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16X firmware woes, weird tilt while riding etc


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Hello everyone :)

Sorry this is a long one..

I recently got my 16X ( my first EUC ), i immediately wanted to upgrade the firmware with kingsong app and hit my first problem.. App said that i had 1.0 firmware and offered me 2.03 firmware so i clicked upgrade, this just did not work at all and just got stuck in a "loop".

After a while of messing about i downloaded an older version of the kingsong app and i got it to upgrade to version 1.07 and i was happy and i have been riding with that.

I thought that i could not upgrade the firmware to 2.03 anyway since i think i have the older version of the control board which only supports 1.07 firmware version ( any info on this is very much appreciated ).

Today i was again messing about ( yeah i just have to :D ) and the kingsong app offered me the firmware update to 2.03 again so i clicked ok and the wheel turned off but the light stayed on and nothing happened.. i was like oh crap did i just brick this thing and turned it off and on again with the long press of the power button. Nothing really happened and the light stayed on.. was really starting to get nervous at this point :D

Fired up EUCworld and immediately without confirmation the app started upgrading firmware ( which before said i already had the newest firmware  1.07 and only had downgrade option available. I was like allrighty then ( read with ace ventura voice ) and the upgrade went just fine and now i have 2.03 which i thought wasn't even possible on my euc..

Some issues with the wheel are just weird since sometimes when trollying, the euc tilts forward quite a lot actually and levels out at some point, it also does this when riding slowly, i havent had this while riding faster speeds / longer distances. What could cause this?

Just before this post i went on a first ride with the new firmware and it was fine except for the weird tilting again ( which again dissappeared when riding faster... )

Edited by Slimewheel
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Huh. Dip while trollying is annoying… dip when riding is only expected during long slow turns. Does changing ride modes help?

v1.0 to start… I wonder if you should stick at 1.07… that was solid for most early adopters.

If you can burn your control board up, the replacement probably won’t do that.

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7 minutes ago, Slimewheel said:

I'm gonna ride it as is for now and see how it behaves. Doesn't hurt to calibrate again. 

Your symptom does sound exactly like a calibration error. So it's a good idea to do it again and check that it's really done correctly. Follow some instructions like the video here: 

If you are sure it's done correctly and you still feel it tilting forward then it's time to think other solutions. Sometimes it can feel that way on tight turns. It can also feel like it's tilting back on turns. But that might be normal. 

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1 hour ago, Slimewheel said:

I'm gonna ride it as is for now and see how it behaves. Doesn't hurt to calibrate again. 

Does the wheel beep when it tilts forward?

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8 minutes ago, Seba said:

Does the wheel beep when it tilts forward?

Nope. When riding slowly it just tilts and after a while it goes back to level. It actually tilts like 10-20 degrees which is a lot. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 6/15/2021 at 11:03 AM, Slimewheel said:

Nope. When riding slowly it just tilts and after a while it goes back to level. It actually tilts like 10-20 degrees which is a lot. 

Hi Slimewheel,
I have the same problem as you. The pedal tilts forward several degrees and after a while it returns to zero. I also noticed that by rocking the unicycle from side to side it returns the original inclination (0 degrees).

Did you manage to solve the problem?

I'll leave the video demonstrating what happened.

Edited by meepmeepmayer
link fixed
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