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    KS-16X, Inmotion v5f

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  1. Yeah, that's what I was thinking, to cut the edges as I saw that on other wheels. Damn I didn't noticed that tire on Aliexpress. I searched before buying on Superbuy but I guess I'm a bad searcher xD
  2. I'm going to buy a knobby tire now. Expect it to arrive in... one month? I don't know xD Been riding with a h66 offroad and had no problem with small puddles, but want to start going a bit hardcore now. EDIT: Bought @Tinkererboi one (here second link) via Superbuy. Aliexpress still don't has a 12/2.75 knobby tire :-(
  3. This is cool. What about battery duration with screen always on?
  4. @Pickelhaupt that's pretty cool. Do you plan to add some kind of manual brightness control? Like sweeping the screen left or right to increase/decrease it while riding.
  5. Woah, that's cool. Has some tapping functions? Like horn and lights.
  6. And now I'm going to add my H-666 review. Bought via Superbuy from here: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=543521525326 Mounting was easier than the previous tire I bought. Is a bit softer and the side that fits over the rim is a bit smaller, having less bruishing against the valve. About riding, loved it. Really nimble, really nice grip on tarmac and offroading. Although I had a small drift on loose sand zone, it drifted way less than the H-5167.
  7. Hi, I know there's a KS-16X post about tire discussion, but don't has an organized list with all the tires we are finding and mounting. I'm going to list the tires, any big or small reviews and where to buy them. I'm only going to add KS-16X reviews although the tire pattern is the same as other wheels, because the feeling from different wheels is also different. When you talk about CYT, there are 3 models: H-5146, H-5167 and H-5102. I'm having a hard time discovering what tires you are talking about. Please reviewers, confirm. CYT H-5167 stock tire (Not sure if I'm mixing both reviews H-5167 and H-5102. Please confirm): @KAY GEE shop @DjPanJan shop review "Suits me very much. Feel more control" @eddiemoy review1 review2 review3 "No gyro effect" (Don't know if you are talking about 5167 or 5102) @mrelwood photos @Gaz Bon review/photos "Goes good on the tarmac. No gyro effect". @cyfur review "Extremely nimble" @Jon Stern review "Responsive, but stable" @Hibiki Mr.H photo review (There are 2 sub-models actually) "One sub-model has a tiny gyro effect. Love it" @stephen video review "Fast and leans good" @Wingo67 review "Does not give me safety at high speed" @jancellor review "Turns wider than C-1488. Less gyro. More stable. More safe at speed." @fschoova review "Very good tire" CYT H-5102 stock tire? (Not sure if I'm mixing both reviews H-5167 and H-5102. Please confirm): @phatmike shop @eddiemoy review/photos review2 review3 "The best tire" @mrelwood review (Don't know if talking about 16X) "Horrible" DALISHEN CX321 stock tire (can't find exact model): @eddiemoy review review2 "Gyro effect. More stable than the CST" @chrisjunlee review "Love the gyro but harsher ride" (Not adding the CST as is not a 16X review). @HarpMudd review "Getting better and better the more I ride" @Slashebeest review review2 review3 "Breaking hard, wobbles. Lower PSI rides better and less wobbles, but is louder. Loving it, specially the gyro." @Patton250 review review2 review3 review4 "Extremely agile and fun but feels dangerous and unstable. More stable than the CST. From 0 to 31 mph in the snap of a finger." @stephen video review "Prefer this. Makes the 16X unique" @Wingo67 review "Liked it very much" @DragonFZ review "Love it. Faster, smoother and more control" CST C-1488 stock tire. @RoadRunner shop review/photos review "Great tire. No gyro effect. In between CX and CYT" (I think the other tire is the CX321. Please someone confirm). @buell47 review "Scratches slightly if bend in sharp curves" @eddiemoy review/photo review2 review3 "A bit gyro effect. Maybe not impressed because I’m not a high tire pressure rider. In between CX and CYT" @mrelwood photos @ir_fuel review/photos review2 "Feels ok to ride. Braking confidence has increased. Cushy." @DannyK review "Rode fine. Without much gyro. More slippery on wet roads" @jancellor review "Turns tigher than H-5167. More gyro. Less stable. Less safe at speed." @traktori review "I can't handle this tire at all when there is any longitudinal structures on the surface" KENDA @phatmike shop CYT H-666 @Llorx shop shop2/review "Nimble. Better offroading than H-5167" Cheap knobby tire 1 @Tinkererboi shop/review review2 review3 review4 (Superbuy/cssbuy/etc needed) "Perfectly safe for the 16x with minimal to zero modifications. Overall positive. Amazing. No regrets." Cheap knobby tire 2 (Guang Li) @Llorx mounting problems Cheap knobby tire 3 @Tinkererboi shop Looks similar as "Cheap knobby tire 1" Cheap knobby tire 4 @Tinkererboi shop Looks similar as "Cheap knobby tire 1" DeliTire Buitenband @Lars Heeneman shop No review on the forum but on FB. Is a 2.125 tire but he is happy with it and says that works fine. Cheap knobby tire 5 @Tinkererboi shop
  8. That's cool. I only saw how the S18 can be tuned. Didn't know anything about V11 suspension tuning.
  9. Oh, that's what I saw in the V11 vs S18 @evX_Mick YouTube video. I don't own any of those. Waiting for more versions to come up EDIT: Now I see that you mean "more progressive". Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
  10. I guess that also because the S18 has a increasing suspension while the v11 is linear. In the v11 you top-down more than in a S18, so the more bumpy a ride is, the worse the linear suspension feeling is. As you say, depends a lot on the offroad terrain type.
  11. Exactly that's what I do now. Assembled again without pinching the tube with the lever tool. EDIT: I've tried with my hands brute force and had to use the lever... damn how soft I am xD Just made a test ride of about 10km. Is working fine. Oh my gosh I'm finally going to ride this wheel after 1 and a half month!!!! I'M SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!! If it lasts a few hours this weekend over 30 PSI I'm happy. I'm going to let it rest this night and tomorrow check the PSI. Wish me luck :-)
  12. hahahahaha No. Simply that I have big levers and zero skills xD I pinched almost all the tube with the lever one of the assemblies/dissasemblies... now I'm way more cautious.
  13. WTF man. I'm going to try that right now (3rd assembly today...) but I'm sure that is impossible hahaha.
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