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Once you disable the first and second alarm using the WheelLog app. Your only alarm would be the 80% power alarm. 

I typically cruise just under the 80% power alarm without any issues. That's 48-50km/h @ 160lb 

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In English please:)

Jeg kjører Gotway MCM5. Jeg har iPhone, så får ikke brukt WheelLog-appen. Er det noen andre apper jeg kan bruke ? 

Google Translate: I drive Gotway MCM5. I have an iPhone, so I can't use the WheelLog app. Are there any other apps I can use?

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On 7.7.2019 at 12:03 PM, Rodrigo D Moen said:

Hei, er det noen måte og endre / fjern rørledning / varsel? Gotwayen min piper / varsler når jeg kommer opp i 20+ km / t. Takk for all hjelp. 


On 7.7.2019 at 6:59 PM, meepmeepmayer said:

Hvilket hjul har du? Du kan deaktivere den første og andre alarmen (vanligvis ved 30 og 35kph) i appen, og deaktiver også tilbakebetaling i appen.

Jeg kjører Gotway MCM5 og bruker Gotway appen, og der kan jeg kun slå av enten alarm 1 eller alarm 2. Ikke begge to samtidig. 

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3 minutes ago, Rodrigo D Moen said:

Jeg kjører Gotway MCM5 og bruker Gotway appen, og der kan jeg kun slå av enten alarm 1 eller alarm 2. Ikke begge to samtidig. 

GT: I run Gotway MCM5 and use the Gotway app, and I can only turn off either alarm 1 or alarm 2. Not both at the same time.

This is strange. The alarms are independent of each other.

Try "open all alarms" (or something like this) followed by "default alarms" to reset the alarms. You should be able to disable each alarm independently.

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@Rodrigo D Moen

This forum is an international forum in English.  Only area allowed to post in other languages is the meet up threads. 

The reason to keep this forum in English is so all can pitch in with help, advise and tips and of course questions. 

Please read forum rules. 

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When I calibrate Gotway then just beep it and the wheel loses power.  As if it is turned off, but the light is still on.  Then I turn it on and off, and it beeps twice so just beeps it in one.  then I have to turn on and off, and then it is like normal.  Is this correct ?

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