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Totally Screwed....need more wheels!


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Thats just ranting here...so go over it with a smile:


I am really totally f%#}ked up....

I have sold my KS18........and my V3 is on the way to the "one wheel garage" aka 1radwerkstatt....and also.a new KS18S is on the way, and as we speak hopefully in the air!

as the V3 makes to much "gnarcing" sounds when changing idle direction or heavy loads came up, i give it to 1rad! I suspect loose axle nuts....but i am not able to screw on the nuts myself as i dont have the right tools for it!

And as the time has come to put a new tire on the V3....i leave this maintenance to people who know what they do: 1radwerkstatt.de!

No, this is no advertising...the main reason for this thread: first time in about 1,5 years and i dont have an EUC by myside :-( :-( 

I have made a mistake...i only had one backup!

Like or as  @Marty Backe, it would have been better for me to have an backup for my backup, also!

But for now it must enough to update my tracking number for the 18S all few minutes :-(....

Guess hard times are coming, as i think it will be at least 7 days till my new wheel is coming or my V3 is back again :-( Pffffffuuuuuhhhh! Thats hard!

Condolences appreciated:-)

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33 minutes ago, KingSong69 said:

Thats just ranting here...so go over it with a smile:


I am really totally f%#}ked up....

I have sold my KS18........and my V3 is on the way to the "one wheel garage" aka 1radwerkstatt....and also.a new KS18S is on the way, and as we speak hopefully in the air!

as the V3 makes to much "gnarcing" sounds when changing idle direction or heavy loads came up, i give it to 1rad! I suspect loose axle nuts....but i am not able to screw on the nuts myself as i dont have the right tools for it!

And as the time has come to put a new tire on the V3....i leave this maintenance to people who know what they do: 1radwerkstatt.de!

No, this is no advertising...the main reason for this thread: first time in about 1,5 years and i dont have an EUC by myside :-( :-( 

I have made a mistake...i only had one backup!

Like or as  @Marty Backe, it would have been better for me to have an backup for my backup, also!

But for now it must enough to update my tracking number for the 18S all few minutes :-(....

Guess hard times are coming, as i think it will be at least 7 days till my new wheel is coming or my V3 is back again :-( Pffffffuuuuuhhhh! Thats hard!

Condolences appreciated:-)

I totally understand. But you let the unforgivable happen - no wheels! How could you? ;)

I was starting to get nervous when I only had my Monster (not a daily rider wheel, for me) and KS14C. Hopefully in the next day or so I'll be back to four solid wheels :D

Congrat's on your new KS18S. I'll be very interesting in hearing/reading/seeing your thoughts on it compared to your V3 and older KingSong's.

You have my formal condolences. Just try not to let this happen again, OK? :D

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1 minute ago, Marty Backe said:

Congrat's on your new KS18S. I'll be very interesting in hearing/reading/seeing your thoughts on it compared to your V3 and older King

Thanx, but its not here yet! (but i have allready seen photos of it in package with the goodies the seller included, spare tire set here, and also of the complete package with specifications and so....)

Sure there will be also a comparsion to the v3s+...as some group riding friends now have them! That will be the "most" interesting part....to see if it can hold up to 84Volts performance!

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