign-in page, on the upper right hand corner is the "change language" option, click on it and then at bottom, hit confirm. Language should be changed. I hope this helps!
  6. Sad to hear un-necessary passing! We can't control others, but we surely can control ourselves: Law of common sense --Slow riding can give us more time to respond, fast riding will cut that time down. The faster we go, we not only won't reach our destination faster, but may reach a destination without return!
  7. EUCs is one of the safest way to get around town, sometimes fastest too. Where is the statistics behind it? None! Compare to car accidents/deaths, the statistics is minuscule! Riding an EUC, you've many alternative routes to choose versus any motor vehicles. Exposure to motor vehicles can be minimal. I can ride across an intersection in 2 seconds whereas a pedestrian may take 10-20 seconds or longer. Once skill and finesse are mastered, stay alert and follow rules, EUC is one of the best way to get around with minimal risks!
  8. Time to learn seated riding! Calf soreness will always happen no matter how strong, how much conditioning you do due to the fact that after standing for a period of time, circulation will slow down and your calf will feel sore. You can wiggle and move your feet around for only so long. At some point, you have to get off the wheel, walk for a few minutes and continue riding.
  9. Reply to seshbones: What are your guys tips for stepping up in weight class? Can I be your gauge and give you confidence? Male, 145 lbs, 7'8". I used to ride KS18XL and have upgraded to Veteran Sherman S, 96 lb wheel. Are you lighter or heavier than me? I'd say if you are heavier, you should be able to ride the Extreme since it's 10 lb lighter and you have body weight behind you assuming your are heavier than me. Before taking on Sherman S, confidence and ability were issues. First, my leg would wobble making the wheel wobble also and I fell. So I find ways and techniques to build up my legs. Quote from my past post: "A technique I called "blocking" that is very useful to build up your leg muscles. Blocking is using your leg to stop any size wheels from tilting or leaning toward where your body weight is mostly lean toward. It's like your leg has become a stick planted into the ground to stop the wheel from leaning; in this case, planting is down the center of the wheel. Together used, another technique is called "grabbing." Grabbing feels like you are wrapping your arms around an object; in this case, using your leg to wrap around the wheel. Blocking helps stablizing and grabbing helps controlling, esp. during mounting and unmounting. Anyone riding the wheels, I am sure consciously or unconsciously applying these techniques, they're nothing new, simple mechanics. I hope this gives your mind a breakdown of what you may be doing and now you know what to focus on." Once ability is assured, confidence comes. Vice versa is less assuring. Not everyone riding a heavy wheel ends a success story. But if you don't try and persist, you never know. Good luck!
  10. I have a 19G Chateau camper/motorhome with an internal power bank besides battery under the hood, 6000w inverter and (2) Yeti 6000X, so no issues at all as far as having enough juice to charge. I can charge my KS16X 4 to 5 times from 50%. They do suck a lot of juice from the camper main battery. I also have upgraded my camper alternator. While driving, it's ok simultaneously charging the KS16X, but not when the engine is off. BTW Yeti 6000w battery station price has come down 50%. When my camper is parked, I sometimes use the generator to recharge my Yeti power stations. What size is your camper van main battery? And what is your set-up like? I guess if you don't have a large battery bank, you might be able to charge your Falcon once. Then you have to somehow recharge your battery while driving or from another land power source. Ok, I hope this gives you some idea.
  11. I think EUCs will always remain a rarity simply because it's too expensive an investment for most compared to e-scooters and e-bicycles and the initial impression is intimidating for most. Fear overtakes curiosity. Faceplant is not something anyone would want to try or end up. EUC's niche in the consumer market can be compared to scuba diving, sky diving, kite surfing.... some think it's an extreme sports, but not really. I think that's where EUC will remain in the future. It will never supersede its alternatives/competition--bicycles, skateboards, scooters...etc. EUCs have been around for something like 10 years now. We don't often see them on the streets. In some ways, I like it the way it is remaining as a rare, special species!
  12. Smart move! Standing for a long time inevitably will cause discomfort and eventually pain for the simple fact that gravity causes blood flow to be restricted being in one position. It's the body signaling us that position change is needed regardless of how big or strong we are. Riders should recognize this fact.
  13. I have a vibration alarm in case anyone try to touch it, its alarm will go off! Also, I'd use a cable lock which also has an alarm sensitive to touch. Having done all these, is there still a risk? Yes! Even when alarms goes off, no witness or on one take action against the theft, what good are these security measures? If you do, park EUC in a good neighborhood would help, have it not too far from you would help... but the risk is always there! I wouldn't park my $4000 Sherman S anywhere and leave it! However, I'd consider locking my old KS16S and leave it, a smaller lost if stolen.
  14. Gee, how much did you spend for these watches altogether? I have a Motorola Flip never have any bluetooth and app connection issue. It has a big screen and is used also as a smartphone. Give it a try when you have a chance!....Samsung Flip!
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