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    Kingsong KS16B, Inmotion V8F, Inmotion V11, EXN, Inmotion V12 HT, Begode Master

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  1. Looks really interesting. However, the manual states that the accuracy is only 1% which for a 100V wheel means plus minus 1 Volt.
  2. I found this: https://friendwitha.com/rentals/electric-unicycle/haiku-pauwela-hi/inmotion-v12-ht-electric-unicycle-haiku-pauwela/
  3. Actually, i don't think @Murdomeekis missing what you are after at all. You have been ranting and complaining about every wheel that came out after the Dinosaur that you are riding and calling everybody names for a long time now. Have you even seen (other than on the internet) or tried any of the newer wheels? Also, you might want to change the title of your post to “Thinking about upgrading”. I am positive that any wheel that you will buy now (if you ever will) is definitely an upgrade to what you currently own, not a downgrade.
  4. I have been traveling with my DIY Electric Skateboard which uses RC Type Lipo Batteries without any problems. They are less than 100Wh each and i take them in my carry on bag.
  5. EUC on a plane will most likely not happen. Most airlines state clearly on their websites “no self balancing vehicles”. ☹️
  6. Hi there, would you be able to enable this app for the Garmin Fenix 7 pro? If it works on the 6 it should work on the 7 as well. Thanks in advance!
  7. I was out today and all was fine. I am currently the process of installing a connector plug for each battery so that i can measure the Voltage of each pack without having to take the wheel apart. We will see how this works. Thank you for your replies everyone.
  8. Yes, it charges to 134V and you are correct there was a red light on the charge board. I have not ridden it yet since I charged it up but the light and beep are off now. It was a very warm day when it happened.
  9. @alcatraz, thanks for your reply. I just measured the batteries, they are all good. 58.30V, 58.31V, 58.29V and 58.30V. I will charge the wheel and then try to duplicate my ride.
  10. Today i was on a long ride with my Master. I got home when the battery was around 30%. When i stopped i noticed that there was a constant beep. Not as loud as the alarm beep but it was beeping continuously. I turned the wheel off an back on and the beep came on again. I opened the wheel and noticed that there was a red Led on on the charge board with the wheel turned off. I tried to plug in the charger and the Led on the charger stayed green, it would not change to red. Then I unplugged the batteries, plugged them back in and the beep was gone. Plugger the charger back in and it changed from green to green, so it was charging now The master is a V1 with a V3 control board and the updated charge board. I have not done any voltage measurements on the batteries yet. Has anyone experienced this on their master?
  11. So then all the other Power Pads that you can download for free or for a fee are not copies of an original design?
  12. Forgive me for asking a potentially stupid question. Have you checked the output Voltage of the charger?
  13. @techyiam It was Ok. There was not much communication on the order delays. However, the shipping estimate they gave was pretty accurate. I am currently in conversation with them about my Master not reporting motor current correctly. So far they have been very responsive. So overall It has been a positive experience.
  14. Master V2 bought from Smartwheels in September 2022. Firmware: GW2014902 Slack: Yes
  15. Thanks, i will try that. I have the V2. Firmware 2014902.
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