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Rotator last won the day on August 5 2015

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    Spain (La Coruna)
  • EUC
    KS16S / InmotionV12HT

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  1. I can't find any info on this. I leave here a picture of the chip, the logo is quite similar to Microchip but I don't know: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nsTEkmgs7shj3e8Z6
  2. Not needed. With the right light angle, the marking of the chips can be seen. Unfortunately, I was not able to find any information searching with this codes, it could be a custom chip. Logo of the chip appears to be Microchip. Then in the first line: "143". And below this, a second line: "474F5". All the five 20-pin chips in the BMS have this marking. The other five 8-pin chips are "1051AL JDHX40". You can find information on CW1051AL: It is a battery protection chip, that controls five cells each, for over-voltage only. If somebody finds information on this 20-pin chips, we can continue to investigate further.
  3. Ok, it might be. Now I have one battery opened, so, in order to resolve the discussion, any way to remove the lacker without scratching the label?
  4. Impossible to know, the label of the chips is factory removed. Hence, the only way I could think of, is to raise the voltage on one cells group and check if any drain current was generated. But not, there was not any drain current. I have added my own passive balancer to the battery and I have repeated the experiment. Now yes, about 70mA current it is drained for each cells group exceding 4.2v
  5. No, these are not bleeding resistors. They are 1K resitors, and they are in series of two resistors. So actually, they are 2K resistors. Bleeding current would be 2 milliamps, which is not any balance current. And as I said, in my testing procedure, I couldn't even detect one milliamp of balance current (drain current of the overcharged cells). And regarding the remote recalibrating, it is not any than taking advantage of a software feature to make minor adjustments of any mismatches in the BMS monitoring system, to make believe the user that the voltage of the battery is ok, when really it is wrong.
  6. Because I had a problem with my left inmotion v12 battery, I needed to dissasemble it and replace a defective cell. There is no bleeding resistors at all, but anyway, I decided to test if is there any passive balancing system (some BMS chips can do a low current balance by themselves). In short, NO, there is NO ANY balance system in V12 battery that I could prove. I pushed a cell series above 4.25v and I could not meassure any milliampere drained by the bms. The BMS charge section was automatically disconnected as soon as any cell series goes above 4.2, but this does not help with getting all cell series balanced. For this reason, I will add a passive balance board inside the battery, since there is room for it.
  7. Yes, I have installed all over the new espruino image. Anyway, I want to add another euc to the garage but I can't because is full (4 old eucs). I think the only way to delete one, is to connect first to an existing one and the press "del" button. So I can't because I have not any of them. Any other way to delete garage settings?
  8. I have the testing version becuase I wanted to use it with the inmotion v12. I do not know how to delete garage eucs that it were recorded in the past, and my KS16S that it is there was already in the garage does not work now :-(
  9. I have a new Inmotion V12 HT, so I decided upload all apps from P8-testing. Now I can scan the V12 HT, but then the dashboard shows all parameters (speed, battery...) at 0 and the settings (lights and so) does not work. Am I doing anything wrong, or the problem might be that my EUC is a V12 HT, not the normal version?
  10. Some EUCs like KS16S, can be charged while riding it (with external batteries). KS16S will not self-balance if you power on while charging, but if you power on first and then you wait until self-balances, then you can charge it and the self-balance is not lost. I wonder if V12 works in the same way... If yes, a DIY seat filled with 21700 could extend the range of the V12.
  11. Great job @enaon. I have been using the eucWatch since two weeks ago, and it is awesome. The only drawback I have noticed, is the horn in my KS16S, which is not the internal horn of the euc, but strobe headlights and beeps. I have been looking into the code to understand what was happening and the reason is that the horn section implemented into eucKingsong.js do not use the command for the horn funtion (kingsong request 0x88 defined in line 15), but instead of that, there are a quite large piece of code to do light strobe and beeps, from line 214 to 243. Since the beeps are quite inaudible, I wonder why do not use the kingsong internal horn.
  12. Thank you all! I have used euc world to update KS16S from 1.02 to 2.02 in one only step without any problem. Everything was fine.
  13. Anyone with KS16S since september 2017 of before has firmware versión higher than 1.02? I have a KS16S from september 2017 (first version) with firmware 1.02 (not the serial 'P' chinese version). I am not a fan of upgrading the firmware if it works well, like it is the case. But I have read that 2.xx firmware versions remove the high pitch noise for the motor, so I've decided to go for it. All kingsong apps connected to the wheel say that 1.02 is the last version. I am tested several ones, from old apps from 2017 until today, included the softtuner android app. The only app that offers me the 2.02 version for upgrade is EUC world, but I am a bit scared since the skip from 1.02 to 2.02 it could be a very high jump. I would prefer to upgrade to intermediate versions in several steps. I'm not very sure that the upgrade to 2.02 could be done directly from 1.02 without brick the wheel. I've seen theads about upgrading 1.07 to 1.08, then 1.09 and so on, and it appears to be safer. May be the wheel is so old (may be first hardware version) that 1.02 is indeed the last firmware for this hardware? Thank you!!!
  14. @enaon, congratulations. Your work and the work from the other people you have mentioned is really awesome. I have bought a p22b1 watch from Ali Express for 20€ and it works like a charm! I really love to connect straight from the watch to the euc without using my phone as a bridge. Is there any manual, guide, or description on how to use the interface and functions? Many thanks. Fantastic job!!!
  15. This is my new Charge Doctor: To be controlled from my smartphone, I have this setup: Here you can see the APP funcionality, which is: 1.- Display data and charge chart. 2.- Set charge speed (charger's power delivered). 3.- Set cutoff points to stop the charge process. You have the main screen below. You can see voltage, current, cutoff points for the charging process, energy, capacity and estimated percent level. There are a button to start & stop the process and its time. The process will be interrupted automatically if the cufoff thresholds are achieved. There are another tab with DATA chart and cumulative values for all charges done: The SETUP tab will allow to set device number (for several devices to charge with this method), number of cells (to set maximum and mínimum values for the cutoffs) and the speed of the charge, selecting a 100W charger, a 300W charger or both of them for 400W. Remote power buttons are for debug purposes at this time, as well as the LOGS tab. Since the conectivity is WIFI and mobile phone 4G, you can start and stop the charging process anywhere, which it can not be done through a bluetooth connection. At the beginning I had done a charger stop circuit with a mosfet (because the meter has a configuration menu with parameters to do that), but now is not needed. That's all... Merry christmas everybody!
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