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  1. Looks like mine is also a 190815. EWheels. 1st shipment by sea with the CX321 tire. Bluetooth fix applied and updated to 1.05. I haven't noticed any pedal dip, but I'm also very new and going very slow. Been way too busy this last month with work and haven't even ridden it. My work deadline is almost over, so hopefully I can get some riding time in soon.
  2. Unless something changes in the next few weeks, I doubt I will be able to make it to California this year. Very sad, I was very excited for this. I hope there is another event next year.
  3. It looks similar, but doesn't use the same small connecting pieces. If you search for EUC Army Store, you can find it. I had purchased the regular one prior to anyone actually taking delivery of their 16x. After the fact we found out that the normal stand isn't wide enough. So he sent me a different connecting piece that's a little wider (made for the Z10). This helped, but I feel like it would have been better if it was another 1-2 cm wider. So I will be looking for other options.
  4. I got the one from Duff but I feel like it needs to be just a smidge wider for the 16x. So I only used it for calibrating. For normal days I've been using the bottom package foam from the delivery box. I'm hoping my buddy who is a wood shop teacher will build me something.
  5. Ouch! that sucks. Why did you need to replace the controller board to begin with? I'm guessing the old controller board is not reusable? Curious as I think this is the first internal part that I've heard needing a replacement. I hope you are able to get it fixed soon.
  6. @Hibiki Mr.H Just an FYI. I received the tire today. Who knows when I will actually get a chance to try it. It may be a long time from now. But I just wanted to let you know it arrived and to thank you again for the offer.
  7. Nice job. I had forgotten about the belt method. Oh well too late. The bottom of my pedals have some decent scratches (but that's to be expected), and I have a couple of deep scratches on top of the handle. My friend let it tumble over in a parking lot. I used a half abandoned shopping center parking lot, where me and a friend could practice on the 16x. I'm getting more comfortable with it. Although I am getting side to side wobbling a lot. I'm almost certain it's just my leg and feet muscles are not use to the EUC. Tonight I attempted some back neighborhoods and back on a bike trail. It was a bit odd riding at night. No flashlight, just the 16x headlight. I think I switched mine to Medium mode. I don't know if I can tell a difference or not. I haven't tried Experient Mode yet. I will need to try all three modes back to back on the same path to see if I can tell a difference or not. And I'm still on 1.05 as well. I think mine's at about 30 miles (but some of that was my buddy in the parking lot). I don't know what my max speed is, definitely not 28mph. I'm guessing about 17mph or so.
  8. Thanks. I will definitely be taking my time trying to learn this thing. No rush. From reading other people's thoughts, it's probably a good thing that I do not have any prior EUC experience. This way I do not have the, "but the 16x doesn't do x, y, z like my other wheel."
  9. Sorry. Fixed it just now. I was just typing my stream of thought. I know if I didn't write something now, while still fresh, I wouldn't write anything later.
  10. @DragonFZ OK, I'm slowly catching up to you now. I went back out to a small deserted parking lot near my place and tried practicing again. It started out similar to Day 1, hop on, lose control after only a few feet, jump off, and try to catch the wheel before it eats more pavement. The parking lot is basically a small rectangular loop, with a slight incline/decline on the long path. So I decided to see if using gravity would help me get started going on the slight decline. I could not control it at all. I was really just all over the place. A few feet here, a few yards there, but never with control. Really just letting the wheel take me where it wanted to go before I had to jump off. So I decided to try the opposite and go up the slight incline, maybe fighting gravity would help with the control. It was a little harder getting started, but I was able to go a little bit further and felt like I had a little bit more control, but usually having to jump off when I would eventually lose control. So doing this over and over, up and down the same straight path with little victories. Eventually I attempted to turn at the end of the path, with marginal success. Before this gets too long, I eventually was able to do the loop. The ugliest damn loops you've ever seen. Did about 20-30 loops with a few starts and stops along the way. By the end, I was feeling more comfortable, but I still have marginal control of the wheel. For now I still wouldn't ride around any other cars or pedestrians. Not too bad for Day 2. Me: weight about 162 lbs. Tire pressure about 24 psi. Legs pinching the wheel the entire time. App says about 6.5 miles, but I'm not sure if that's accurate, doesn't feel like I've gone 6.5 miles. Anyhow, it was a successful evening. I hope your progress is going well also.
  11. I'm also contemplating driving out to Cali for this event. It will depend on my work here. Can the people putting together group rides put in one place the dates and times for the rides? This way some of us can better prepare for our possible trip. Thanks. I just hope I can ride my new euc before the end of October.
  12. I wish I had access to a long narrow hallway. Nice progression. You're definitely well ahead of me.
  13. Although a couple of the middle pads have fallen off, so I will need to redo them. Used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CQT344B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L6BS2KX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Edit: Idea was taken from multiple other posts and videos of other people doing something similar. I just decided to get as much coverage as possible, minus the top handle and the pedals. I didn't want to pad the bottom of the pedals, because I'm assuming it's safer to have it scrap versus having it stick to the ground if the pedal hits.
  14. Quick update. Took me a long time to pad up the 16x. Finally had a chance to take a trial learning run. Wow this is much harder than it looks. You guys make it look so easy. I need some more practice. I didn't pad the pedals so they have some battle scars now.
  15. I could be wrong, but I think someone said it's working in the newest Android app. But I think iOS hasn't released the latest version yet. Hopefully I can prep my wheel tonight for some learning test runs over the weekend. This work thing is cutting into my fun time.
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