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Gotway Monster 2400WH: Quick & Dirty Impressions


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Quick & dirty impressions of my now 2 week old 2400WH Monster from SpeedyFeet (another great & relatively fast (holiday shipping delays) transaction!):

  • Heavy! The packaged Monster (72.5 lbs) almost bowled me over trying to cart it at my apartment concierge desk. The retail packaging box bottom (not shipping box) can't even sustain the weight, the Monster was busting through the bottom when I lifted by the carry-handles! Actual measured weight of the wheel: 63.2 lbs.
  • Similarly, when idle with one leg stepped off, I can't let the Monster body tip-over too much like I can with any other EUC, otherwise the weight is too much for my pedal leg to counteract. (never even experienced this with my KS-18A mkII 680WH!) I've since learned to straddle the upper body between my thighs to prevent the wheel from falling over.
  • Weight balance is noticeably back-heavy, as I believe both battery packs are situated upright, and towards the back of the wheel. Not sure why they did this.


  • Stock 1.5A charging is faster than my previously low expectations. My Monster, as in the SpeedyFeetUK review, shipped to me with 1/5 bars on the idle taillight LEDs (think that's approx. 20%). I charged the wheel overnight (right away after unboxing), and at about the 12 hour mark, the Gotway iOS app at idle showed 70%, not bad considering! Also, not sure if this is the case for all Gotway OEM chargers, but I was surprised the power was not grounded (laptop-style 2 prong, ala Ninebot & IPS OEM chargers).


  • Wide! I have to bowl my legs to get them flush against the Monster body (my height: 5'8"), another first for me on an EUC (used to it now). @logos122 who rode as well, seemed perfectly fine, possibly on account of having experience with the boxy MSuper2.
  • IMHO, stock Monster pedals are fine; better, in fact, than an MSuper3 pedal swap (bought from SpeedyFeetUK alongside the Monster). Doing this swap yielded no additional comfort (both are about 8 1/8" long; my feet: US 8.5), and actually, they felt less safe, as the MSuper3 pedals are about 1/8" narrower, and while riding, my feet felt a little like they might fall off the sides. 


  • Smooth! The ride on the Monster is super smooth! Seems comparable to the rest of the Gotway line, though the only other Gotway I've ridden was @logos122's MSuper3S+. The 22" x 2.75" tire absorbs most bumps on chewed up NYC streets like they don't even exist!
  • The Monster at 22" (some car tire sizes) feels the most solid and safest I've ridden in NYC street traffic. Where on a 14"-18" I tend to ride a 50/50 mix of sidewalks & street traffic, on this 22", I find myself preferring regular streets (not that you can't ride comfortably amongst pedestrians, which I regularly do as well).  
  • Initial acceleration is slow (obviously due to weight), but top end acceleration is excellent! (don't ask me toppest of top speeds, I am allergic to concussions).
  • Both me and @logos122 felt the Monster's hardness / response was significantly harder than the super-soft MSuper3S+.
  • Maneuvering and turning require much more exaggerated upper body / hip movement / counterbalance. Movements are obviously slower, due to the Monster's weight, but I can maneuver just fine, as with any EUC, just, again, slower.
  • Slower braking obviously necessitates greater anticipation time. It is what it is.
  • Range seems consistent, trail and body weight proportional (my weight: 170 lbs), with what Ian reports in the SpeedyFeetUK video review


  • Typical Gotway no-frills:
    • headlight is weak sauce (just shows others you exist. the V5F+/V8 headlight is at least 3x brighter)
    • battery meter is the dual function rear brake light, ala ACM, impossible to see while riding, *ugh.
    • no trolley solution (actually, I can understand, as the average trolley might succumb to the Monster's weight). rolling the Monster around is similar to rolling my KS-18A around; the handle height is just short enough that I personally have to hunch a bit.


As I have yet to invest in a proper selfie-stick / GoPro rig, here is a vid @logos122 made of the Monster: 


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good report and nice video....

i think the slower acceleration is also, as bigger wheels have less torque than same power rated wheels and that its not just the weight?

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2 minutes ago, KingSong69 said:

good report and nice video....

i think the slower acceleration is also, as bigger wheels have less torque than same power rated wheels and that its not just the weight?

Possibly. I wouldn't be the person to ask though, just figured weight was a big factor, as the 2400WH Monster is a new record for EUC weight.

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