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EUC Filming Techniques - Robotic Camera Dolly

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I have been trying to think of ways to improve my EUC trick videos, other than learn some better tricks. One of the biggest problems with my attempts is that the majority of the sequences are static, as if they are filmed using a CCTV camera. I don't really know anyone who would be prepared to join me down the skatepark at 6am on a Saturday morning which in London is the best time to film (I.e. before the scooters arrive). So as I'm obsessed with everything robotic I thought I'd have a go at experimenting with a robotic camera dolly. I stripped back one of my tracked rovers (removing an arm and various sensors) and mounted my GoPro on the top. The rover has an on board Raspberry Pi and a sabre tooth motor controller - I can precisely control the speed from my phone via a web interface. The rover has ultrasonic sensors attached which stops it bumping in to anything.

I am pleased with the initial footage, although I need to do something to reduce the vibration of the platform, although I can remove the vibration during processing using virtual dub and the excellent deshaker filter. The rover is far too noisy.

Below are some examples which I have just posted on to Vine, which allows 6 second film loops to be uploaded. In lieu of any local EUC riders, Vine could be an interesting way of participating in a game of "WHEEL" (which would be the EUC equivalent of a game of "SKATE") :)


180 Unispin Shovit

Onef Footed Spin:

It would be great to hear/see what techniques/equiptment other riders have used to make their films.





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Nice tweak! To  remove or at least minimize the camera vibrations you'd need to use the rubber ball mounts like in RC plane or multirotor ("drone") models. For the sound I'd either wear separate mic (or whole audio recording device) or set static space mics around / on the side of the skate area.

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@Jonathan Tolhurst OMG that is a brilliant piece of equipment! Engineer by trade or just a hobby? Your EUC skill level is superb!

I considered purchasing a Soloshot for family outings and recording my far less than comparable ECU skills. Does converting my NB shells to orange increase skill level??

Again, awesome work!

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@HEC & @Rehab1 - Many thanks for the comments. I have reduced the camera vibration by moving the camera to a separate dolly (which has damping) and use the rover as a "tractor". I have also updated the interface to make it easier to program movements. I will use then rig in future videos. Robots are just (another) hobby. I did have a look at the Soloshot a whilst a go but after looking at some reviews I wasn't entirely convinced, although it's a really cool concept.


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