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MTen3 Arrived


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Thanks for that. I was hoping the mten would be easy, as its 'cute' factor would help fool her into thinking it wasnt too hard. She's seen me zip around at 25mph+ on the 18l and I think it just SEEMS more dangerous to her. Im more interested than she is, so theres no point in trying to say i got it for her. I imagine her watching me bust my ass as i learn the mten, wont help either.  Keep us updated how you get along with yours over the next few weeks!

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Heres what you do. Buy the mten for yourself, you ride the mten while your supporting her on the 18l. Tell her and show her how you can reduce the top speed of the 18l to 10mph so it doesnt freak her out.


The mten is easy to stay up right  at low speed so your not going to be strained when shes trying to go slow on the 18l. 

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Good to know! Sounds like the comfy as hell 18l with cover may be the better tool for a learner. I found the 14 to be a total pita and sent it back (compared to the 18L). Id imagine the 10 will be even worse. BUT, i now know the enjoyment and have gained a little more surety. Looking forward to getting it, but sounds like Im just asking to get my a** kicked for a few days... again. I'll try to get her up in the soft yard with me walking to hold her up.  Me riding an mten and trying to hold up a newbie on an 18:, sounds like awesome video footage of a total fail.

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10 hours ago, gr8ps said:

I learned on the Luffy, the cheaper cousin to the Mten3. I think the small size made things a lot harder than it needed to be, I almost gave up.

She's a week in now, and the two times she's tried my 16X she's been scared of its great weight. Sure it stays up better once it's spinning, but if it starts listing she panics and stops instead of muscling it up straight again.

The MTen3 has been great at low speeds and made her a technical rider with small corrective motions, but hasn't taught her how to manhandle the wheel when you need to DEMAND it goes where you want. It's just not a necessary skill on the MTen3, and to learn it you have to put a bigger, heavier, more expensive wheel at risk.

I'm starting to suspect there's no perfect wheel to learn everything from, but the MTen3 has covered all the very beginner bases in her case.

Edited by Dan Hillary
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12 hours ago, gr8ps said:

I learned on the Luffy, the cheaper cousin to the Mten3. I think the small size made things a lot harder than it needed to be, I almost gave up.

I still have my Luffy which is technically my granddaughter’s wheel. She has since lost interest. 

1 hour ago, Dan Hillary said:

She's a week in now, and the two times she's tried my 16X she's been scared of its great weight. Sure it stays up better once it's spinning, but if it starts listing she panics and stops instead of muscling it up straight again.

Hopefully she’ll be less intimidated with the Mten3. Good luck on her training. I gave up on trying to teach my wife. :crying:

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12 hours ago, gr8ps said:

I learned on the Luffy, the cheaper cousin to the Mten3. I think the small size made things a lot harder than it needed to be, I almost gave up.

I also learned on the Luffy. What a mistake that was. The narrow 10" twitchy tire and lack of torque makes mounting a nightmare for a beginner. The low pedal height makes it all too easy to pedal scrape. It is best suited as a kids learning wheel. So glad I corrected my mistake and got the mten3 shortly after.  

Edited by greentung
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Got mine today. All this worry about it being any harder than a larger 18" wheel, was for naught in my case. It is harder to roll start and hold in place with one leg. However, Just as when I was new on the 18, a hop start is just fine. My first time standing on a wheel so small and i rolled away without much issue. I am by no means good at riding, but i really didnt notice it being easier or harder than my other. I also swtiched back to the 18 after a 5 minute glide, and didnt have any issue getting back on it. I would suspect that 'intimidation' is one of the biggest hurdles for a newbie. Once you learn one wheel, it seems it nothing but a thing to ride another. I THINK it being so small did give me a glimpse of hope that my wife may TRY it, as before she swore she'd never. This is going to be a great addition to my small wheel family.

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On 3/9/2020 at 6:57 PM, ShanesPlanet said:

Got mine today. All this worry about it being any harder than a larger 18" wheel, was for naught in my case. It is harder to roll start and hold in place with one leg. ................I THINK it being so small did give me a glimpse of hope that my wife may TRY it, as before she swore she'd never.

When you first get on the MTen3, it seems as if there is nothing down there except for your feet.

IMHO,  a new rider would do better on a larger wheel.  Larger wheels are less twitchy and seem easier to ride.  I still have fond memories of my Ninebot One E+ (it's only been gone a week).  Of course the Ninebot One didn't weight much more than the MTen3.


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The MTen3 has an overcoat.  It's not pretty but hopefully it will protect the covers.  

I used .5" neoprene.  When I do it again I'll use .25" neoprene and just double up in the areas when I think thicker is needed.  The .25" neoprene will be easier to work with.  The neoprene comes with an adhesive back.  A good source is a marine supply store.  Apparently, boaters use it to insulate the hull,

I got hung up on .5:" as I wanted to put "Kuji Pads" between the ankle and shin pads.



Neoprene Coat Front.jpg

Neoprene Coat Rear.jpg

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