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My Ninebot shut off while riding for 24 hours


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Hi riding ninebot one e+ for 5 months had two crashes my fault. But last week I was riding at night on a flat surface about 1/2 full battery and it shut off. I crashed but only got some cuts thank god. Then 24 hours later it turned on again. I really can not ride it again as I might get really injured in traffic. Has this happened to other people as it seemed strange when I read other posts that were mostly over heating issues or voltage problems. Like most of you I love my one wheel and spent a lot of time learning and riding it.  

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Sorry to hear about your crash! Probably the only way to find out what went wrong is to open is up and see if there is anything that looks bad, like a loose connection. If you're not comfortable with doing that you could try contacting the seller and seeing if they could check it out. 

Are you called DCdude because you live in Washington DC? I'm in Columbia Maryland.

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Did you buy the NB1 new?  It should have at least a 1 year warranty.  Maybe call up your seller to see if they can help you out.  It could be a dying battery as someone else ( @noisycarlos ) had their NB1 shut off unexpectedly.  It ended up to be some dying cells in the battery pack.  How are you charging yours up?  Do you let the charger turn green and leave it charging for some extra time to allow a 100% balance charge cycle every 20 or so charges?

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