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About Lillian

  • Birthday January 31

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  • Location
    New York
  • EUC
    Inmotion V11

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  1. I paid to pre-order it last year but it's a new year and now I'm looking to wait for what's new in the Inmotion line. Yet I am getting the option to pay in full because it's ready to ship.
  2. I ordered the V14 because I am a sucker for marketing hype and deals. I like Inmotion having come from the V8/10\14 models, but am wondering if I am jumping the gun with the V14 because I'm not that excited about it. Is it so much better than the V11? Seeking an EUC with: Stability (does tire size impact stability?), speed (I'm a slow rider but want flexibility should that change), ease of tire valve access, suspension, safety reputation, quality build and something I can ride as a 5' tall woman. Money's not an object. Waiting another year or two is also an option. I want to get it right next purchase.
  3. Update: I bought the Xootr kick scooter, rode it once and returned it. I liked it back in the '90s, but now the super narrow wheel and zero suspension don't suit me. I'm leaning toward a Mten4 A2.
  4. Thank you all. I'm going to opt for the street tires.
  5. If the street is rough at times like off-road, then it's a little more complex.
  6. What's the difference? Which one is more stable? I am a casual rider in NYC and can't decide which tire(s) to get with the Mten A2 and V14.
  7. Great info. Thanks. Yes, I would turn it off about a block away from the office. And honestly before sunrise, most of the guards are asleep...like slumped over asleep.
  8. I have a routine where I walk to the bus stop before sunrise to get to the gym. I'm nervous each time due to NYC's giant rats. Normally, I'd hop on my EUC but the company I work for has new lithium battery restrictions. We have to leave PEVs in a bike room. Nope! So now I'm looking at getting a Xootr (I've had it before) but I just can't bring myself to go backwards. I'd rather get an Mten but am concerned about the learning curve and presume poorer stability. I could hide an Mten in a bag though. So it's to the bus with a company-safe kick scooter or risking it with an Mten that I've never ridden for the sake of staying within the EUC realm.
  9. I owned the PT model of the Segway and loved it. It was self-balancing unlike all other PEVs with that claim and turned on a dime plus required less effort so it was less of an exercise vehicle and more casual transportation. I sold it but have longed for that tech. EUCs are the best option for me but aren't as self-balancing so I always work up a sweat on them. With the S-Plus, I was looking for something basic to effortlessly glide to the office on the sidewalk and run errands gear-free. It took me trying it to realize that once you're used to an EUC, this Segway S-Plus is like a kid's toy. I had to experience it for myself. I know some EUC riders don't sweat on them and can ride casually with a lot of control on sidewalks and/or with zero to light gear. That's not me.
  10. FOLLOW UP! I bought the Segway S-Plus from Amazon because they allow returns. Here's how the disaster went: I rode it to/from work on the sidewalk. The sidewalks by me are wide and mostly empty in the morning. On the way home, I rode slow and stopped until the coast was clear when things were crowded. 1. The bar is hard as a rock. Each bump was like an elf kicking me in the knees. 2. The base is rough. My feet felt it. 3. The remote/follow makes this thing move like a drunk robot so I found myself bending over to guide it. Could've used an EUC handle. 4. In the past, 12mph was okay but having ridden an EUC for years, it's not now. I got pushback constantly at a snail's pace. And yes the top speed was unlocked. CORRECTION*** The top speed was NOT unlocked. It was available, but I had to physically unlock it. Once I did, it was far faster and actually a blast. I returned it anyway but I was wrong about this part. 5. I lacked confidence that I have on the EUC to tackle some terrain. 6. The quality felt like a kid's toy as have all Ninebot things I've bought. 7. 0 torque while crossing a large street in the crosswalk. Maybe it was the slope or wind, but I couldn't move forward fast. I had to wave my arms to go. Scary! For the entire ride (under 4 miles round trip), all I could think of was how I should've ridden my V11. The GOOD was the ability to stop on a dime and stay on it while standing still without dismounting. Conclusion: I have zero interest in riding this again.
  11. I feel that my V10 is the small EUC of the two that I have, but thanks for your suggestion about the V5F. I relate re. the 2-wheeled Segway. I view folks on other PEVs and think of the EUC advantages. That said, I did order the S-Plus from Amazon so that I have the return option. EUCs are final sale from reputable places so it'll take a lot more thinking for me to buy another EUC.
  12. That's really inspiring re. having the confidence to ride the mten. I mean, I bought all of my others without ever riding them and learned. And if I think about it, the guy who didn't get the hang of it and sold it got nearly the purchase price. Agreed. I'm going to wait it out and see if I can find another deal again. I may just buy both and like you, use them for different occasions.
  13. Thanks to everyone who replied here. I appreciate your suggestions + samples. For now, I'm going to pause on either purchase to see if another used Mten becomes available in the PEV Marketplace. The one I didn't get was literally like new. The buyer couldn't get the hang of it after 30 minutes (like me on the OneWheel Pint) and sold it for $900. Maybe lightning strikes twice.
  14. Hey there, ShanesPlanet. Thanks for the pros/cons between the two. I used to own a Segway i2 (see the attached) and later two Ninebot Segway 'toys' (by comparison) - the Mini Pro and Drift aka "grift" because they were useless. So I'm good at Segway riding. But while I'm an EUC rider now, I worry about spending $1K on a 'nimble' mten that I may not get the hang of. Nimble means unstable to me. But I'm envious of you and your buddy's low-priced deals. One benefit of the S-Plus is that there's an authorized Segway dealer and service shop in my neighborhood. For me, that's an important part of my decision. Of course there are EUC repair folks in our PEV community, but...not official ones that I know of.
  15. That was fun to watch! And thanks for the detailed breakdown of pros and cons. I was ready to push the button to buy the S-Plus but I value input here, so based on the feedback I've paused.
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