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EUC Sharkman

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    Bay Area, CA
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    Commander Pro | EX20S HS | Nikola AR+ | T2

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  1. I had mine swapped from the CST knobby to the Michelin Pilot Street 2 and I liked it a lot. The wheel really is meant more for street riding soda. Street tire makes sense.
  2. Might want to check to see if any of your sliders came off. I recall this being something that happened with normal use, though none of mine have come off in ~800 miles. Also, check your tire. I had two friends have tire rubbing and unseating of a specific duro tire recently.
  3. Yes. It's similar to the EX30 racing mode sounds, though I'm not quite sure why it's so noisy.
  4. I played around with it and first thing you need to do is upgrade the firmware on your wheel if you haven't already done so. After that, you can toggle between racing and off-road. You can also set pedal tilt back on this firmware too, which is a nice addition. I wasn't quite sure how to see the individual battery cells in the battery section but I wonder if it needs to be charging to see that information.
  5. Exciting news! The latest Begode app has new firmware for the Commander Pro, including the Racing (but noisy) / Off Road (more like what we have now) modes and Tilt back like on other newer Begode wheels. Will try this out later today but curious if anyone has already given this a shot!
  6. Basically the wire connecting the back taillight is really short, so when you take off the back handle, you have to separate it slowly, otherwise you may tear the entire wire out, which some have done in the past. You’ll see once you unscrew the handle and start to separate. Makes it challenging to pull the light out of the plastic handle to put it in the CNC, but it’s not too bad.
  7. For the pedals, I originally thought it was just the grub screw in the middle to worry about, but you also need to tighten the screws that hold the pedal rod in on both sides. I just went around and fixed the floppy pedals on my CPro, EX20S and my daughter's V11 with this newfound knowledge haha. So to recap, tighten the front and back screws holding the pedal in, and then tighten the middle tension grub screw and you should be good.
  8. My impressions on my 2nd week, about 300 miles in. Took the wheel on a couple of my long routes thus far, plus one fast city group ride. I still have the stock knobby on there but I'm looking to get my 90/90-14 Michelin City Grip 2 tire on there as I'm intrigued by the wide and round shape of that tire on the CPro rim. Two riders have put this tire on and enjoy the characteristics. I got two MagicShine bike lights for a headlight (900s) and a taillight (seemee 200) on recommendation from @EMA. Both lights work great for visibility and keeping the path lit when going fast speeds at night. I took the CPro on a ride today and brought it into a restaurant for a lunch break. I cannot overstate how much I appreciate how much more compact this wheel is compared to my EX20S. It was very easy to hide my Commander Pro lying on its front bumpers under a table out of the way of anyone. I always felt when I took my EX20S into a similar situation that it was very inconvenient. And having handles built in to make it easier to carry is a nice touch. I'm never second guessing where I should grab the wheel to comfortably lift it. A lot of folks make their own handles for the Master style design but they honestly should come with them built in. Makes a world of difference. The speed off the line and the climbing power is still refreshing to me. I'm used to chugging and creaking up slopes but now I feel much safer really leaning in to use that power to zoom up the hills. It does seem to sap that battery more quickly. I do have a weird issue with one of my pedals. I have to keep tightening the screw that keeps the pedal folded up. It's not a big deal but it is kind of a pain to pull the Allen wrench out to tighten it when it gets loose, which is often. Any recommendations for this? Should I grab some blue locktite? Other than that, no complaints! I'm not shy in telling people this is my choice for wheel of the year simply because it's a great fit for what I want after 2 and a half years of riding. I see people buying and assembling expensive fairing kits and shock and linkages and pedals and I'm like... that's cool but...I'm good with what came out of the box. Less modding, more riding!
  9. I use this seat too! Thanks for supplying the link...great seat for just about $20. I use Velcro as well...just on the top side cushions on the wheel. To use the trolley, I just flip the seat on one of its sides by unvelcroing one side, then pull the handle up. I did find the memory foam to be a bit too soft while riding. It felt like I was slipping off the seat! I ended up taking it out and making a block out of cut and stacked yoga mat, which is firm but still a bit soft. Then I taped it together and put it back into the case. May try to find another place to use the memory foam.
  10. I am aware of the factors you mention as I've seen these in action when riding different wheels. I also have an MTen3, MCM5V2, and a V11 but I don't list them in my profile since they're more my kids wheels than mine. I honestly was really only thinking about the EX30, CPro, and Sherman S since up until now, I was really only looking for an upgrade to my EX20S in that 20" 3600Wh suspension wheel category. Also, it wasn't good luck, but the gathering of impressions from riders familiar with the CPro, particularly those also familiar with Sherman or the Sherman Max like in this particular forum thread, and riders who own the wheel. Torque may or may not have been used correctly I'm these impressions but I got a pretty good idea of how the three wheels differ and what I was looking for.
  11. I'm ok with that, and I'm fine with recognizing that I'm likely misusing the term when it comes to EUCs. I think the usage that I'm more familiar with is in regards to something like how much towing force a truck can tow, with higher torque being able to pull a heavier load. Admittedly I'm not sure where that plays into a wheel's ridefeel, but it's more the point that I do value the ability of a wheel to accelerate and get off the line or climb slopes with as little effort as possible. It's been one of my key factors in choosing a wheel, which the Commander Pro delivers.
  12. I got nothing against the Sherman S, but I personally wouldn't want to have shelled out nearly $1000 US more for a wheel only to later find out "Oh...so THAT was the limitation of the Sherman S being 100v". 80 km/h as max speed, but I think @Ronin Ryderdid a good job in his video articulating the difference in PWM levels at ~52mph between the EX30, Commander Pro, and Sherman S. Sherman S was in the 90's in PWM while the Commander Pro was in the mid 80's and EX30 high 70's. On top of that, the Sherman S PWM level was with a lighter weight rider. Admittedly, I don't go past 45 often, but I bank on that headroom being there for the times I do venture into the 50's so I don't flirt too much with the cutout zone. I will say though that the voltage sag in 134V is more than I'm used to past 100V wheels. Regarding torque, I haven't ridden a Sherman S, but I just came back from a sunrise ride in SF and I blasted up those steep streets almost effortlessly... just by flexing my feet it felt like. I had stock pads on but I only really used them to break. It felt amazing and was addicting getting to speed so fast up a slope, not exactly what I'm used to at my heavier riding weight. It's the performance I think of and expect now when I hear "134v wheel." Now, this COULD be like it is for the Sherman S too but if not, like, if I had to lean into my pads to go up the hills, then yeah... I'd be disappointed.
  13. I agree with a lot of what she's saying. I also think a lot of people underestimate how big the EX30 is. I know I underestimated the size of the EX20S but I learned to deal with it because at the time, it was the only long range suspension wheel available. Now that there are other options, and despite the fact that the EX30 has that superior C40 torque motor and the lower battery boxes for speed and power, it's still as bulky as the EX20S, even moreso with fairings. I watch fellow riders adapting to the wheel for that extra torque and speed, but man, it seems to really bow their legs out, whereas the CPro has a more standard width, no fairings necessary. Granted, it's all up to the preference of the rider, but I like the tradeoff of slightly less speed and power for an easier to ride wheel due to effortless acceleration and nimble handling due to being the lightest big battery suspension wheel and having a slimmer, more compact profile. If you got riders in the community willing to take the CPro down double black diamond trails like Chance, or race competitively like BrianD at ESK8Con or Zen in Spain, but then you also have folks like Marty taking it on long mountain rides, and now Jennifer bringing her thoughts as well after buying an EX30, then it speaks a lot to the capability of the wheel. Been seeing EMA do some high speed street rides in Italy too. Best all rounder 3600 Wh wheel that I honestly think would suit most riders except the top high speed street type over the EX30. I also think the Sherman S isn't a bad wheel either, but it doesn't have the cool "HT & HS" 2 in 1 factor that the 134v Begode/EB wheels provide.
  14. Just finished my first long ride on my Commander Pro and it was beeping at me, EUC World telling me I was at 0% and at 107v, and I was frantically trying to remember this post...did Marty say it was 106v final tiltback, or 96v?? Luckily I made it home, and now I'll remember that it's 96v final tiltback
  15. Hey all! Finally got around to riding around my CPro on my street. I'm excited to take it out for its first 50+ mile ride. Here's my current setup: Pads - Stock, but cut, separated, and placed where I like them Riding Mode - Medium Compression and Rebound - tuned for 240 lbs Tire - Stock Knobby, 28 psi out of 32 max Coming from the EX20S, this wheel felt more compact, lighter, nimbler, and well balanced. It felt familiar and easy to ride from the start, with no learning curve required. Turning felt great even on the stock knobby, so much that even though I ordered a Kenda 340a I may just keep the knobby for now. Acceleration felt effortless and braking was quite strong. I have my pedals tilted forward 6 degrees on my EX20S to help accelerate and keep speed without constantly leaning forward but I didn't feel like I would need to do that for this wheel. I have not tried seated riding yet but I have a seat ready. Just need to figure out a decent way to secure it. Display is white but admittedly I didn't look at it once while I was in motion. CNC pieces are great! Had to be careful not to rip out the wire for the tail light but it went well. CNC trolley handle is very secure and due to my long orangutan arms, it didn't feel too low. All in all, great first impressions and super happy. I feel confident that I could fare pretty well on this wheel for any of my past rides on my current wheels, and then some. Also, I love the look! I wouldn't mind getting a quality glossy paint job on these metal sides. More impressions as I get more miles!
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