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    Mten3, Sherman-S 62lb, Patton 62lb, LYNX 70lb

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  1. 70 Miles may not be a lot to some people but for me who doesnt get the range practice in often, it is plenty lol
  2. Answered questions: Can you bring EUC on a ferry? Yes, you will be charged to bring it on board as a "bike" Will the Ferry ride make my EUC topple over ? Not with the Patton kick stand. Can you ride your EUC off the ferry ramp? Not allowed How much was car parking at the harbor? 20 dollars for 24/hrs
  3. let the light give you some piece of mind, to make your roads shine
  4. For context, I own the Patton, Sherman-S and LYNX. Both the Sherman-S and Patton all have tire swaps (SS has MPS2 and Patton the 241). Lynx also has the 241 Installed. What I am seeing here on my end, if your standing on the wheel , the LYNX 241 tire appears to be closer to the left side of the shell . Looking at the EUC from the front, tire appears closer to one side . I have taken apart the wheel 3 times trying to "correct" this, and same observation each time. Ive tried centering the tire, and the tire looks center based on the bead lines. Also, for the life of me, I can not see how the mudguard appear crooked from the front, (tilted slightly to the left). I can not seem to find a way to fix this , or how this happened . I do not have any tire./motor alignment issues on the Sherman-S and Patton. Ive asked this a few times but maybe now with more LYNX's in the wild, people with more "know how" will have the answer. Also, note to others, be careful taking the mudguard off, there are nuts that hold the long screws to the bridge (left side) within the mudguard and held in by silicone. You may have to take apart the opposite side (right) if the silicone break. (which is a pain in the ass!)
  5. Yea, which is a bloody shame because the 244 is a great tire. The way the tire behaves would be a good match for the LYNX. I may try the 244 again at some point after shaving it. 241 feels to nimble for my tastes at higher speed, but with all things will just need more practice. (AND unfortunately it takes me few hundred miles to get comfortable with a wheel and tire lol. Ill report back in the summer)
  6. Neat idea Rawnei! Side question: Including your LYNX and isthereanyfood's, have you noticed the tire not perfectly center (to much to the left), where one side is almost touching the shell? How do you fix that? I tried the tire alignment and it appear the 241 is on the motor correctly. Third Question: How do you center the Mudguard on the Lynx without it looking crooked? I dont have any of these issues after my teardown, tire changes on Sherman-S , and Patton. If you have the solutions, I would love to hear it. (possibly in a separate thread)
  7. My wheel does not look centered as well. I tried my best measuring the rim centering and it appears to be centered. I deflated, pulled, massaged and still my shinko 241 is closer to the left side . Mudgaurd still is off a bit as well. Out of my 3 veteran wheels, this one is most off centered. Im not the best at disassembly but have worked on all of the wheels so far, and the LYNX thus far has been the most headache inducing to work with in terms of trying to get everything to be straight and perfect. Not sure why tire is off centerr n the Lynx. Patton with the 241 tire..perfect alignment! Sherman-S with the MPS2 tire , perfect and straight! My only hunch is the motor bolts and screws need to be looser maybe?
  8. another low budget , not a fast rider (yet) video creator video
  9. 62 will be more than enough for your body weight with gears on.
  10. if aanyone is selling 62lb progressive spring assembly pair, new , ready to ship in USA, let me know :p
  11. Im looking to buy new, LYNX suspension full assembly pair , 62lb type . The assembly, oil and spring already installed, ready to be swapped. I just need the entire suspension as a replacement to my 70lb which is too stiff for my needs and weight. Need to be shipped from and to USA.
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