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    Ks14d - MSP ht

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  1. You are right, I'm just very tall already😅 I never went close to use all the battery of my MSP ht in one go so any more then that is just overkill, even top speed is plenty already, what I look for in my next wheel is just not losing anything of what my MSP ht does but adding a great suspension, good quality and safety (not that my MSP ever let me down, it's been always great but all the bad talks are still concerning)...and the lowest pedals i can get relatively to the new suspension wheels, I like to feel stable and to not look huge like a dinosaur
  2. Eh, I really like that wheel, maybe the molicel version... just not the best bang for the buck but I give it a thought every now and then. What's the next lowest?
  3. Say I want a wheel with a nice suspension but I don't want my feet to be too high from the ground, how do they compare? Has s22 the lowest pedals? The T4? I don't even know which has adjustable height and how much I lose in the effectiveness of the suspension if I place the pedals at the lowest option... could you clear it up for me?
  4. Will the pro be as durable, with the new sliders? It's the weel I'm more attracted to now but I want to see how it ages in the next months, I might pull the trigger after a few batches...
  5. Now I can go on my MSP just as slow as I was going on my old kingsong ks14d, even in crowded sidewalks. Go for the rs with no worries
  6. I also wish it to be a 16s with suspensions rather then a 16x. Around 1k watt battery 84v would be enough...
  7. Oh that's great! Just turned in the best euc to ever for me 🤣
  8. I love everything of this wheel but one thing: pedals are way too high. Motor is powerful and ht, it's not a stupid extreme speedster, battery is more then enough, design is sick. Those pedals though, really too high... I know that suspension wheels are higher but this seems way higher then s18 and v11.
  9. I think the erected position is an incredible improvement in safety, you have an unmatched visual and awereness on the euc, and you also have freedom to turn around and look for cars coming from behind and such very easly. On the bike I find to have much less awereness, head low and angled sigh, hands stuck in position, can't look around and spot things as fast as on the euc. Yes the bike is more stable and if you miss a pothole you don't fall... though in the city the real danger are the cars, and you control them better on the euc. Scooters give you a false sense of control as you can see one for the first time in life and use it immediately... then when you find yourself in a situation that really requires control, you tragically realize you have none. The euc gives you no false sense of control. Scooters are less stable and nimble, can forgive a distraction in EXTREMELY small road imperfections but nothing more, and if you fall the hands are not ready to protect you. The euc for its nature constantly pushes you to be focused and awere, you can't ride passively and you learn it immediately. The only real con of eucs Is their full reliance on electronics
  10. I could have spend 5 books to buy 2k likes in my comment as well, didn't think they'd be so naive to allow this. I think the guy who won did this and plays dumb, and to be honest... too bad I didn't do it myself at this point 😂
  11. It's not a gift man... it's like a payment for advertising. They get a spotlight because to participate you must like and share, you get a chance to win the prize. If the social sharing rolls right they can get a lot visibility that instead of paying with good money, they pay with the production cost of the wheel. If it goes poorly, that's a loss. Just as for payed advertising. No business activity makes gifts for generosity, and it's obvious and fine.
  12. @Paul A Stop saying nonsense about this topic, there isn't anything generous here, just poor decision making for hype building and advertising (yes probably it wasn't a planned scam, so at least there's that), then fear to lose consensus, then poor decision making again.
  13. The one thing I didn't like the most about v12 was the hs motor, this is great news. Still don't appreciate the design but it's something one gets used to quick enough.
  14. For those wondering, there are people in the contest buying likes from bots, hundreds of like from bot accounts.
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