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    ninebot Z10, Inmotion V11

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  1. To be honest I just copied yours: Ender 3 S1 Pro At least this would work. Great price and works all right! Thank you for bring me into world of 3D printing!
  2. Very clear. Thanks for the explanation. So I just ordered a 3D printer and this would be my first project. I used to draw in autocad, but not a lot in 3D. Now I may need to train myself a bit for that... Fow now I will make use for the STL from you guys to test!
  3. Thank you @Rawnei! So it appears my previous post to ask about the squeaky noise is from the slide. There were some design among the community to improve it, but obviously yours is push it to another level! About this King Song S22 Sliding Mechanism Dirt Protectors, I read the content on thingiverse carefully. Maybe I will try to pring the parts and modify my S22, before that, can I check some points with you? Let's say there are three parts in your design, the top part, the rail guide, and a frame. It seems that a screw is used to bind rail guide and frame together (along with the original T-reail). May I ask the specification of it? Is it correct that no extra hole is requried on the T-rail? (The screw only connect two printed parts) How does the top part would stay in the rail? Is it fixed on the top somehow, or it drops? Depending on the suspension setting, the T-rail may extend out of the rail at the bottom. So in this case, any design would not help to prevent the dirt/sand gets into the rail would it? (All right it can be the design flaw from KS but I just want to confirm) However I don't think the T-rail/new part will not extend beyond the top. That would be very extreme! So basically this improvement remove the original rubber insert but keep the rubber end on the T-rail, and replace the rubber insert with printed middle part, also printed frame to make the rail 'fatter' to have a good interaction with the channel (with the help of dry lubricant). While the top part will make sure dirt will not enter from the top of the channel. I think it is a clever design given current system. I am glad to try it on my S22 just want to understand how it works! Thanks!
  4. This is a great post! Thanks! I have arranged and ask my friend to 3D print the cover and insert for me. Let's see how it works! As for the slider improvement above, out of curiosity, is the green grease would be to sticky for the sliders/rails?
  5. So finally! I got a S22, second hand which has been used for one month ( at least he said so...). Very excited! I have been using V11 for quite long time and now it is completely different! A quick question - after I searched around and found no specific topic about this... (if yes, please guide me to that post, thank you!) When I was riding, whiling turning, I put pressure to one side, and I could hear squeaky noise. Or I shaked left-right there was the noise as well. It is said the noise is from the suspension rail. I did some inspection, and believe so. The suspension system needs to move up and down, maybe it is the noise source. Speak of such noise, it is like an old car riding through bumpy road - the suspension noise, yes... So my question: if this is how it works, is there anyway to improve/remove the noise? For example put some lub/oil to smooth the rail out? Or just live with it... Thanks in advance!
  6. Inmotion is famous for its product quality and consistency. I hope there will be a product with more agressive setup, i.e. strong speeding up from 0 to 40km/h. The absolute max speed doesn't matter too much because the rider needs to be crazy enough to high more than 60km/h, but the motor stability is for sure, and no cut-out. Maximum distance is related to lots of factors, so count the a high cruising speed in. Do not tell me I can run it for 200km but at 15km/h... come on, for long distance trip, of course we will use it FAST. Water-proof is not a priority since I don't think riding in rain is a good idea anyway. Bluetooth speaker is not important, either. Suspension is welcomed, although it can be hard to get something new. Well, we are still limited by current technology about battery so it will be heavy for strong-performanced machine. I really wish that it could be so light and small enough to put into my backpack...
  7. I also kind of agree to keep EUC niche. It is great tool and lots of fun.... for me. To be honest I don't care what others are thinking if they start to use EUC - if they can't ride it, then don't. What's the point of pushing them to EUC? It is cool only me can use it right? All I hope is people accept EUC and do not give the community hard days. Of course, we should use it correctly. Most of them have no idea what it is - people avoid anything they don't understand, which is good because they will not bother us, which is bad because they can say anything ridiculous about it.
  8. I have both. Two-wheel is good to start with, and its milage is limited. I use it to move around the neighbourhood. One-wheel can go farther - of course depending on the model. I use it when there is longer trip. If you are determined to learn EUC, definitely start with a used one. I don't think you will crash and hurt yourself badly, but your wheel will take lots of hits, so second hand is good idea.
  9. lol sorry the information is not complete - yes taking photos and videos are my job, and yes on EUC with bikes are true, but THAT part of job is seriously under-paid just as project-based test-run. I am also a cyclist in the club so I like to do it, with some payment, and perhaps it can spead my formal job... hopefully! This is a niche section but yes I am glad I can use EUC into my job! Even not with cycling club, EUC makes other sports photography such as football much easier and the result is much better. Maybe in the future some motor racing sports photos?
  10. I am riding Z10 now and after V11 is out, I am tempted to change my wheel. Now the veteran sherman is widely loved, so I am on the fence. I use EUC for work - photography and videography for cycling sports. So I do have very clear needs: Speed - to match road bikes, average 28km/h is fine, but with faster rider, I need to go 35km/h cruising speed. To get ahead and stop and take photos, I need to be much faster than that (40km/h?), but only for a short moments. Range - The longer the better. I think i 50km is fine because I can the car in the team to transit. Also I am glad to have a chance to rest... Of course too much battery makes the wheel heavy, so climbing may be an issue (see below) Road condition - mostly a road bike would go (not mountain bike), so mainly (well) paved tar or concrete, some gravel but not much, some mud but very rarely. The road can be bumpy though. I would not ride in raining day. Climbing - in mountain area, climbing is the fun of road biking. A typical example of category 1 climbing would be like this: total distance 14km, total ascent 1118m, average gradient 8%, steepest 15%. Depending on the performance of the cyclist, it may take 1 hour to 2 hours to finish this section, at average speed 8-12km/h. so that means as long as I am be at least 20km/h on my EUC, I can overtake riders and grab footages and photos ahead. Of course, the faster the better which gives me more room to plan. And no, I am not going to desend with those bikes, which can be as fast as 50-60km/h... So far with my Z10: Given a good road condition, I can ride along with a riding club. But the speed is a bit lacking with fast cyclists. However at AVS 30km/h, the milage is only 30-40km, even shorter in winter. Mostly follow, because Z10 doesn't have the juice to be that fast. When climbing, I can overtake most of the riders and this is the advantage of EUC, but it is also tiring since Z10 is heavy and not powerful enough. I have to carve aggressively to get up and after an hour my legs are in pain. Sherman surely is a beast, and fast, so I am not worried for its use on flat, however for climbing, can it do like 2-hour long high torque output without overheating? I believe the speed and range should be no problem, just want to check the long term performance. All the climbing data above should help to answer. I found Marty's test on youtube, but I can not see much his climbing statistics. One of his test burnt the wheel, but that's a trial run, in very warm weather. I also saw his another sherman test with paved mountain climbing, which seems fine. Before the huge investment in Sherman, I just want to double check to be sure. V11 has air-cushion which is nice, although the milage is shorter but still managable, and I believe it's power/torque should be better than Sherman? after all Sherman is tuned for speed. Thanks a lot and looking forward to Sherman owner to put some comments!
  11. Thanks for the great experience! Much appreciated! Yes to be exact, this was my first ride at full speed, because the road condition in downtown area just makes it impossible. I am glad that there is hope to get rid off the high speed wobbling. I need to practice more. After enough mileage I hope I can have fun with my cycling friends - well in my area there is very few EUC riders, not speaking of high speed seasoned ones! I am in Shanghai, China. If anyone is nearby maybe we can get connected! Cheers, Leon
  12. Hey guys, some information first: Since I taught myself ride EUC, it has been two years. And recently I am teaching my 8-year old son to ride EUC for like 2 weeks, although it is another topic. Years ago as soon as I 'thought' I know how to ride, it was usually short plays, not more than 10 minutes, until recently. I am also into cycling, then I was wondering if it is possible to ride along with road bikes. I am a photographer and sometime I did shots for my riding club, so sometimes I bring my Z10 on a car. The Z10 is only an 'easier way' instead of walking around if I want to grab some shots, especially when I was left alone, I can move from point A to B without walking. My first long ride was in a mountain with asphalt road. It was a 10km uphill in general, with some downhills. It was under control and totally safe with helmet and I thought my average speed is around 20km/h, so 20-30 minutes. However my leg and foot muscle were so exhausted, afterall this was my first time long ride in the wild. Today, I tried again. It was only a 5km ride, and I was speeding along with a peloton at 30km/h, on flat roads. Road condition was perfect. The only problem was high speed wobbling/oscillation when the speed was up to more than 28km/h. I just reduced the speed and lock up my legs and try to held it, and that's why I cam here today to check this issue. Thanks to the forum, the conclusion is more practice. So now, the question: What is your comfortable long ride with EUC by time/mileage (because the speed may vary), and what is your opinion of a proper range of that? The reason for my asking, is to set a baseline of the riding time. I know practice makes perfect, but some idea would be good. At least I know my position during my development. With a good trained/practised rider, the journey should be relaxed, and comfortable. However we do get tired, imaging just standing there for 2 hours! Another question is, anyone here tried riding with road bikes during a whole session? For those not familiar with the cycling, a road bike average speed varies, but genearlly a well trained rider can do 30-35km/h on flat roads for hours. 25km/h should be easy enough. 35-40km/h will be a hard push. We did 80km-100km for one day club riding, for fun and no competition. 200km is quite long ride. Of course, my Z10 can do 80km but I never tried that. So If I can do 50km with them, that will be fun enough for me - if my body can handle that - which is the main question in this thread. Usually I have to use a car anyway with the EUC so it can be flexiable. For now myself, I think following with a road bike peloton is quite a push because I have this high speed wobbling issue. But for a good EUC rider here, I guess joining the peloton even over taking your friends on the bikes should be easy enough? Or do you feel it will be a difficult job? Let's say flat roads only, because for uphill EUC wins completely, for downhill, it is too dangerous since bike can do 50-60km/h easily with a good breaking system. Thanks and if the topic has been discussed, a reference link is great!
  13. Thanks! Great information! Small wheel may not like the potholes on the road... I plan to put the wheel on my back and 15kg is acceptable. Maybe I can just stick with my ninebot S2... Yes I speak Chinese although I don't use qq often. Is MCM5 easy enough to carry? Holding it in hand is fine, but I really want to free my hands so some designed backpack is desired.
  14. Exactly, no way to transport the EUC via flight...either luggage or hand-held baggage is possible...
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