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CicLAvia in the Los Angeles area closes some streets for a day, but has rules against anything with a motor. Isn't this a bit restrictive?


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CicLAvia is a day of some street closures in the Los Angeles area, happening several times a year. However, they so far have rules against anything with a motor. No LEVs allowed! Isn't this a bit restrictive? Does there need to be another event organized for just LEVs? It would seem far easier if CicLAvia would simply lift the ban on things with motors. If the Los Angeles area truly wants to reduce car traffic, they must be welcoming to more than just non-motorized options.

CicLAvia is a great concept and I wish it would be far more expansive and happen more often. Organizers have been making good progress since it began in Los Angeles in 2010, but it's really time they acknowledge the existence of LEVs (light electric vehicles). It's a huge oversight by CicLAvia to keep ignoring LEVs, particularly with the explosion of rental scooters in the Los Angeles area, along with electric rental bicycles now available from cities and independent vendors. Add in EUCs, electric boards, Segway devices, and other types of LEVs and there are a lot of potential participants who are being shut out.

I've been asking CicLAvia by email for years when they will officially allow LEVs, but they have not ever responded to my inquiries.

Fact is, there have been LEVs participating in CicLAvia already for years, regardless of it being against their rules, "No motorized vehicles on the route including electric skateboards, scooters, and bicycles. Wheelchairs and pedal assists are okay." I assume "pedal assists" is referring to pedal assisted bicycles. Going into their FAQs, "Any form of people-powered transport is allowed at CicLAvia. Skateboards, trikkes, rollerblades, skates - basically anything without a motor." I find these rules to be a bit arbitrary, because the presumption is that any of the non-motorized options are somehow safer or pose less risk than an LEV, which is quite a leap. I have seen plenty of people fall or crash into others while riding a bicycle, skateboard, or skates. What CicLAvia is saying is that someone can dust off their skates from 1987 and wobble around the streets and that's okay. Who is likely to fall or crash first: Mr. or Ms. Wobbles on skates or someone on an LEV with skills?

I could be wrong, but I don't believe an LEV is a, "motorized vehicle," as specified by the California Vehicle Code, despite an LEV having a motor. In CicLAvia's FAQs, they're more specific and disallow motors entirely, although that contradicts their exception for wheelchairs and pedal assists. However, as the CicLAvia rules are currently worded, I think anyone on an LEV could be asked to leave by any event official who interprets things otherwise. As a result, I am not inclined to patronize CicLAvia with an EUC--I tried it once and was not asked to leave, but was ready for it to happen at any moment, which was not a comfortable feeling and would not have been a good use of my time to travel to the event had I been asked to leave.

Aside from rule issues, the events are generally confined to a relatively small area by EUC standards, which doesn't take long to cover the whole route, even at a leisurely pace. Sections of the routes also tend to be crowded with people standing around talking and/or eating, pedestrians, strollers, many people walking bicycles, and slow bikers, plus an abundance of supervision and law enforcement, with ushers stationed at the major intersections with movable barriers for crossing crowd control. For people unfamiliar with riding the streets, this is a good thing. For a seasoned street rider, a bit unnecessary. Until CicLAvia expands to cover much larger territories and officially allows LEVs, I'd rather just go out and ride my EUC anywhere I like without the crowds or constant babysitting. And if my EUC is my baby, nobody puts baby in a corner.

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I also rarely have negative contact with anyone, aside from the odd security guard who is in powermad overdrive. Typically, even they'll ask nicely for me to dismount and I oblige. 

But I will certainly join in on any effort to increase awareness of and opportunities for EUCs. 

I feel that casual scooter riders have screwed it up for everyone. Now, anything with a battery and a motor is the devil's work in many people's eyes.

Let's be (and encourage other to be) good ambassadors of our little addiction.

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On 10/7/2019 at 6:42 PM, 3euc said:

I've been asking CicLAvia by email for years when they will officially allow LEVs, but they have not ever responded to my inquiries.

Have you contact the Executive Director, Romel Pascual? I know Romel and I'm sure he would be willing to have a conversation about this. 

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1 hour ago, jonthelam said:

Have you contact the Executive Director, Romel Pascual? I know Romel and I'm sure he would be willing to have a conversation about this. 

I have not tried to contact the Executive Director, but thanks for the name! If it's someone you know, maybe you could make contact and bring up the subject, see what their position is at this point.

While CicLAvia has never responded to email, I did once speak with someone there, who told me they were discussing whether to allow LEVs, but hadn't made any decisions yet. That was maybe two or three years ago by now.

I've been hoping there might be a change made soon to relax the restriction, given the number of LEVs that have descended upon the Los Angeles area. I thought it might be better to let them decide on their own, as opposed to pushing them into confirming a quick, "no."

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I was sent this event link on FB to talk about the changing use of LA streets.


This might be worth checking out if you are inclined. I'm planning on being there as I am curious about this matter as well. Hopefully I'll get to talk to Romel.

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On 10/8/2019 at 12:43 PM, Marty Backe said:

And by being highly visible we catch new riders, like we did last year with @Dzlchef :thumbup:

Yep!  Spotting Jeff riding around definitely changed my life...

Hi, my name is Brian and I'm an addict. I can't go a day without riding my EUC.

Glad that we have a place for group therapy!

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