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Any Inherent danger of Power Pads?

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1 hour ago, Setonix said:


I got my first EUC, the KS S16 Pro last weekish. Though I've seen peeps sit on it, I feel like I am all folded to be able to sit. I am just over 6'2" (1.86m) and sitting on it just isn't comfy. I am used to analogue unicycles where you can set the seat at the height that feels good, but that is impossible on an EUC, so I just stand.

you can make a custom taller seat my man! only thing stopping you is you!

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My opinion, if you go trail riding, it’s at your own risk, pads or not (I’m not against trail riding, I don’t do it because I’m old, so I might break)

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3 hours ago, jrhz06 said:

Powerknobz are a good choice for seated riders.

after viewing wrongways powerknobz video review,  im kinda split 50/50 regarding the cohedron set of pads.  im currently using the toe blocks that came with my lynx,  and i do have front pads but they are shaved down to 1 1/2 inches width.  out of the cohedron collection,  the brake pads with the extension seem a logical choice.  as for the front  cohedron pad,  i dont know if my set up will be improved by it.  for sure my braking will be postively affected by the powerknobz brake pad V3,  but for the front cohedron pad, i dont really know if i would benefit from it...

if anything,  a nicely sculpted foam seat would be 100% benefit to my seated riding.  the seat would give me a more planted connection to the euc...

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21 hours ago, Duster said:

At speed, humans have more tunnel-vision than peripheral, so that's why we are taught to constantly look around. That counters poorer visibility. Furthermore, visors and movable shades on helmets improve visibility in sunny conditions, and with intense wind and flying road debris, so there's that...

Wind noise, alone, makes things harder to hear at speed, and if anything the right gear can dampen specific kinds of noises that make it harder to hear the rest of the world (or protects you from losing your hearing altogether). There are special earplugs for motorcyclists for that reason.

Basically, a lot of the compromises of protective gear are either to capitalize on benefits, or to prevent loss of ability for other parts of your life. And many of the drawbacks can be counteracted simply by being aware of them and being responsible.

Since I ride daily without a helmet, and have been for eight years, I don't need you to educate me about my riding experience.

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22 hours ago, Duster said:

what's being described is a "false sense of security." It's pervasive for many things, like bike lanes that are just painted onto the sides of the street. Those give cyclists a false sense of security that cars won't hit them, so they don't look out and thus are more likely to be hit.

Case in point, when I was riding in such a bike lane, a car waiting at a red light had the rear passenger door open wide within 20ft in front of me. I was going slow, as 12mph, but couldn't stop without quick thinking to use the door's swing to help me stop. My leather pants were split open against my knee braces. I prefer that to any bruising I would've otherwise had for something that can't always be predicted.

See there's your first mistake.. Riding on bike lane. Why not enjoy empty non busy sidewalk? I'm personally riding only sidewalks. (Pev's are banned on streets and are allowed to be ridden where pedestrians walk in my case.)

My daily commute to work i see maybe 1-3 people. So... That alone says that i got whole sidewalk to myself. And ridding home after work - i see maybe 5-10 people. 

I don't know your riding environment, what place you are riding, or how busy it is around there. How fast you are going.. I can only speak for myself. But gear giving false sense of security can be said in any environment. Especially if one is more "dare devilish" compared when not using gear. Like going faster, where without gear not going that fast.

But that's my viewpoint about gear. Or even pads, as i don't need them. As only time i will crash is when wheel stops working mid ride - so be it. There is no chance for others making me crash. (Like car opening door.) Only my own fault could result me crashing. But as i'm riding in straight line on almost empty sidewalk - i don't see that happening. As i said only when wheel stops working mid ride. Also i'm riding in 20-30kph speeds, because i'm on sidewalks. And i have no blind areas. My path to work has grassy field on both sides. Literally no blind areas, or any dangers. :D Most dangerous time for me is, when i'm passing mothers with strollers going at walking/running speeds. As i don't wanna hit them, so need be i will slow down at walking speeds. And i encounter them also rarely. Or in general i will slow down around people, ESPECIALLY who haven't noticed me coming. Also my commute is 10 minutes long.. I have no need to hurry anywhere. I leave house 5 minutes earlier and ride slowly. 

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I’m glad we aren’t allowed on roads where I live. The only time we legally can ride on a road is if we are in the middle of a suburban area where a street doesn’t have a sidewalk. That said I only ride on a road if it is safe to do so, there’s a few places I frequent where’s it’s simply easier to go by road, but that a rare occasion. 

Edited by Skampster
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On 9/9/2024 at 12:40 PM, bpong said:

after spending several weeks on my lynx, my thoughts on pads are the following:

- if you are planning on riding seated on your euc,  you may need to either not use a front pad OR trim the front pad to a thinner profile to allow your legs to comfortably grip the sides of the euc while being in a bent position.  i trimmed my wide front north pads to about 1 1/2 inchs and that still allows me to lean forward and use the front pad but it also allows me to grip the front of the euc while seated.

- IMO, the brake pads are a necessary item because it gives the rider a tremendous mechanical advantage when leaning back to brake.

finally, how much locked in you want to set up your pads is a very personal thing - every one is different and some people like the locked in feeling, while others want to have less locked in and more open set up so that they can release themselves from their ride when necessary.  i personally like the later but i find the more i ride my lynx,  the more i move my pads in abit closer - but so close as to be 'locked' in though...

to that end,  i think that pad setup on an euc will be an ongoing process that never ends because euc riders are always learning new things about how they ride their euc,  and hence their pad set up will also be changing to meet these new revelations...

i used to ride without pads but after being bumped off my pedals a few times,  and test riding the larger eucs,  i decided for my next rides, i must use pads to give myself more leverage in euc control.

Just ride with your knees pointing out.

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38 minutes ago, GothamMike said:

Just ride with your knees pointing out.

I still struggle to have front pads and ride seated.
So, I abandon the front pads for toe holds with Knobz and the default Lynx toeholds. 

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21 hours ago, jrhz06 said:

EUCCRAZY on Etsy has the highest quality seats.
Not too crazy about their 3D printed stuff, I'd prefer Grizzla for those, but seats they have mastered. 

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