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16x pedal tilt while turning.


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Just got my 16x from ewheels W firmware 1.07 couple of days ago. I wanted to know if it was normal for the pedals to slightly tilt back while doing a left or right turn. Not sure if this is normal operation of the wheel  because my MSX doesn’t do this.

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Wheels do that a lot more if the calibration is off. I’d calibrate the wheel carefully. Be sure to have the wheel sbsolutely and exactly upright in the left-right axis and stationary while calibrating.

That said, different manufacturers’ wheels behave differently when turning, so the feeling of being tilted back or forward may also come from being used to another manufacturer’s behaviour.

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16 hours ago, Solosmooth said:

Just got my 16x from ewheels W firmware 1.07 couple of days ago. I wanted to know if it was normal for the pedals to slightly tilt back while doing a left or right turn. Not sure if this is normal operation of the wheel  because my MSX doesn’t do this.

If that doesn't work, install the Bluetooth patch. You can read the instructions in the top post in the Issues thread. This fixed a similar issue for me ;-)

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Pedal dipping in turns is typical when the calibration is off. There's a lots of threads about this here: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aelectricunicycle.org+pedal+dipping+in+turns

This usually happens if the calibration is done while the wheel is not upright on the left-right axis (when it's leaning to one side) or isn't perfectly still while calibrating (but not leaning to the side is the most important for a good calibration). The pedal angle can be as you want it, but no side lean.

So a good calibration (no side lean) should fix your problem.

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I emailed Jason at eWheels about the tiltback in tight turns, because I have noticed it myself as well on my 16X from the latest batch in the US. He said that KS apparently programs the behavior into the firmware to keep the rider from turning too hard. I guess that fits my observation since I can only detect it when I'm turning about as tightly as I can force the wheel to go. My calibration has been done twice and is spot-on.

It's not a BT issue is any recent 16X shipments. Per Jason, that problem was resolved months ago by physically moving the BT module away from the sensors.




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3 hours ago, Dr.Ben said:

I emailed Jason at eWheels about the tiltback in tight turns, because I have noticed it myself as well on my 16X from the latest batch in the US. He said that KS apparently programs the behavior into the firmware to keep the rider from turning too hard. I guess that fits my observation since I can only detect it when I'm turning about as tightly as I can force the wheel to go.

What exactly is "turning too hard"? Doesn't make sense to me.

We have heard the "it's intentional, it's just the firmware" excuse from the manufacturers before. Back then, that was clearly a lie (because it could be fixed by a proper calibration). Not sure how much to trust this info now...

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My 2nd batch 16x did that after my 1st charge, I figured out how to calibrate it and it hasn't done it since, I wonder if it's not a bad idea to calibrate these from new?  I was new then, still am I guess, but looking back it was a quite noticeable tilt back at slow tight'ish turns.

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I recalibrated again today and then went riding again and did not observe the tiltback, though I didn't go out of my way to try to induce it. As for what Jason reported, don't kill the messenger; I was just passing the information along.

On the subject of recalibration, is 0 degrees ideal or a bit of forward tilt preferred or is it purely rider preference?


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15 hours ago, Dr.Ben said:

On the subject of recalibration, is 0 degrees ideal or a bit of forward tilt preferred or is it purely rider preference?

Within a few degrees from 0 I’d say it’s purely up to rider preference. Be careful when calibrating to a forward tilt since it can cause your feet to slip forward too easily on bumps.

Different manufacturers’ calibrations/riding modes behave a bit differently at speed, which is why a few degrees forward on the MSX gives me closest to the same ankle angle than a few degrees backwards on the 16S.

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My 16X (board 1.4, firmware 1.05, BT patch) is rock solid in turns, whereas my MCM5 has a small tendency to tilt forward on tight turns even on the "hardest" pedal setting.  I wound up using a level taped to the trolley extension bar to calibrate for best results.  Whereas I have never calibrated my 16X.

Edited by xorbe
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