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Wilting in the heat...


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Hey Wheel-nuts !

People in the UK recently have been dealing with a week-long 'heat-wave' in which air temperatures have got to around 33 degrees. I realise that this is trivial compared to what some parts of the world get all the time, but even so, and unprepared as we Brits often are, I thought I'd share my wheelie experiences, and just check whether anyone noticed any dangerous operating temperatures on their Gotway's while trying to ride in it.

In average weather, my MS3 board never gets above 35 degrees (as reported in wheel log) during a 'normal' 7-10 kilometer ride in our normal UK temperature ranges.

On all these hot days I have been waiting until at least 7 pm to go out on my wheel, so that I spare it the heat of the midday sun. Even so, within 10 minutes of starting my rides recently, the board temperature shoots right up to around 47 degrees, and stays mostly there until power-off, except when going up hills, when things get worse quite fast.

Knowing that the reported temps are average, and that uphills and heavy braking cause big temp jumps in motor wires and on the board, I have been getting off mine everytime I see it crest 50. Even though i have one of the older MS3's, before they made all the connector changes, I am finding that this technique has avoided any problems so far, and my wheel continues to be one of the few in existence that have always worked well and have never had a problem in nearly 600 hours of riding since I got it. I should add I am incredibly light (<65kg), which is probably helping.

So how's everyone else's MS3s doing in the recent temps, and do you think I am right to stop and let it cool down when it gets hotter than 50 degrees ? Or should I be turning off earlier, or can I get away with waiting for it to climb a bit more !?

Thanks guys


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I think stopping at 50° is way too overcautious. The alarm is at 79° (I think for both ACM and msuper V3). @Marty Backe has a lot of experience watching his Gotway temps and can tell you details.

You could use a very low temperature (like 50°) as a guarantee that the wires/connectors are not hot enough to melt (otherwise the inside of the shell might be heated up by the wires and you notice), but that's a bit extreme and limits yourself. Rather watch your currents, and don't stay above 22A for more than a few sustained minutes (2 or 3) and you should still be guaranteed to be fine (probably still an overcautious behavior, but less conservative than 50°). You can compare the two approaches and see how big the differences are.

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1 hour ago, Cerbera said:

Hey Wheel-nuts !

People in the UK recently have been dealing with a week-long 'heat-wave' in which air temperatures have got to around 33 degrees. I realise that this is trivial compared to what some parts of the world get all the time, but even so, and unprepared as we Brits often are, I thought I'd share my wheelie experiences, and just check whether anyone noticed any dangerous operating temperatures on their Gotway's while trying to ride in it.

In average weather, my MS3 board never gets above 35 degrees (as reported in wheel log) during a 'normal' 7-10 kilometer ride in our normal UK temperature ranges.

On all these hot days I have been waiting until at least 7 pm to go out on my wheel, so that I spare it the heat of the midday sun. Even so, within 10 minutes of starting my rides recently, the board temperature shoots right up to around 47 degrees, and stays mostly there until power-off, except when going up hills, when things get worse quite fast.

Knowing that the reported temps are average, and that uphills and heavy braking cause big temp jumps in motor wires and on the board, I have been getting off mine everytime I see it crest 50. Even though i have one of the older MS3's, before they made all the connector changes, I am finding that this technique has avoided any problems so far, and my wheel continues to be one of the few in existence that have always worked well and have never had a problem in nearly 600 hours of riding since I got it. I should add I am incredibly light (<65kg), which is probably helping.

So how's everyone else's MS3s doing in the recent temps, and do you think I am right to stop and let it cool down when it gets hotter than 50 degrees ? Or should I be turning off earlier, or can I get away with waiting for it to climb a bit more !?

Thanks guys


I have extensive experience riding the ACM and MSuper in California heat (95 degrees) in the mountains. Most of the time the board temp is in the 50's when I'm riding and there are no problems when the temperatures are in the mid-60's. The Gotway wheels tilt-back at 79 degrees.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about regarding the temperature.

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Just now, Marty Backe said:

I have extensive experience riding the ACM and MSuper in California heat (95 degrees) in the mountains. Most of the time the board temp is in the 50's when I'm riding and there are no problems when the temperatures are in the mid-60's. The Gotway wheels tilt-back at 79 degrees.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about regarding the temperature.

Thank you buddy :) Very reassuring. Guess I was just surprised a little because of the jump up from the regular low 30's readings I normally get...

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