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WTF! Since when do birds freeze when an EUC is approaching?


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So it looks like I am out of this years ShedFest. :furious:

I was heading back to my car after making a few videos to demonstrate my newly installed Shinko Tire on my Sherman when I came across a bird sitting in the middle of a plank bridge. The bridge was about 15 feet in length with no sides and over a dry creek. As I was coming down hill at a decent speed, I notice the bird just sitting there, frozen. I remember saying "Look out Fricken Bird!" and the next was deciding to chance riding the edge of the bridge and crashing at the edge of the creek or ride off the bridge into the dry creek below. 

Well I decided to stick with my wheel and make the drop as there was plenty of brush overgrowth in the creek. What I did not know was it was a good 4 to 4 1/2 foot drop! :o The landing resulted in me busting up my left ankle and the rim on the Sherman. 

WTF! Since when do birds freeze when an EUC is approaching? :blink:

Now with my busted ankle and rim there is no way a can heal or fix my wheel in time for the event. :furious:

Luckily I was able to ride the 5 mins back to the car but in doing so noticed the warp in the wheel due to the cracked rim and the burn in my ankle. That's when knew I not making this years' ShredFest. :crying:

Here a pic of my swollen ankle and cracked rim.




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@The Brahan Seer @Tawpie Thanks Guys. I'm just very disappointed at the whole incident.

I spent several hundred on getting new camping gear and getting my wheel ready for the event and now need to spend an extra 170 for a rim. :angry:

I may just need to sell my ticket to get me a new rim. If anyone here is interested, just PM.

I'll be posting it on FB as well.

@Tawpie I still have some footage I can put out, just not of the incident. :efee6b18f3:

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Dam how big was the bird?

That's why i would simply rider over any critter, that would be in my way. Than trying to sway around it.

Priorities - self injurie vs some critter. Sorry, but not sorry.

Sure i would feel "somewhat" bad about hurting the poor thing. But same time i would put my safety first.

Anyways get well soon. Try to put less strain on your feet - that's important! 

Edited by Funky
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1 hour ago, Funky said:

Dam how big was the bird?

That's why i would simply rider over any critter, that would be in my way. Than trying to sway around it.

Priorities - self injurie vs some critter. Sorry, but not sorry.

Sure i would feel "somewhat" bad about hurting the poor thing. But same time i would put my safety first.

Anyways get well soon. Try to put less strain on your feet - that's important! 

I've had many close calls with squirrels and have the same mentality as you do. I just keep going and hope they move out of the way in time but in this case, the bird just sat there like if nothing was coming.  It caught me off guard as I was sure it would just fly away. It was your typical red winged black bird so not big at all.

 I'm more disappointed in myself than angry at the bird. I'm sure the universe had other plans for me or just giving me an opportunity to re-think or re-focus on the path I am on. I believe there is always a reason for things and try to always look at the positives for any event. I know It my sound cheesy but hey, it's better than moping about it and being pissed off at the world. Waisted energy in my opinion. :D


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23 minutes ago, 5Cauac said:

It was your typical red winged black bird

then it wasn't a chicken, playing a game of…


(sorry, couldn't resist)

the Chinese parable about the man who lost his horse always comes to mind...

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