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My NEW KS 18XL survived from being underneath 2ft of water


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Dayam.  You have a Corvette C7?  :popcorn:  Sweet!  Sorry to hear about the water incident.  That sucks, but glad to hear the wheel is still working.  Hats off to King Song for the win!  :w00t2:  Seriously, it would be nice to see all EUCs completely waterproof against accidents like this.  I'm sure it's possible!

Edited by Hunka Hunka Burning Love
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Smart move to open up the wheel as soon as possible! I would still disconnect the battery connectors and dry out any moisture so that they don’t rust with a bit of time. The connecting pins are likely gold plated, but still, not at all specified as waterproof.

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@Hunka Hunka Burning Love.., you are absolutely correct about being able to water seal the wheels. From my vantage point, and I'm not an electrician nor engineer, but placing rubber seals between the shells plus encasing the motherboard and gunking it with that white puddy like substance they used to seal the batteries might be doable. Again, what do I know...

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My Mten3 was submerged in 3 feet of pool water, for about 5-10 seconds.  I dried it out and it did work for about a week before something on the mother board failed. I ended up returning it to ewheels for a partial credit for a new one.  Decided it was safer to do that than try to repair it and have another part fail later.

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One might not need to seal up the entire shell, but maybe just make the components inside individually waterproof?  That would make them all weather resistant like a motorcycle or car.  IPS had their control boards inside metal casings which provided some protection.  If the Chinese can make these cool underwater sea scooters, they can surely can make an EUC waterproof for 5 minutes?


Or maybe for those DIYers, grabbing some conformal coating and applying strategically might help?  I hear that you have to be careful how you apply it to avoid switches where it could interfere with contacts if possible.


The hole in the axle might be an issue so some silicone sealant could close that up.  Bearings would be another challenge, but as they are sealed they likely wouldn’t let too much water in.  Hub motor covers could do with a bead of silicone around the seams and maybe screws/bolts.

Edited by Hunka Hunka Burning Love
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