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MSX 84V 1600Wh Pedals Tilting back and forth???


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My MSX is relatively new and I have not had any hard crashes or anything out of the ordinary take place. I store the wheel on a stand and it hasn't been knocked over to my knowledge. I have had zero issues at all with the wheel till now. This morning I went to go for my usual 20- 30 mile ride, I turned on the wheel connected to Darkness Bot  everything seemed normal till I started off and within 100 feet I felt the wheel tilt way back. I thought it was strange and stopped to recalibrate the wheel using the Gotway app. Calibration was done while standing over the wheel trying my best to get it straight. The wheel then rides flat as it should for about 100 or feet and then tilts back again while I am riding. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a calibration issue? I tried to recalibrate several times and turned off the wheel and app and then redid the whole process several times but with the same results. Any ideas?

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I am not sure if this fixed my issue or not but today I deleted the DarknessBot app and Gotway app. I turned on the wheel all seemed normal. I reinstalled both apps and used the Gotway app first and calibrated the wheel and set my tilt back to the max level. I rode the wheel for about 20 mins with no issue. DarknessBot also worked without a problem. Maybe the tiltback setting got bumped some how.  So for now all is good. Fingers crossed . 

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DarknessBot may override some wheel settings, tiltback speed being one of them. Happened to me too a year ago. I don’t know what exactly makes the issue go away, but it seems that after applying the settings a few times on both apps the issue does go away and the apps learn to live in harmony.

Or, perhaps I have just stopped trying to configure the wheel in DarknessBot. Not sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you ride the wheel at high speed. I have my own theory of the tiltback on the MSX. When my wheel is fully charged it acts super stiff and tries to stay that way. After riding it down to about 70% it starts to letting up and acts "normal" which means no funny pedals tilting, wobbles dissapear. I also thinks this behaviour comes and goes sometimes not depending on battery level. There's been talk on this issue before at this forum with no answer. I think its software related and therefore I just have to live with it. Calibrating, different stands, changing modes does not change this for me. *tinfoil hat off*

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On 10/6/2019 at 3:50 PM, LonewolfSWE said:

When my wheel is fully charged it acts super stiff and tries to stay that way. After riding it down to about 70% it starts to letting up and acts "normal" which means no funny pedals tilting, wobbles dissapear. I also thinks this behaviour comes and goes sometimes not depending on battery level.

That doesn’t sound right. My MSX is just as stiff at 1% as it is at 100%. Pedals getting loose intermittently sounds like there could be an issue with the control board capacitors. They weren’t soldered on that well on my original board, perhaps it would be good for you to have a look how they are on yours, and perhaps add a bit of solder just in case?

Edited by mrelwood
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14 hours ago, mrelwood said:

That doesn’t sound right. My MSX is just as stiff at 1% as it is at 100%. Pedals getting loose intermittently sounds like there could be an issue with the control board capacitors. They weren’t soldered on that well on my original board, perhaps it would be good for you to have a look how they are on yours, and perhaps add a bit of solder just in case?

Interesting thx for the tip! will do when I got the time. Its no biggie for me. 

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I have experience a similar phenomenon on my MSX... around 25mph the pedal angle becomes steeper, even with tiltback turned off. 

I do also notice a looseness in the pedals around the middle percentage of the battery (I ride in soft mode) and this is what I attributed it to.



I haven't opened my case yet to investigate the wiring. Just wanted to chime in that I have noticed a similar phenomenon, but it doesn't impair my riding at all (but could if it were worse)

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The MSX indeed has a slight tiltback at 35km/h (~23mph), which does get emphasized with soft mode and riding uphill. But the pedals are still as hard as ever.

3 hours ago, LonewolfSWE said:

Its no biggie for me. 

The problem with all unique EUC issues is that they almost always point to a more severe underlying issue which may make the wheel suddenly fail. If your wheel really has a bad soldering in the capacitor legs, it is possible that next time the soft pedal seizure makes them really soft and may cause a dangerous situation.

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22 hours ago, Declan acoustic-unicyclist said:

I have experience a similar phenomenon on my MSX... around 25mph the pedal angle becomes steeper, even with tiltback turned off. 

I do also notice a looseness in the pedals around the middle percentage of the battery (I ride in soft mode) and this is what I attributed it to.



I haven't opened my case yet to investigate the wiring. Just wanted to chime in that I have noticed a similar phenomenon, but it doesn't impair my riding at all (but could if it were worse)

I had very similar experience yesterday on my Nikola 84v yesterday but was actually overlean/pedal dip in soft mode and while on turns in every mode.

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12 hours ago, Michael Smith said:

I had very similar experience yesterday on my Nikola 84v yesterday but was actually overlean/pedal dip in soft mode and while on turns in every mode.

Could be that it’s time for a proper calibration. Make sure the wheel is perfectly vertical left to right, and that the wheel doesn’t move at all during the calibration.

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@mrelwood I did perfect calibration on jack stands today and even measured the jackstands to make sure they were the EXACT same height. To the mm perfect. Also, used a spirit level and this thing was perfectly level in every direction. One time it seemed almost fixed but it's like it's getting worse as time goes on. The thing that bothers me is that it didn't do this when I first got it. It's so bad now that in medium mode it started to almost fall on its face. Think aggressive tilt back but the opposite way.  I have to come to a near complete stop for it to get level again. It's not like some super forward dip but enough to be quite annoying. I recalibrated to a slight backward tilt and this amplifies the pedal drop incredibly bad.  So I calibrated it way off (like 45 degree tilt back) and if I make a left hand turn with the trolley handle the pedals actually tip almost 90 degrees from backward to forward. I'll try to post video showing it. I've emailed Jason at ewheels and will see what he has to say.  It looks like this is a somewhat common thing with all gotway eucs from what I have seen. 

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2 hours ago, Michael Smith said:

It looks like this is a somewhat common thing with all gotway eucs from what I have seen. 

Not to the extent that you have yours, I’m pretty sure. Your description sounds like yours is a downright unrideable wheel. Not at all like the regular tiny pedal dip the wheels may have. I’m sure you’re in for a control board replacement.

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