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    V12 (shelved until we get more cutout details from inmotion), KS16X, Mten3

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  1. Nothing here unfortunately. Wouldn't be as concerned if there weren't rumblings from a few reddit posts about recent lack of communication from ewheels. Hope that's just a temporary thing but really do want this thing fixed by August.
  2. fwiw, i heard from ewheels recently (below). they have to focus on those without working wheels first and then those of us with wheels that haven't died yet will be next. tbh, i'll be happy to get a working wheel by fall at this point and just gonna keep using the 16X through the summer.
  3. Thanks for the recap guys, I'll have to read through this thread more. Good to see some V12's are still going at least (at higher risk obv), had assumed they'd all be affected after a low(ish) amount of kms.
  4. do you have a wheel from the 2nd batch? have to admit i haven't kept up since december...i'm curious what caused some of the V12's to spontaneously cutout while others can keep riding all this time. i had thought they were all pretty much at the same risk but maybe not.
  5. lol sad but probably true. i'll be waiting to hear some feedback from those first brave qc riders before pushing mine.
  6. i feel for you on that. i've got neck problems from a torn muscle awhile back, could definitely see this test exacerbating that. i'll probably try to build up a stack of 2x4's and something slightly curved on top to put the pedals on to more easily tilt it at speed...or maybe hold it like a kettlebell between the legs like the alienrides guy did in his video: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/49fbebb1-dc52-4501-b8ab-9cb7ce433d03/alienrides_2.mp4
  7. ok, now these wheels are blowing their mosfets in anticipation of the test, AI is becoming too advanced!
  8. Agreed, I would pay A LOT of money to avoid a drastic quality of life changing accident that was caused by cheap components. Obviously plenty else can go wrong while riding but at least give us good quality components that don't randomly die.
  9. Another one.This was posted 12 min ago on om mopeds video:
  10. jesus, that's not what i had in mind for minimal injuries. i guess relatively speaking it could have been so much worse w/o gear but ouch, sorry man.
  11. man, that sucks, hope for a quick recovery/minimal injuries. was really hoping this was kept to a very low speed issue, hate hearing about these high speed cutouts.
  12. thinking about this a little more, if you told me when i was a kid that i could feel like a superhero everyday floating above the ground for a one time payment of a couple grand, i wouldn't have believed it. i don't think our generations will ever get the Back To The Future hoverboards but this is a nice consolation prize!
  13. eesh, that's bold! i wasn't thrilled with single digits, didn't like the idea of being that close to a cutoff...thought it would be smart moving to the V12, oops
  14. One of the nice features of an euc.world membership for KS wheels is seeing your minimum safety margin after each ride. fwiw, lowest I've hit on mine was 6% I think. Most of the time I'd be around 15-20% minimum after each ride. i'm 220 lbs geared up and kept my top speed around 40-42 km/h (no power pads).
  15. no idea unfortunately but i'm on the sidelines for a bit anyway with winter here. keeping a close eye on any reports that come out in the meantime so i can decide if i want to ride my V12 again when it's nice out. at an absolute minimum i'm going to trolley it down a curb or stair a number of times then do the same while riding it to see if i can replicate the low speed issue.
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