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Incredible: 1.200€ ticket for an hoverboard


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Few days ago in Italy, in the city of Trento, a city person got a 1.200€ ticket for using an hoverboard. These are the links where you can read the news:



I ask the friends of the forum to send an email to the district of Trento asking for more tolerance for every electrical vehicle: hoverboard, EUC, Segway, electric scooter, etc .

I do believe this would be an efficient way to start convincing the authorities of every country to accept and tolerate these new electrical vehicles for personal mobility.

Please, do send the emails in English or whichever language you want to:   comurp@comune.trento.it

Thank you so much for your cooperation and support.

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Wow, that's severe.

Unfortunately, many cities are all about using their residents or travelers as revenue sources, so pushing for reasonable fines may be a lost cause.  In America at least, there are whole towns built on traffic ticket fines.  

Good luck nevertheless.  That level of fine is much too high.

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@Frankman,  but what do we do as Italians, it seems that you are laying the groundwork for a cosca in the forum, but do you know the definition of a mafia? "The popular spirit of hostility to legal restraint and to the law, often manifesting itself in criminal acts"
Ok, mail is not a crime, but the spirit...  ...you just miss the spaghetti recipe for Bolognese, the scores for a mandolin sonata and the commonplace is complete


P.S. Of course, we of the italian forum and all our relatives and friends, all written the mail :roflmao:

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...I don't' know in other countries, but in italy is not easy, if you contexts the cop is worse, the cop don't like being contradicted, it is better context in a second time ...and probably it is the way followed by the victim of the ticket


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I've just returned home from a trip that included 2 weeks cruising from Amsterdam to Budapest (via the Rhine and Danube rivers)... And it occurred to me that it would be ideal with an EUC - charging onboard overnight and exploring different places everyday.

But I wasn't sure of the rules (in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary), so didn't attempt it. I kept an eye out as we wandered around, but only saw one wheel the whole trip (in Vienna).

I'm hoping one day that we will be common enough (and accepted) so that opportunities like this can be realised! 

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I agree with you @The Fat Unicyclist, it is only a matter of time. The EUC is not a passing fad bacause it is a really useful and practical vehicle and is actually the unique real innovation as regard the personal mobility of the last few years, therefore I'm sure that over the time it is going to be very popular. When I go around with it, many people are curious and interested in it and the most common questions are: "how much does it cost?"  and  "is it difficult to ride?", and allways I try to encourage them: "few hundred dollars and some hours, but keep in mind this thing will give you the greatest sense of freedom you have ever felt". :):):)

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