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KS18XL trolley handle question.


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I'm looking at buying an 18XL shortly and have a question about the trolley handle that I hope other members may be able to answer.

When the handle is extended is it strong enough to lift the wheel briefly to climb kerbs or a couple of stairs etc? Having previously owned a V5F I loved the Inmotion scorpions tail style trolley handle it allowed me to push the wheel and then lift it if I needed to without collapsing the handle.

I can see it being a bit of a nuisance if the KS handle needs to be collapsed just to lift the wheel for a few seconds.

Many thanks :)

Edited by Gasmantle
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18XL is heavy, powerful wheel. Most of the time I'm on it, or I'm pushing it with the handle... Of course it depends on each usage but to stop and lift the wheel takes about 1 or 2 seconds... The trolley and the sensor is quite efficient if you setup it correctly. Give it a try... so you can make it your own idea...

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8 hours ago, TomOnWheels said:

yes it needs to be collapsed before lifting the wheel...

BUT... If you are walking your wheel with the trolley extended, while it is not recommended to lift it over a curb, it is okay for the wheel to lift itself over the curb (with the trolleu only being used for "guidence").

I regularly "wheel" my 18XL up (and down) curbs - rather than lifting though, push down as you get to them. The larger diameter of the 18" wheel means that it can move itself throughh the transition, provided it has enough traction (which is why you should push downward).

Doing it this way means that the trolley is not stressed (as you don't have the weight of the wheel on it) and you don't have to do the heavy lifting yourself either!

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Thanks guys :)

I've pretty much set my heart buying the 18XL shortly so I guess I'll just have to learn to get used to the odd snag. My hope is to buy the wheel as my main wheel for longer journeys then look at buying something smaller like the Inmotion V8 for shorter commutes around town etc.

I know a lot of people hate the scorpions tail on the V5 and V10 but personally I think it's a great idea, if the V10 had the same performance as the 18XL I'd buy one just on the benefit of the trolley handle.

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@Gasmantle I am sure the KS18XL will serve you great. As I read your message you are to buy this brand new.

So the latest batch have some improvements since KS18L was launched. KS18L is more or less at KS18XL just a few pounds lighter. 

Troelly stems have improved, all XL have V3 stems. 

Lift sensor have now changed from analog stress sensor, to digital spring switch (much better and fail proof solution) 

As for lifting you don't want to do it at fully extended, locked at 1st step extention, you can lift it but be careful. Lift it straight up and don't jiggle about the wheel. If lift force vector is not straight up the holding pins in trolley stems risk being damage (give in). Up a few step not an issue, but better to collapse and easier on your back too if it is many stairs or long distance or rough train. 

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Thanks @Unventor :)

I'm in the UK and looking at buying new (probably from Chicway), the last few weeks I've been saving up and nearly got enough to buy - I have enough to buy the slightly cheaper V10F and as I'm currently without a wheel I've been tempted to buy one but I think its better to wait a couple more weeks then buy the 18XL.

I don't do a lot of off road but I like the idea of an 18" wheel and a longer range.

The route I often take at home often involves climbing 2 stairs then about 5 yds walk before another 2 stairs so the ability to negotiate them without collapsing the handle, lifting, then extending the handle and repeating twice would be useful.

It's good to know that KS have improved the lift sensor as I've seen a few people on youtube saying the old one was a bit unreliable.

I can't wait to get a new wheel - I only had a V5F but ever since I sold it I really miss it :(

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Well if you don't need the range the KS18L could be a good option too. And less heavy to lift. 

I found that having a secondary wheel is great for many reasons. Right now I have my KS18L disassemble due moving it to a new inner structure due to hatd tumble that the V1 structure couldn't handle. The V2 structure looks like a massive upgrade strength wise. Simple in one way but again showing that KS keep developing on wheels on each batch and problem that shows up when people explore with their KS products. 

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1 minute ago, Unventor said:

Well if you don't need the range the KS18L could be a good option too. And less heavy to lift. 

Thanks, I did consider the 18L but for the slight difference in price I think the XL is a better buy.

The V5F was my first wheel and as a lot of the riding I did was learning how to use it and generally get comfortable with it, the short range wasn't really an issue but now that I can ride ok and I'm happy that EUCing is something I can do I'd like to start doing longer trips and want a wheel capable of about 40+ miles range.

I'd really like a smaller wheel for short journeys too but that can wait a few months.

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On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 2:33 AM, Gasmantle said:

I've pretty much set my heart buying the 18XL shortly so I guess I'll just have to learn to get used to the odd snag. My hope is to buy the wheel as my main wheel for longer journeys then look at buying something smaller like the Inmotion V8 for shorter commutes around town etc.

Take some time to get used to the 18XL before buying a "shiort-range commuter... For an 18" wheel the XL is very agile once you get the feel for it and you may find that you don't need that commuter wheel.

I have a 4km commute some days and a 12km commute some days too - I find the 18XL fantastic for both!

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