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Fastest EUC under $1,500?

Vam Monaco

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9 hours ago, Vam Monaco said:

most bang

Bang is also acceleration.

With the Nik 100V Youlget a good cmpromise between speed and acceleration. And You can get it used below 1500$.

Otherwise look here:


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Used wheel is a great option if you have the capability, skills and possibility to examine that the battery pack is in good health. ‘Cos if you’d have to replace even one of the packs, no deal is good enough for the wheel. And unfortunately mistreated battery packs are a bit too common in EUCs.

 If you don’t trust your knowledge on the matter, I would suggest buying the wheel new.

 For me, bang for the buck is many other things first before speed. All modern wheels are already fast enough for me, but not many of them are comfortable enough to enjoy during a long trip. 

 Which brings me to: Bang for your buck is very different than bang for my buck. Or some random forum member’s buck.

But we can give you recommendations for your to check out if you’d tell us a bit more about your needs, expectations, dealbreakers, past wheels and experience, riding environment, planned distances, etc.

Edited by mrelwood
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EUC price tiers have shifted to be more expensive unfortunately. If you’re looking for a NEW wheel with the best bang for your buck at the budget of $1500 flat, there aren’t really that many options unfortunately. Best bet is probably MCM5V2 and then get some protective gear with the money left over. If you’re looking for speed though, you’ll be hitting the upper bound of 25 mph pretty quick.

I used to recommend the great deal of the Tesla v2 that can hit closer to 28 mph previously costing $1300 but sadly, they are discontinued and the next iteration, the T3, is priced new at $1799, out of budget.


So as most folks mentioned, look at the used market and hope you get lucky. If you’re looking for speedy wheels, you may catch a good price in your budget on a Nikola 100v or a MSX 84v. Both can get you to 35 mph easy, which I’d say is pretty darn fast at that price.


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13 hours ago, Tawpie said:

<bad joke>Get a Gotway! They can go bang for pretty much any buck</bad joke>

Ah, I totally misunderstood the original question! Either the OP wants the biggest explosion they can get that only costs a dollar, or they are going hunting.

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