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Hit the big Half-Century...but still feel young?


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I've hit the half century a few years back. Still haven't slowed down much despite having my arthritis spreading all over. I still ride my pedal unicycles but not as much as the eucs. I'm addicted to the speed of the euc. I also take my ex.n up and down very steep trails. I can get the motor to skip quite a lot. I don't like being inside. I'm out even when the weather isn't great. It constantly rains around here. I only have Gotway/Begode wheels. So far they are holding up. I open them up regularly to inspect everything. I've had to do very little weather proofing. The first ride on my ex.n was through about 4 inches of snow.

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I don't know about rekindling youth but I definitely found a new hobby/obsession.  I'm 58 and started riding EUC's at 54 and haven't looked back.  My last "hobby" was motorcycles.  I was into it before the "chopper craze" but definitely got caught up in all that stuff as well.  I told my wife that if EUC's are are a mid life crisis it's much better than coming home with a mistress and a corvette lol.  I absolutely love riding, it's some kind of therapy for me.  Keep on keepin' on!   

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First off, please congratulate your daughter on her fine artwork. It would be posted in a place of highest honor in my household, above my workbench.

I was bored walking circles around the neighborhood during the pandemic and decided that 62 wasn't yet too late to learn a new physical skill. I like to think that I didn't need to rediscover my youth (it's fake news, a self delusion, probably a conspiracy theory) but learning to ride and gaining the ability to give in to curiosity and explore the surroundings without it being a major excursion has been very welcome addition to how I spend time.

In a weird way, participating in the global on-line community has been as refreshing as anything. While I retain my hard earned right to hold everything that youngsters do in utter distain without reason or explanation (old coot privilege), reading and sharing their experiences and viewpoints and enthusiasm brightens my days. In that way i suppose, some contact with youth has been restored!

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32 minutes ago, Tawpie said:

First off, please congratulate your daughter on her fine artwork. It would be posted in a place of highest honor in my household, above my workbench.

We think alike! The picture is indeed in my shed, sitting atop my workbench!

Great to read of the ages here, 62! And Prot at 70! I was wondering the other day how long I would continue to ride an EUC. At the moment I can't think of any reason to stop as I get older (other than falling) and of course the legal position here in the UK which may push me over the edge one day and make me sell up, just because the sanctions could ruin me.

It would be a great shame, as I think an EUC provides such a feelgood factor which I believe is essential as we get older. Not only physically but mentally too. I shiver at the thought of being in a care home, playing the odd game of scrabble and drinking tea all day. I may not have a choice in this of course depending on what cards my body and brain deals me, but I am a firm believer that the more we keep ourselves active and, more importantly, our brains active and happy, we can prolong the onset of 'old age' to some extent.

Keep riding guys!

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I'm coming up on 60 but still feel quite young ... apart from my ankles when I first wake up ... those feel like they're 70! I'll admit I've always felt young compared to other people though it came as quite a shock recently to find my wife has just turned 60. Weird how different things hit you. I don't push it on the EUC and stick between 20-25mph depending on traffic.

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I definitely feel my mid- 50's age a lot of days, but it sure doesn't slow down my EUC interest nor desire to ride!  I picked up a V11 last year, taught myself to ride and haven't looked back since.  This is a great hobby and surely helps some of us older farts get out more than we might otherwise.  Great post!  Keep at it!!  👊 👍

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