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Leaperkim Lynx 2700wh: 151V, 20" tire, suspension, 89lb


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6 hours ago, Z-Rabbit said:

I noticed this in a video I recorded the other day, is this normal or something I need to look into? I can't hear it when I'm riding, only when my phone is close-ish to the wheel.


Also, does anyone know how to check logs? My buddy went down hard yesterday and messed up his finger. Apparently he's been ignoring hall sensor errors on his Sherman S, and we suspect that's what kicked him off his wheel (although we don't know). This has me wondering how to check my own wheel for any non-obvious issues.


This is the spreadsheet.    If when you import/paste the logs it has 1.41 at the top and doesn't fill the columns right,   use the OIS tab instead (ottomh)


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I've seen more reports and video examples now from Lynx with firmware .09 where the wheel dips/falls forward sometimes for example going down from curb or riding down stairs, also the other day when I was jumping in the skatepark I noticed a sudden backward dip (which it then recovered) which didn't feel normal and nothing I had before on my Lynx when jumping.

So to be on the safe side I am going to revert back to .07 firmware for the time being until there is more information.

EUC World can downgrade the firmware and the only thing lost downgrading from .09 to .07 is charging control (you can tune your charger instead) as well as all the wheel settings not being exposed in the app which is no biggie for me personally.

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44 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

I've seen more reports and video examples now from Lynx with firmware .09 where the wheel dips/falls forward sometimes for example going down from curb or riding down stairs, also the other day when I was jumping in the skatepark I noticed a sudden backward dip (which it then recovered) which didn't feel normal and nothing I had before on my Lynx when jumping.

So to be on the safe side I am going to revert back to .07 firmware for the time being until there is more information.

EUC World can downgrade the firmware and the only thing lost downgrading from .09 to .07 is charging control (you can tune your charger instead) as well as all the wheel settings not being exposed in the app which is no biggie for me personally.

Yeah there has been reports of the .09 firmware not being good for jumping on the Discord too due to it tilting forward or backwards while airborne. Multiple people in fact so it is a known bug, I think I saw someone mention that Albert from 2cells1pack has been in contact with LK and they are aware of the issue and working on a fix for .10

Hopefully it arrives sooner than later. Always iffy when something that used to work breaks after a FW upgrade.

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19 hours ago, Rawnei said:

Where did he see hall sensor error and what happened?

I have no idea, I heard this second hand. But if his log looks anything like what's in that video, maybe he was misinterpreting it.

Any idea about the sound in my video? Is that normal/not something to worry about?

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Lynx (and I suppose Patton and Sherman then too) shock preload spacers.

I needed a bit more preload in order to get the sag I wanted for my weight.     70lb spring with full preload didn't get to where I wanted it.
So,   I pulled the shocks,   and added preload washers under the spring.     

These were the perfect size.   Personally I added 5 a side (so 15mm internal preload each side) and then a bit more preload and at 120kg I've got just under 25mm sag.    
Rode today,  no noises,  just good feeling suspension.   Very happy.   

Got a coupla tips if you're doing it.    The 16mm you need for the flat sided block you have to undo to take the top off completely - is 5/8 imperial,   and if you use a smaller spanner under that block (I used a 13mm) you can then use vice grips on the top of the spring to turn it on that spanner... to make the threads clear the top of the spring.    
This pic might help with that.
I didn't spill any of the oil doing it this way.    2000 odd km's,  the shocks looked brand new still.

Spacers - AU company but this is the size (31mm od,  22mm id,  3mm thick or as thick as you can get em),   I used 5 a side.  



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35 minutes ago, t0me said:

Lynx (and I suppose Patton and Sherman then too) shock preload spacers.

I needed a bit more preload in order to get the sag I wanted for my weight.     70lb spring with full preload didn't get to where I wanted it.
So,   I pulled the shocks,   and added preload washers under the spring.     

These were the perfect size.   Personally I added 5 a side (so 15mm internal preload each side) and then a bit more preload and at 120kg I've got just under 25mm sag.    
Rode today,  no noises,  just good feeling suspension.   Very happy.   

Got a coupla tips if you're doing it.    The 16mm you need for the flat sided block you have to undo to take the top off completely - is 5/8 imperial,   and if you use a smaller spanner under that block (I used a 13mm) you can then use vice grips on the top of the spring to turn it on that spanner... to make the threads clear the top of the spring.    
This pic might help with that.
I didn't spill any of the oil doing it this way.    2000 odd km's,  the shocks looked brand new still.

Spacers - AU company but this is the size (31mm od,  22mm id,  3mm thick or as thick as you can get em),   I used 5 a side.  



Cool, I would love to see what the shock internals looks like, that middle part there which screws into the top part is that loose, is it possible to take it out or was it mounted to the bottom? Got any more photos?

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Sorry,  no other decent internal pictures of the shock,  and yeah the video's on youtube skip over it a bit.   I left the shaft in the stanchion,  just separated the top section to be able to remove the spring,   dropped the spacer washers over the centre shaft the put the spring back over the top.    
I didn't split the stanchion off or touch the seals etc.    Didn't replace the oil either.    That centre shaft might well have been attached at the bottom of the stanchion.   Took me maybe 2.5hrs inc replacing the screen/buttons cover (supplied by my retailer e-riderz to solve the sticky power button issue from early on).

There were a coupla gocha's (the compression/rebound actuator is a little tricky to get in) but 2cells1pack's YT video's cover it.    

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On 7/18/2024 at 10:59 AM, Rawnei said:

I noticed a sudden backward dip (which it then recovered) which didn't feel normal

Was it like real quick dip (below 1 second) or it sustained for few seconds and balanced back to normal slowly (like 5-8 seconds of recovering balance)?

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5 hours ago, Q-Back said:

Was it like real quick dip (below 1 second) or it sustained for few seconds and balanced back to normal slowly (like 5-8 seconds of recovering balance)?

Quick dip and recover, landing was good thus it was surprising.

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3 minutes ago, versus said:

Any reason why should one upgrade  from 07 and have accelaration assist off?

If you want charge control or being able to set all settings via app and not just the menu, otherwise not much benefit.

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38 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

My impressions of the Acceleration Assist feature and personal conclusion

So I just came home from a 50km ride where I was testing different acceleration assist settings and also testing how acceleration assist behaves in a bunch of different scenarios.

Caveats after doing the firmware update on my Lynx

I had some slightly odd pedal behaviour and couldn't get the wheel to calibrate perfectly leveled, setting both PAA to 0 and acceleration assist to 0% and then doing a calibration after that helped and wheel was leveled, not a biggy but something to be aware of.

The actual feeling of acceleration assist

The actual feeling when it kicks in feels nice and smooth, 50% acceleration assist which is the default felt good to me, 100% felt a bit too soft and steep for my liking, I tried 60% and 70% but 50% felt the best to me.

What happens is that when you accelerate hard you can feel that it starts tipping forward a bit to help increase your lean, it feels unusual at first since you are not used to it but once that initial phase passes it feels good.

It's kinda funny to set the pedals to something hard like 85% which feels hard when riding slow but then suddenly it feels like soft mode when you accelerate.

Overall this feels very nice when accelerating on a straight.

Pedal Looseness

There seems to be some kind of interaction between ride mode and acceleration assist which causes the pedals to have somewhat of a loose deadzone, it is very notiecable if just standing still and holding onto something and going back and forth or even just holding the wheel and rocking it back and forth.

There is a correlation between ride mode and assist for this to happen, for example if your ride mode is 100% (stiff pedals) combined with 100% acceleration assist it is barely noticeable, but if you set ride mode to 70% and acceleration assist to 50% it is very noticeable (and even more so if you increase acceleration assist), I found that 80% ride mode and 40% acceleration was a good compromise if you don't want this looseness.

Jumping in the skatepark

So I tried jumping in the skate park with my ride mode set to 70% and assist to 50%, I did the jumps fine, didn't feel like there was any risk of failing or anything like that but it did feel odd, can't really put my finger on it, didn't feel like muscle memory and don't think I like the behaviour, maybe unpredictable is the right word here, and unpredictable when you're jumping isn't great.

Overall I don't think it's a good idea to have it enabled in the skatepark or when doing bigger jumps.

Going up a steep slope

So this was pretty interesting experience to say the least, I went up a ski-slope that we have in Stockholm which is called Flottsbro, I went up on the grassy side which is grass mixed with dirt (this is the actual ski slope people ski down in the winter), it's very long, steep and you have to be vary of traction since there are some loose surfaces and your tire will sometimes bounce from the uneven terrain.

My riding mode was set to 80% and my acceleration assist was set to 45%, the whole experience felt unpredictable, not only did I have to deal with the uneven terrain the acceleration assist made the pedals dip forward only to dip back the next second and this happened very frequently almost like a rythm that resonated with the uneven terrain, I made it all the way up to the top but it did feel pretty sketchy.

Acceleration assist is definitely not optimal for this type of scenario and it's probably better to not have it enabled for something like that.


For me personally I won't be using acceleration assist, I can see it being a nice feature f you strictly ride on streets but I am the type of rider that likes to do everything, I ride street, technical off-road, skatepark, occasional jumping, fun challenges and what not, I want something predictable that works for all of those scenarios without having to stop and change settings, I want my wheel to feel dynamic and fluid so that I can switch between all these riding scenarios at will, so I will stick to what I had before which is ride mode set to 65% and acceleration assist set to 0% which works very well for me.

Personally I don't feel a lack of acceleration on the Lynx to begin with so it's not a feature I have been missing or will be missing.

Picture I took at the top of the ski slope for reference:


Thanks for the review. I'll be waiting having downgraded to the stable version before last.

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Great overview of the acceleration assist mode. I think for lack of a better word, it's like "rocking chair mode". The acceleration and braking doesn't kick in until you push beyond that set level of "play" or "dead zone" where the wheel will not accelerate (or at least not much). Then, when you move beyond that "rocking chair" zone, the acceleration and braking activates at the same level you would be at in accordance with your emerge we of leaning. It's almost as if you are driving a car and the gas/brake pedals don't activate until you push them beyond a certain amount.


This makes it sound like a bad thing, but it's not. It affords users a higher degree of customization to their ride, which is always a plus. I think this is a great feature for street riders, but for those that require the utmost of nuance, they might want to skip using this feature.

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I just upgraded from .09 to .11 yesterday. The acceleration assist feature seems to be defaulted at 50.

Is this a change from how the default firmware would have rode before? I assume on any firmware pre-0.11, there is effectively 0 acceleration assist?

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9 minutes ago, bird said:

I just upgraded from .09 to .11 yesterday. The acceleration assist feature seems to be defaulted at 50.

Is this a change from how the default firmware would have rode before? I assume on any firmware pre-0.11, there is effectively 0 acceleration assist?

It's a completely new feature, didn't exist before .11.

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6 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

It's a completely new feature, didn't exist before .11.

Thanks for confirming. That is an unusual choice to introduce a new feature that affects the riding dynamics and enable it by default in the same update. Unless you are on this forum or another community that has deciphered this new setting with an arcane name, you would have no idea acceleration assist was introduced or impacting the ride.

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6 minutes ago, bird said:

Thanks for confirming. That is an unusual choice to introduce a new feature that affects the riding dynamics and enable it by default in the same update. Unless you are on this forum or another community that has deciphered this new setting with an arcane name, you would have no idea acceleration assist was introduced or impacting the ride.

True, maybe they were in a hurry to fix that pedal dip bug in .09 and didn't think of that.

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I'm not totally inspired with confidence that they fixed the old bug and didn't introduce any new ones with this update. Guess we will find out soon...

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7 hours ago, RELAXi said:

Braking is a form of (de)acceleration

So does this work with braking too? A feature I have personally been waiting for.

Yes. It's not the same type of split mode that other wheels implement though 🙂

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6 minutes ago, JZT-Colorado said:

has the effect of making the Lynx FEEL quicker and  torquier and lighter on its feet (foot). It’s a very cool upgrade and honestly put a big smile on my face. I’ve kept my Patton up to now, and one of the things I’ve continued to really appreciate about the Patton is its “lighter” stronger-accelerating feel


I don't own a Lynx, but I appreciate the acceleration-assist feature all the same on other wheels.

For me, it is so refreshing to be able to accelerate with just a touch more than a thought. The improved responsiveness is indeed a nice touch in my books.


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