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DavidB last won the day on June 13

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  1. I think RideOne(?) did a video on fixing this sort of thing. Edit...Go to 17min mark for one type of fix And this covers most fixes.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJfkCj3FWBs&pp=ygUbaG93IHRvIHJlbW92ZSBhIGJyb2tlbiBib2x0
  2. Basically they (the motor supplier) has machined away most of the metal. They probably never had a problem as it is a scooter motor so just has to support 1/2 the rider's weight. So the design flaw was Begode assuming the axle with all that steel machined away was strong enough to support a rider often more than 50% heavier than the average chinese rider.
  3. Surely fraud would be if they succeeded in getting something. This seems more attempted extortion of $350k and surely warrants contacting authorities. Even if only to put the wind up a lawyer who may succeed next time fleecing an innocent party.
  4. If not too personal, what weight are you? Some of the first reviews I saw said a fair bit more than this but one was a lightweight. It has been cold where you are (suspension issues posts) I wonder if the range will increase when it gets warmer.
  5. DavidB


    Is Jack using Leaperkim as a contract manufacturer for his own design? May explain the pedal design. I know in the Chinese EV space startups often have their first model made by the big players (ones with usually some gov ownership)
  6. The report I read said he was struck by an unlicenced driver. " The Madison County Coroner’s office was called to the scene of another fatal accident Wednesday night. Officials say Dakota Bell, 32, of Richmond was killed when his electric unicycle was struck by a vehicle around 6:30 last night. According to the Madison County Sheriff’s office, the other vehicle was driven by Roberto Waldestram, who was cited for no operators license. The accident occurred at 1740 Berea Road in Richmond, near the Okonite plant." NB an 18 cyclist was killed in Berea the night before after being struck by car.
  7. DavidB


    Just to clarify. Many things that I have thought were dumb,were not. ( "Hey Dave there is a new search engine. It is called Google, you should buy some shares" Me... "Weird name, anyway what's wrong with Netscape?") and many things I thought were good, turned out to be dumb. So I wish Jack well on his endeavor.
  8. DavidB


    Came to this topic late as when I saw the heading I thought someone was asking a technical question about mosfets which I had no interest in, so I ignored it. I assumed it was a typo or maybe a brand of mosfet. So I am with mhpr262. Seems like a dumb name for an EUC company.
  9. And he mentioned in comments of a following video that designing a wheel with Begode is no longer happening. He said he was given the wheel by Begode to keep but I wouldn't regard that as "paying". He said he had an arrangement with OneRide but after the Lynx video ??? He also said he doesn't ride the Lynx anymore so why not sell it? A devalueing assett taking up space in his apartment. Ditto with the Extreme.
  10. Especially as the Falcon's pads are almost 2kg, pads the E25 doesn't have. The Falcon's pedals are bigger and no doubt heavier as well, so they are basically the same weight.
  11. Wouldn't a Dragon Ball sticker be more appropriate than Mickey on your flying nimbus?
  12. You are lucky the police there are chill. Seems over in WA they are less so. Tho' e-scooter seem more the target. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-13/e-scooter-riders-push-for-legislation-change/102594186
  13. In the post I referenced you said it was legal. I pointed out it is not. The fact the police are not bothered is a different thing. And a good thing as basically all EUCs can go faster than 25kmh.
  14. ACT Government transport dept web site: "Any personal mobility device that travels more than 25 km/h is considered a motor vehicle and is therefore forbidden from travelling on paths."
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