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Nikola 100 V with EUC App - wrong Battery readings


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Sorry, if this is already discussed.

Nikola was fully loaded - 100.8 V reading on start. 1800 Wh version - new in Dec. 2020.

Was on tour yesterday. After about 21 km, EUC App said 78 %. 

After 35 km I checked agin and was in panic: roughly about 30 %. And I started my return ride straight away.

It showed up 12%, when more than 15 km where waiting.....

I was riding pretty slow and reached my car. But no beeps due to low battery. Reading on end of tour was 83 V.

Cn anybody tell me, what 83 V means in terms of percentage? How deep does the Nikola ride - i.e. which voltage is 0% or 10%.

My Nikola 84 V was o.k. in readings on EUC App.



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12 minutes ago, MBIKER_SURFER said:

Cn anybody tell me, what 83 V means in terms of percentage? How deep does the Nikola ride - i.e. which voltage is 0% or 10%.

A 100.8V wheel has 24 cells in series, so 83V/24~3.46V. Afaik GW wheels have 0% at 3.3V (or did they change to 3.15V too inbetween?).

100% is at 4.1125V

So 3.46V should be ~20%

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2 hours ago, MBIKER_SURFER said:

Sorry, if this is already discussed.

Nikola was fully loaded - 100.8 V reading on start. 1800 Wh version - new in Dec. 2020.

Was on tour yesterday. After about 21 km, EUC App said 78 %. 

After 35 km I checked agin and was in panic: roughly about 30 %. And I started my return ride straight away.

It showed up 12%, when more than 15 km where waiting.....

I was riding pretty slow and reached my car. But no beeps due to low battery. Reading on end of tour was 83 V.

Cn anybody tell me, what 83 V means in terms of percentage? How deep does the Nikola ride - i.e. which voltage is 0% or 10%.

My Nikola 84 V was o.k. in readings on EUC App.

I don't see anything wrong. After 35 km battery voltage dropped to 88 Volts which translated to ~30 % of battery level. From what I can see from a tour you've sent me I can only assume that you've been riding against the wind. When you turned south, power consumption was lower despite the same terrain profile and speed. Because of this battery discharge rate slowed down. Later you additionally slowed down, what further reduced battery discharge rate.

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Hallo Sebastian,


but I did ths tour last yer several times with the Nikola 84 V. There everything was fine.

Today again - 3% for the last 5 km - 5 bft front wind. But voltage was at the end 84,2 V. This would mean - if battery voltage is a linear function - I had about 21 % left - not 3 %.

I took screenshots nearly every 5 km of the tour today: last part of ride is https://euc.world/tour/598724418805053

First part of ride is  https://euc.world/tour/598722759068325

I lost connection - during riding. This didn't happen with the 84 V as well.

It looks rather strange to me.

I couldn't check battery - although I stopped the tour and csv logging - for whatever reason.....

If you would like to get the screenshots, please get me your e-mail adress.





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Battery % are not really efficient on any app. When the wheel is on-road the level you read is actually under what it really is. Got the same troubles with my Begode MSP HS, the battery shows 10% but the wheel still go at 45 kph (28mph) and still ne beep. After a stop for smoking, the battery % all went up to 30%. Riding it again, with no hard accels and speed under 35kph (22mph) the battery drop again shortly around 15%. It is only when I was around 4% that I heard the beeps restricting my speed. And when the 0% showed up I was restricted to a speed of 25kph (15mph), I arrived shortly after to my destination. As I wait for the cells to cool down before charging, I started the app the check the battery state and it showed 12%. I don't remember the voltages, but now this is what I look at the most, even if the fluctuations are pretty much the same, it gives better information on what you can do with your wheel.

I was happy when I saw that after an update, that the battery reading was improved on EUC World. But at the end I get the same results. Can't tell if this is due to the app or due to Begode. Also on the app it shows that my motor goes up to 12kW of power, I seriously doubt it.

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5 hours ago, MBIKER_SURFER said:

Thanks - I realized this. But on the Nikola 84 V the readings were more or less o.k.

I will have to rel on the voltages.

Do the voltage readings follow a linear function? I.e. - 21 V (101 V to 80 V) means 50% corresponds to 90.5 V?

It should be that. But seems the minimum voltage of our wheels is not what's on the app so the % percentage means nothing. Only way would be to test it until the wheel no longer want to move, but I strongly not recommend it, as all cells are not necessarily at the same voltage and if one or more cells goes under the lower voltage they are dead, even read some battery packs died that way, can be fixed but I really don't want to touch battery packs, as you need to test every single cell and change the dead one. I guess we need more time to see a good reading of the 21700 LG battery pack. Not even sure our wheel will ever manage it properly as we need to change the motherboard if there is a new firmware.

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Treid to figure out, what's going wrong on Nikola 100 V with the new 21xx cells.

Down to roughly 45%, battery voltage relates to the percentage battery.

Than within 10 km, percentage of battery goes down to roughly 10%, whereas byttery voltage goes down to 86 V. This should be something about 30% battery level.

This seems to be a programming bug - sorry for saying that. Or the new cells are different to the 18650.

Can we hope on a solution @Seba ;)

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use the custom voltage, is way more accurate across the whole battery

79.2v minimum
99.5v max       ( i personal use the max value after full charge -1v, it's more realistic )

82.5v for 84v wheels (which usually end full charge at 83 - 83.5v )

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1 hour ago, Bolche Wheel said:

Hi, i think i have the same issue as you MBIKER_SURFER

Here  with my Nikola Plus 1800 wh


14,5 km , battery started at 78% and end at 28% , ok i rode a bit fast, 27 km/h average , not so fast for a Nikola Plus

at the end is 34% on tour stat which is probably 40% . did you use the custom setting ?

27kmh avg is not bad

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the percentage reading below 50% is totally unuseble and definitely wrong - luckily. Otherwise I would have had a long trip by foot....

I changed it to 80 V = 0% and 100 V = 100 %. But now I get only voltage readings.....

Anyway - I decided so far to trust in voltage readings - meaning 1% per 0.2 V. So 90 V means 50% battery capacity.


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Charge level and voltage are not linear. The vast majority of the charge is between 3.5 and 4.0v (per cell). Below 3.5v you have few percent left, and above 4.0v very few percent.

The percentage is probably estimated by the app.

Edited by alcatraz
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