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Rollin-on-1 last won the day on September 8 2023

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  1. Racers may want that. If on a short track with a low number of laps, the 2P may provide some weight, accelleration, braking, and turning advantages. I don't see this 210v wheel being a competitor with all-arounder wheels on the market.
  2. This used to bother me too, but it is nice to get used to referring to the full charge voltage since we care about that when charging. Simply listing nominal voltage in parenthesis on the spec sheet would be fine with me. We really only need to think about nominal voltage when calculating capacity and that isn't a daily occurrence.
  3. Yes, that's the fire I was thinking about...disregard my previous comment - I clearly misremembered several important details.
  4. I remember seeing an OG Sherman catch on fire in a video several years ago. From what I recall, it had been damaged in a crash. The owner ignored some classic warning signs and continued riding it. It eventually caught on fire while he was riding it. It burned up in someone's driveway. If I can find the video, I'll share the link. This is hardly the type of incident this thread is concerned about though. LK has an excellent track record with battery safety.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/DAQPH7ixcKv/?igsh=bTZxbG1mY3FwMmdi
  6. They are probably refining certain aspects of the fw or optimizing an app or something like that in the final week+ so the product is ready at release. I wish Jack and the Nosfet team success.
  7. Companies in competition within a quickly developing, niche market sector cannot do that and keep any sort of competitive edge. Sharing info like that is basically providing R&D services to the competition for free. Sure, sharing info would be nice for the community, but it would almost certainly kill the company in short order.
  8. Has anyone tried Stylmartin Zed WP boots? They look like they may be good for EUC...
  9. Until LK improves their accellerometer, there is only so much that can be done with firmware. Where Wrongway went wrong was his pushiness when dealing with them. Others are working with LK in a more productive way and are likely to get results.
  10. Someone told me they have rolled out a FW update to add accelleration assist to Patton. Can anyone confirm this? I am still on the OG batch 1 FW and have been happy to stay with it so far. I may consider updating FW if accelleration assit is available and the FW ver is stable w/ no "unintended features" added.
  11. How do you like the new Beidou pads? Did you take the toe block off the L?
  12. Has the wheel been getting regular balancing cycles? It could take dozens of charge and balance cycles but it is worth a shot before getting rid of the packs.
  13. My concerns with helmet lights are: 1) they tend to hide bumps and dips because the high angle doesn't cast shadows with the smaller features and this causes a flattening effect. This is far less of an issue with modern suspension wheels 2) I ride in groups a lot and helmet lights shine in peoples faces. 3) in a crash the light can cause stress risers and reduce the effectiveness of the helmet. 4) bugs in the face. Helmet lights are good for seeing where you are going though, so they have their uses.
  14. I have the Mr Mayart light and it can do high & low at the same time like you described. I tend to ride with both on most of the time, but I still turn off the high beam occassionally out of courtesy. Pointing it low enough not to blind people with the high beam doesn't quite shine far enough ahead during hard acceleration, particularly if there is any sort of incline. I ended up mounting a flashlight to my glove strap with a pressure switch for those types of situations. The combo seems to be working well.
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