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    Marysville, WA
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    S22 pro spec., EX30

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  1. Planning to check all the fasteners tonight and firmware change I did last night. Now on 14, the latest Begode offers. If that doesn't work I might roll it back and try 11. Update: quick ride to my shop and it seems better with firmware change, waiting on weather for a proper test
  2. So I only took the display off and didn't disconnect anything but the hall sensor and phase wires. Green, blue, yellow in that order. I took it out today and rode 43 miles at various speed, it still makes noise but runs perfectly. I also just updated the firmware but haven't had a chance to test it further, the humming comes and goes perhaps louder after it warms up. I'm going to try and get some sound clips with the 360 cam this week.
  3. I know it seems odd but the screws holding the display with standoffs. I replaced bearings but now I'm wondering if something else was going on, I could feel it in my feet. I need to gear up tomorrow and test ride it, seems to spin up and act normal but we shall see.
  4. Anyone know the phase wire order by color on the board? And how to check hall sensor wires?
  5. Almost back together, it powered up and balanced last night
  6. Marty might like this...our second shift crew pushing a 787 back over the freeway to go inside the open bay for rework. Red tail
  7. Yea at 160# I'm not surprised you get better mileage, street tire also makes a difference.
  8. 40t gonna get you 20-35mi depending on your speed, I'm usually 25-30mph and get 30 or so miles.
  9. Yea if it's good leave it, I was on 5005, Jason recommended 5011. The dip while turning sucks imo, set it to 4 or 5 for flat pedal turning.
  10. My understanding is just that. I’ve heard you can do 12a up to perhaps 85 percent then need to back off to 9 or so to finish. I am running the 330 test firmware with field weakening that Dawn and Roger liked, I doubt I will ever get it to kick in but it feels great. Super stable ride without the annoying dip fwd and back, even off-road mode felt really nice.
  11. What speeds you riding? I did notice a difference in torque with offroad mode with mine but back on race mode now with FW set at 5. If I'm not mistaken the charge board will limit charging rate and voltage.
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