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Trouble walking into shops with your wheel (here's a trick)


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I go into shops, and asking to put my helmet of my motocycle in a corner with my bagage on a wheel :D. Here is possible in 99 percent. For one percent i go out of supermarket, looking for a tree to put my padlock. Nobody had ask me where is the motocycle.

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12 minutes ago, varamontelo said:

I go into shops, and asking to put my helmet of my motocycle in a corner with my bagage on a wheel :D. Here is possible in 99 percent. For one percent i go out of supermarket, looking for a tree to put my padlock. Nobody had ask me where is the motocycle.

hahaha that's even more of a trick. Another thing you can do to really seal the deal is tell them that you use the luggage aid because it hurts your back to wear a heavy backpack. They'll back down for sure.

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11 minutes ago, null said:

While the "mystifying the identity of the EUC" might be game, one should beware of not get too close to the "it's my handycap aid" card, as it would wear on the credibility of people who really do have conditions. Just saying :)

Yep.  People abuse that all the time here in the US saying the animal is a "service animal or emotional support animal".  I could see someone trying this with a wheel lol.

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I haven't tried it yet.  I do have a Publix about 3 miles from me.  I may ride up there this weekend and grab a few things on the wheel and see if anyone says anything.  

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18 hours ago, null said:

While the "mystifying the identity of the EUC" might be game, one should beware of not get too close to the "it's my handycap aid" card, as it would wear on the credibility of people who really do have conditions. Just saying :)

I see what you're saying but in reality this is an extremely rare occurrence so it would be very hard for this to "wear" on people with real disabilities. Moreover I think that 99.999% of people with real disabilities will be using an aid that is not an EUC. So even if EUC riders were constantly playing the disability card at a given business it would not cause the business owner to start cracking down on people with wheelchairs and crutches etc. This is why I wouldn't feel bad playing this card if it became my only option. But you don't need to claim disability you can just say your back is tired or sore and that's why you're using a luggage aid. The shopkeeper is extremely unlikely to say something like "no sorry, you gotta carry all your stuff by supporting it's weight with your own muscle power, no aids"

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1 hour ago, UniGrad said:

So even if EUC riders were constantly playing the disability card at a given business it would not cause the business owner to start cracking down on people with wheelchairs and crutches etc.

I don't think @null was suggesting that it would "wear" on people with handicap aids as obviously as wheelchairs or crutches.

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At my QFC, they wouldn't allow that because they specifically do not allow luggage as that's what people use to steal from the store. But that has more to do with the specific area, a high crime intersection with lots of drug use etc.

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I use an menten-4 to run my errands on. I’ve never had an issue with it. I carry it half the time. It’s just tall enough that a grocery store shopping basket fits perfectly on top while trolleying. I was in about eight stores today with it. 
I don’t bring my Sherman S into to many places. Mostly fast food places if anything and it’s not been a problem either. 

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I've tried twice, to get into a shop/supermarket with my EUC and both times I've been told 'You can't bring that in here'.

I've since shunned away from trying again, but I might try the backpack idea and the shopping trolley/cart idea too...

Thanks :) 


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missed a word
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So far so good, have brought my v13 in everywhere i go. The store manager approached me in the supermarket but it was just to ask about the wheel. He seemed very interested ( and probably wanted to make sure it wasn't a bomb haha) Everyone seems very accepting around here, no trouble with the local police either, i usually wave hi to them when i see them and they wave back. We have a local guy who is using his wheel as a delivery service so that helps. I am also very approachable most of the time because i'm not dressed like a power ranger and am happy to answer questions about it. I think if you look like you are ready to be shot out of a cannon, then it's a little intimidating to some.

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1 hour ago, Hellkitten said:

So you left the ranch?!

yup, had to. got two very painful infected broken molars plucked out. after the past 48 hours of torture, good to be alive again. 

and i can see why lowering the tire pressure is so necessary, because the govt maintenance of sidewalks is terrible.

my max capacity michelin 90/90 city grip 2 on the s22 pro with 900 pound spring, tire at 32 psi or 32/45max pressure. or .71 times 441 =313. which is about the capacity of the stock knobby. anyway, nice and soft, but still well connected to the surfaces. stayed out of the street. 

parked it outside but the receptionist kept an eye on it. 

and yeah, having half ur face numb, doesn't affect ur balance,

best of all, Bob was good and never left home. i have a gps tracking collar on him just in case he went looking for me, i could beat feet home and grab him.

that's my only concern about leaving the ranch on a wheel, Bob can't come and he doesn't like that. i've been conditioning him and me about longer periods of separation.

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