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Are One Wheels actually (potentially) safer than EUCs?


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14 hours ago, Darrell Wesh said:

Then you’re ignorant. What do you think happens in American football? In rugby? When violent forces often clash/collide with one another. Do you really think you can take a hit if you haven’t strengthened the muscles and core to be prepared for the shock of impacts? Why do you think they keep frail guys from being running back even if they are elusive in kickoff return? Do you really think it’s just the helmet and padding that makes all the difference in bodily protection? Being tackled by a guy weighing 250lbs at 15+mph forwards, backwards, sideways is very much akin to the forces generated crashing on an EUC.

And I’ve said already that falling on a mat is a diagnostic test. A bare minimum that will only expose the worst of the worst in terms of core control. 

I'm not sure why you're asking me so many "Do you really think...?" questions regarding American Football.  I said nothing about American football.  I know nothing about American Football.  Everything I said about falling off an EUC still stands. 

Any chance you could wind it back a bit with the name calling, hostility and such? You seem like someone who spends a lot of time doing sit ups but perhaps not enough time practicing how to talk to someone respectfully whose opinion differs from yours.  

Edited by RooMiniPro
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14 hours ago, Darrell Wesh said:

You really don’t know much and it’s showing, what with your absolute discredit to the human body for its ability in protecting its control center. That’s the goal of the diagnostic test, to see how much you can soften the fall which is directly correlated to how strong your trunk muscles are. The stronger they are the slower you will fall.

Being prepared for it is cheating. You can easily tell because you should relax everything until that point of no return when the reflex kicks in. Just simply fall backwards to that point of no return while relaxed and as soon as you reach that point the body will (should) initiate a reflex. As it does not like that sensation. The body will contract everything related to slowing the fall and the stronger you are as I said the slower/softer the descent will be. 

I would be interested in hearing an explanation on how you can make yourself fall backwards onto a mat without being prepared for it.  To save you some time, it's impossible.  Any such action you are taking intentionally and are preparing for it in some ways.  You would need to arrange for someone else to suddenly push you down at a time you were not expecting.  I still don't think making yourself fall onto a mat without hitting your head proves that you can keep your head from hitting the ground when experiencing an unexpected EUC accident at speed and I'm getting a bit tired of this weird argument and the insults. 

Edited by RooMiniPro
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3 hours ago, RooMiniPro said:

would be interested in hearing an explanation on how you can make yourself fall backwards onto a mat without being prepared for it.  To save you some time, it's impossible. 

Impossible? Nonsense. Ever heard of a trust fall? The whole point is to relax as you fall back which is the opposite of anticipation. Irregardless, wobbling off an EUC gives you PLENTY of time to anticipate landing on your back. 


3 hours ago, RooMiniPro said:

I still don't think making yourself fall onto a mat without hitting your head proves that you can keep your head from hitting the ground when experiencing an unexpected EUC accident at speed

You’ve said that the last 3 replies which is why I ask if you are reading my posts or skimming. I’ll say it again, it’s merely a diagnostic exercise that only serves to prove the individual has serious deficiencies in core control if they can’t keep their head up in a backward fall on the mat. I never said anything about successfully doing the exercise proves it won’t make you hit your head in an EUC crash. 


3 hours ago, RooMiniPro said:

You seem like someone who spends a lot of time doing sit ups but perhaps not enough time practicing how to talk to someone respectfully whose opinion differs from yours.  

It’s not that your opinion differs that bothers me. It’s that for the last couple posts you offer no rebuttal but your own personal skepticism as a challenge to my talking points. If you’ve mentally peaced out from the conversation you are in no way obligated to respond to it, even if I quote you.

It would be the same as if I kept commenting very vaguely that you can fall off an EUC and not hit your head as long as you’re fit, with zero elaboration. 

4 hours ago, RooMiniPro said:

I'm not sure why you're asking me so many "Do you really think...?" questions regarding American Football.  I said nothing about American football.  I know nothing about American Football.  Everything I said about falling off an EUC still stands. 

It’s a great analogy. Crashing into the ground is quite similar to the violence of being tackled into the ground. No one can really argue that they’re dissimilar. 

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9 hours ago, Paul A said:

NFL players wear helmets.

And you know well enough that concussions are an epidemic in the NFL. 


8 hours ago, TantasStarke said:

Darrel you got an insane take just give up bro 💀. A guy brought up how his friend died in a onewheel fall and you're interjecting talking about building up core muscles. It ain't worth the back and forth arguing dawg

No one has to argue with me. It shouldn’t even develop such controversy, it’s as if no one believes in functional training actually benefitting in the real world outside of the weight room.

My interjection is just that- a point I put out there. The only ones possibly wasting time arguing are the people challenging it, because I quite obviously put it out there to talk about it. 

Edited by Darrell Wesh
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I'm actually often thinking about what the probability of a hardware failure is on these devices. I hope its a negligible percentage, like an engine failure on an aircraft or so (which ironically actually happened to me the other day in a commercial airliner). Like the poster I do not worry about crashes due to mistakes I make myself, somehow i could live with that , but I would hate it if the machine sends me to hospital because of a stupid transistor or fuse blowing up

For OW I also thought about a safety wheel springing out at the speed of an airbag, I think that could be done with a bit of clever engineering, but its not commercially interesting to Future motion as it would make the device even much more expensive than it is and most people just accept the risk. Personally i would shell out the extra for features like this but most people wouldn't. I also thought about redundant control boards where one can take over in a microsecond when the other fails. And for battery there should be many packs in parallel so an entire pack can fail and the unit keeps going

But as far as the topic is concerned: I feel much safer on my EUC than on my OW, mainly due the knowledge i got much less chance of a cutout than a nosedive, but also the large wheel diameter makes the ride feel way more stable and safe especially when going over unexpected obstacles or uneven surfaces. On my OW I have often nearly eaten it going over some bump or a hole, with my EUC never.

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I started in this hobby on Onewheels approx. 4 years ago and still ride both EUC and Onewheel.  OW's aren't any more dangerous than EUC's IMO, as already stated, it's just easier to overpower them because of the design.  I haven't had a cutout on a OW but have had on a V11.  (Batch 1 battery/bms fault).  OW's are slower and have less power but it's designed for a different style of riding than EUC's.  I use mine for slow cruising to watch grass grow and bird watching, drag racing ants, etc lol.  IMO, it's meant for a slower type of cruising and not really meant for full "send" mode.  Both EUC and OW have a tilt back, pushback feature which basically says to the rider, "You're on your own if you push past this warning" which many on a Onewheel push past on a regular basis.  It's my opinion that the unsafe title comes from a lot of pushing the board beyond it's limits on purpose.  Almost every problem I've had with one of these balance devices has been caused by me not the device, minus the V11 cutout.  The cutout on the V11 hurt my shoulder similar to Black Cobra, minus the pins and screws, but I have a permanent injury from it.  In closing I'll just say that every device has it's limits and those limits have to be respected.

Peace and hair grease, Old guys rule!  Have a great riding day everyone.

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On 3/6/2022 at 2:28 PM, Senior Coffee said:

In closing I'll just say that every device has it's limits and those limits have to be respected.

But the power limits of the device is in direct proportion to the "dangerousness" I would guess, as many riders simply do not respect it, expecting the device to be more powerful. If you looked purely statistically my guess (I don't know for sure of course) would be  % of riders crashing on OW is higher than % of riders crashing on an EUC, because its just so much harder to overpower an EUC.  

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20 hours ago, Felix said:

But the power limits of the device is in direct proportion to the "dangerousness" I would guess, as many riders simply do not respect it, expecting the device to be more powerful. If you looked purely statistically my guess (I don't know for sure of course) would be  % of riders crashing on OW is higher than % of riders crashing on an EUC, because its just so much harder to overpower an EUC.  

I completely agree with this. Also no one mention the fact that ow don’t have beepers and I would guess the reason is they would be non stop for a hard rider.

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