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Gotway Nikola Plus Voltmeter Displaying "-.-.-."


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Hi all.

Just noticed the voltmeter on my Nikola Plus is displaying "-.-.-.", when powered on.

Everything else appears to be working fine, charges to 97% (over 2yrs old with 2.5k miles on the clock). Tried turning off & on several times and doing a static wheel spin, but no change.

Anyone else had a similar problem? 🤔

Thank you 🙏

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17 hours ago, Arbolest said:

Even though the wheel's "full" voltage is just over 100v, the voltmeter can actually only display up to 99.9v, so whenever the voltage is higher it just displays dashes. :roflmao:

Just ride your wheel around for a while and it will start displaying properly once the voltage drops a bit   :thumbup:

Thank you Arbolest. Took it for a local ride and the display now functioning as expected due to being below 100v. 👍

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Ok it seems it was all a bit of a red herring in the end. The Darknessbot app was the one showing the lower %age (Gotway App showing 100%). Checked Darknessbot app again after recent recharge and volts upto 100.9v (but still displayed 97% battery). So that equals a 100% charge in my opinion! 👍 Thank you all for your comments! 🙏

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