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MCM5, riding without the pads?


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Hi! My MCM5(v2, used) came with the pads installed, maybe they all do, but anyways, i don't feel like they're contributing to the riding experience that much, except of the sores in places they touch my legs...anyone riding their mcm5 without those pads? would i regret it if i'll take them off? Just curious about other people experiences...



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I don't use the pads while riding, but I find them useful when doing a one-legged push start.

The curvature of the shell away from your leg gives very little contact area to control the wheel with one leg - it forces an awkward inward angle of your knee.

This combined with the smoothness of the shell material, makes single-leg mounting difficult without pads.

If you've ever ridden a V8f, the shell actually protrudes at the top, which can be uncomfortable at first, but provides very good single-leg control.

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You don’t need em for a wheel that small; good footwork and body position can extract 100% of what that wheel has to give.

I’d recommend standing on the wheel after you take the pads off, and see where the biggest gap is above your ankle and the wheel. Put the pads there and see how that feels instead.

dunno why people think high pad placement is good. Just fill the gaps! It boosted my confidence riding; more surface area connected to the wheel is more leverage when you need it. 

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If you are a new rider it is normal for the wheel to make your legs sore.  With or without the pads a new rider will have sore spots until you get used to the wheel. 

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I guess I'm bow legged, I only feel my pads on my M5V2 when I mount and turn by leaning the wheel, it climbs and stops pretty darn well so I rarely ever squeeze them with any force.  I think Paradox is right when he says that it might just be a matter of getting used to them, if they continue to bother you, take them off and give it a try.

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I find the mten doesnt really need pads but mounting. RIding these little wheels loosely is the way to go. Pads help when jumping a little, but for merely riding, you really shouldnt need the leverage. Ride loose and let it track the road a little. Holding tight on a tiny wheel only wears you out, makes you nervous and causes over-correction. I ride loose enough that I can lean the wheel left when turning right. Its a handy skill with low pedal wheels on uneven ground.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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Okey, after riding for a bit longer i think there's one thing the pads help with, and it's the wobbles. I guess i'm not very experienced yet, have to try adjusting my feet position and such, but i've got some scary wobble when going fast(yeah, i know, those of you who have fast wheels are laughing). 

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@Nnbveh Try unloading your feet with a little hop motion. Don't come off the pedals, but unload your feet and move one in a shuffle. I do this mostly on my little wheel, as leaning into the pad is just a pita and knee. Pads can help with riding one foot or to unload a foot for moving. But for wobbles, you have to FIGHT the urge to grab the wheel with your legs. Focus on minor balance shift to one side and even out your foot pressure. Carve the wobbles gone but its ALL very slight. Again, resist the urge to grab when it wobbles. Try to relax and evaluate what is hapening, but don't overcompensate. I still wobble sometimes at speed. It just happens but typically its OUR fault it gets out of hand. I wobble like hell during e-stops on my 18. Its because I try to grab the wheel instead of use my heels(no pads). I stop like mad on the sherm. It has pads and again, I don't grab the wheel. Sounds backwards but thats why it somewhat tough to learn.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/28/2021 at 8:48 AM, EMA said:

little wheel do not need any pads ;) i have an mcm5 too, it's crazy fun out of the box

Can't agree. Even with small, torquey wheels pads have lots of benefits:

1. You can jump - even more FUN!

2. Your legs and feet stay in position in case of sudden bumps/road imperfection - more SAFETY!

3. You can squeeze max. torque from the wheel for acceleration/emergency braking/inclines 


Edited by Arek Gryglicki
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