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    Finland, Salo
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    Lynx, GW MSP (HT), OG Veteran Sherman (Sold)

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  1. Lynx did something very weird today. After charging it would not turn on. Pushing the power button only kept the wheel on while pushing, like sleep mode that I did not enable. Then somehow it started balancing when I tried pushing it upright, without connecting the charger. Now the power button ceased to work altogether. I Could not turn the wheel off, like reverse transport mode. Connecting and disconnecting the charger turned the wheel off. The power button still didn't work after that when the wheel was on. Just when I was about to get my GoPro to document it, it magically fixed itself. Rode 47 km without problems. I Could not reproduce the problem.
  2. bit.ly/eucfi linkistä pitäisi päästä aina suoraan, mikäli haluaa sanoa helpottavasti muistettavan. Johtaa tähän kutsuun: https://discord.com/invite/FARJE2H733
  3. Tässä aina voimassa oleva linkki Discordiin: bit.ly kautta eucfi Tai discord piste gg kautta FARJE2H733
  4. Helposti muistettava linkki löytyy myös muodossa bit.ly/eucfi
  5. From information I received the current batch 50E (50E2/3) is performing much better than what those lygte-info tests show.
  6. Hieno sää ajella: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbAyJtINaTV/ https://euc.world/tour/607774504147272 Kertokaa muuten saatteko katsottua videon tuosta euc.world tourista.
  7. I am sure many of you have seen this video, but did you see this version that shows S18 going up the same climb.
  8. Is it how close? Say if you were to notch it one up and only use 2 screws... Or use something to stop the suspension movement before it hits the apex point... Well, I am sure we are going to see all kinds of rollcages for the reservoir soon enough.
  9. Height adjustment might make it possible to turn the dampener reservoir "inside" the wheel as it increases the space between the suspension arm and the fender. Hopefully somebody tests this before long.
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