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Euc use between storing time.


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I wanted to know: Lets say i have not ridden my euc for 5 months. And wanna use it for 5/10km small ride.

What should i do first? Charge it to 100% +~1hr balancing. Or can i ride it without charging first?

Does it matter? > There should not be any damage to battery, if i take euc for small ride and then keep storing again? Without charging before?

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How much charge is in it currently?

I would probably try to avoid charging it to 100%, because if you are only going 5/10km you may not take enough charge out of it before storing again. Ideally you want around 50% but 30% to 70% is OK.

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2 hours ago, Funky said:


I wanted to know: Lets say i have not ridden my euc for 5 months. And wanna use it for 5/10km small ride.

What should i do first? Charge it to 100% +~1hr balancing. Or can i ride it without charging first?

Does it matter? > There should not be any damage to battery, if i take euc for small ride and then keep storing again? Without charging before?

Shame on you! Either do as @Planemo suggests. OR...charge it fully and let it balance. THEN you have no choice but to ride it down to at least 80%, before neglecting it again.

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40 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Shame on you! Either do as @Planemo suggests. OR...charge it fully and let it balance. THEN you have no choice but to ride it down to at least 80%, before neglecting it again.

Tbf I haven't ridden for 5 months either....

I'm too old and too much of a pansy to go anywhere near the cold/wet on my wheel :(

I'm suffering proper withdrawal symptoms now though. Still, better than it being drugs I suppose.

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23 minutes ago, Planemo said:

Tbf I haven't ridden for 5 months either....

I'm too old and too much of a pansy to go anywhere near the cold/wet on my wheel :(

I'm suffering proper withdrawal symptoms now though. Still, better than it being drugs I suppose.

I force myself to ride my wheels at least 15 minutes each week. I like to try for every 3 days. I do squats on them and practice pendulum. I figure it doesnt hurt to keep them moving a little, same with my knees and balance. Sometimes its tough to go for more than 3 minutes in the blistering cold on even the mten. Lotsa times I dont even go further than 30' back and forth in front of the house. :eff02be2d7:

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1 hour ago, Planemo said:

How much charge is in it currently?

I would probably try to avoid charging it to 100%, because if you are only going 5/10km you may not take enough charge out of it before storing again. Ideally you want around 50% but 30% to 70% is OK.

At the moment it's 53% 73.5V  I stop riding at 55% ~74V

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3 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

I force myself to ride my wheels at least 15 minutes each week. I like to try for every 3 days. I do squats on them and practice pendulum. I figure it doesnt hurt to keep them moving a little, same with my knees and balance. Sometimes its tough to go for more than 3 minutes in the blistering cold on even the mten. Lotsa times I dont even go further than 30' back and forth in front of the house. :eff02be2d7:

Yeah you really need to ride to mainly keep the muscles toned. I try my best with one leg squats/calf raises in the house so I'm not too out of shape when I get back on the wheel after winter but yes it'd be far better to get on the wheel regularly. If I had a small area nearby or a big garden I probably would, but every ride for me involves a drive and I just cba. Plus I don't want my wheel anywhere near road salt, preferably not rain/wet either. I guess it comes down to the fact that I don't commute on it, it's just a fair weather toy for me so I can't justify getting the wheel manked up or getting myself freezing/wet just to maintain leg condition.

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49 minutes ago, Planemo said:

Tbf I haven't ridden for 5 months either....

I'm too old and too much of a pansy to go anywhere near the cold/wet on my wheel :(

I'm suffering proper withdrawal symptoms now though. Still, better than it being drugs I suppose.

If the cold is holding you back look into getting some windproof gear. I can ride in my T-shirt and windproof motorcycle jacket down to 10F at 40MPH and not be cold, lower than that and I just put on a hoodie underneath. I also wear windproof cycling pants

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22 minutes ago, Funky said:

What i was asking is. It doesn't hurt the wheel, if i wake it up from 5 month sleep for small ride. Then put it back to sleep without charging?

I'm confused. You have said that you don't ride below 55% but the wheel is already at 53%. So it needs charging before your ride, and if you are going to do that then I suggest you charge to full. Then ride it long enough to bring it back to 70% or less.

6 minutes ago, TantasStarke said:

If the cold is holding you back look into getting some windproof gear. I can ride in my T-shirt and windproof motorcycle jacket down to 10F at 40MPH and not be cold, lower than that and I just put on a hoodie underneath. I also wear windproof cycling pants

Oh I have plenty of cold weather gear from riding motorbikes on my commute all through UK winters, but I just dont want to wrap up in all the gear just to ride an EUC, when I don't really get much enjoyment out of riding an EUC in cold/wet anyway. On the bike it was a requirement to get to work.

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I did not touch my older IPS wheel for two years. It was charged to 100%. Picked it up recently expecting it to be depleted of battery. To my suprise, it was still on 100% charge. Took it out for a ride, all worked OK apart from slightly deflated tyre.  

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4 hours ago, Funky said:

What i was asking is. It doesn't hurt the wheel, if i wake it up from 5 month sleep for small ride. Then put it back to sleep without charging?

Your battery is 100% fine with this.

Edited by Tawpie
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Without knowing which wheel it is, the safest thing is to charge to 100% always. Even for a 5 km ride before going back into storage. If it is being rarely used, the reduced battery lifespan from storing above 80% shouldn't matter and not worth stressing over - you're probably going to sell it before this becomes a factor. What should matter is your confidence in knowing whether there is imbalance between the 2 (or more) packs that could have developed during storage. For most wheels, you don't know there is an issue with the battery unless you charge to 100% every single time (until the one time it doesn't then that's when you know). 

This is the only way I can feel safe sleeping at night with Gotway wheels. Every time I see the 100% it's re-assurance that today is not the day it will explode :) 

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Lots of prior discussion about storage, for more reading please see: https://forum.electricunicycle.org/tags/long term storage/ 

On 2/10/2022 at 12:47 PM, conecones said:

the safest thing is to charge to 100% always

Every time I see the 100% it's re-assurance that today is not the day it will explode :)

I agree! :) 

On 5/6/2020 at 11:41 AM, RagingGrandpa said:

Life can be simple...

"Charge overnight before a ride"

Don't charge after a ride, unless you're going to ride again immediately. (Minimizes storage SOC.)

I truly think this is all that would be needed for most EUC owners to keep their packs happy. If they knew this and nothing else, I think we'd be in a better place than today.
Perhaps some Z10's would self-discharge during long-term storage and need manual recovery... but if you put a Gotway in the basement at 3.3V/cell (unridable), come back 6mos later and I think you'll find it happily resting at 3.0 and ready to recharge.

The only remaining concern is fire safety... I'm comfortable charging indoors overnight (with me sleeping upstairs), for unmodified EUCs, that aren't soaking wet, using OEM chargers.
Start adding jenky untested custom stuff, and 'sleeping upstairs while charging' would stop.

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