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Hal Farrenkopf

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    Sarnia Ontario Canada
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  1. How are you connecting it to the wheel? Through charging port or parallel to batteries and then how do you handle equalizing the charge/voltage differences when you connect it?
  2. Having 2 fuses in parallel could also be a problem if one of them is weak and blows leaving the other one to pop at half the intended load. Cutout at unintended current with no warning beeps or alerts.
  3. The soldering of those large capacitors is bad. The solder didn’t flow though the plated through holes. That means that the Caps have more series resistance and hence less smoothing of spikes of current. Could be a factor here. It could also cause the traces to get hot because of the plated through hole resistance and high current location.
  4. Those look a lot stronger in areas the v10f pedals fail. And if it does fail by some really hard landings, the metal plate screwed on the top will help keep the pedal breaking off the wheel and your foot hitting the ground.
  5. Very likely cracked pedal or the hanger is bent from previous owner if you just bought it (not clear). At 290 pounds, you exceed the max weight by 26 pounds. If the pedal is the newer ones and cracked, you need to get stronger ones.
  6. I thought of that too. They now make a smaller shipping container. https://www.atscontainers.com/en/Products/New-containers/Product/8-New-Mini-Container
  7. @nalds accidents happen. This was an accident. Thanks for sharing. Thus should be a wake up call to everyone driving an euc. People and animals are unpredictable and assume their worst action/reaction at all times. Correct way to proceed when seeing this elderly woman or anyone would have been to slow down so that you could have stopped safely. Your location in the world dictates how traffic flows and interactions with others but pedestrians should always be yielded to. Unfortunate accident that caused her to hit her head and fracture it. You will never forget the event unfortunately and will just have to accept what happened as an accident and learn from it. Sharing it hopefully helps others to think about how they ride and their consequences. When I was much younger, I once helped up a very old frail women who fell over into a product stand in a grocery store and as I was picking up some of her stuff, she just fell over like a tree being cut down and I heard her head smack the floor. That sound still haunts me to this day and I wonder if she survived - she was conscious and aware and talking but was still attended to by an ambulance. I was on my lunch break and had to return to work after staying as long as I could. After that day, I treated elderly people much differently and was scared to do the wrong thing again. Getting old and frail is one of life’s worst tragedies. Old people really need to wear helmets too. I don’t believe in any gods or religion, so I can’t pray the pain away. Everything we do has consequences. All we can do is move on and do better.
  8. Just stop and stay stopped at red lights . You are a motorized vehicle so it isn’t about pedaling back up to speed. Pretend you are a motor cycle and follow those rules.
  9. Wow, that looks like speaker wire. The jacket of that wire is not very strong - I know you said it was a rush for the next day ride but hope you replaced it.
  10. So true. I haven’t seen an isolation transformer used in light weight switching power supplies that look like laptop computer supplies. The inputs are normally full wave bridge rectifiers and high voltage smoothing capacitors to produce high voltage DC. This DC then gets switched at a high frequency and through a high frequency small transformer inductor to produce the desired voltage. If this is your charger, then DC on the input is fine because it just passes through 2 of the full wave rectifier diodes.
  11. Mica and paste is superior to that Chinese pad. Aluminum Oxide is better than Mica and Aluminum Nitrate is even better. I had the mica insulators on hand and knew it was significantly better than the pad that was supplied with the V10F. The ceramics are a better choice if you can get them. Beryllium Oxide should be avoided because it is a health hazard if it gets powdered.
  12. I see tin plating/solder of the PCB trace. I see something small on that trace which might be an electrical conductor to increase the capacity of trace. That capacitor lead that opened at the bend might have been knicked or bent out of shape causing an increase in resistance due to thinning and therefore heated and vaporized. Is that all that broke? Did you try and connect the leads to see if it fixed the problem?
  13. I don't see any metal heatsink between the mosfets and the PCB. There will be a large trace on the PCB bottom for conducting Battery + and or Ground to the Mosfets. It will not be a heatsink. The legs of the Mosfets will bend sufficiently when they are tightened down with mica and paste. They are tinned copper so very flexible. The Mosfet should be screwed down tight with the mica to squeeze the paste really thin. The paste is designed and meant to fill only the very very small air gaps in the imperfect surfaces. I'm in no rush to buy a V11 at this time because my V10F does me just fine where I live in Sarnia Ontario Canada where it is flat. I'd like to see more information on your V11 failure with pictures.
  14. LOL, no, I am not a gotway owner. I went from a C+ to a V10F. Bought the V10F in May 2018 so I was an early adopter to their defects. It seems every manufacturer uses the cheap and fast pad with paste method of assembly. I'm an electrical engineer so I know how much better the mica is. Especially when there was a heat related problem.
  15. Everything on the V11 is more complex to dismantle. I'm a little disappointed in the heat sinking design. The top half of the compartment is not properly connected to the lower half for heat conduction because of the caulking. If it was designed with some embedded heat pipes on the bottom and top pieces that met with some more metal to metal surface and then the top having heat sink fins with a fan on it would really keep everything cooler.
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